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Everything posted by kbaylife

  1. Got that one and love it. needs more chick support too want in?
  2. what about a settlement 'station' that'd only stack some caps in the workbench from time to time like shops do. But without making the settler a Vendor. Maybe even giving her a dance animation. Or a heart shaped bed where they lie on while 'working'. it bothers me that i have settlements full of skimpy clothed girls, and all they do all day is yardwork or working at some scaver station. not giving them a job would be wasting their productivity tho. I can't be the only one who'd love to build a working brothel in one of the locations. Give those girls rooms, let them do their business, collect your share in the workbench. easy as that.
  3. anyone interested in german accent? from little accent to full hitler should be possible. maybe i'm gonna do a full profile for this thread later just checking for now.
  4. +1 need this. especially for spectacle island
  5. so you're speaking about a mod that resets the games quests in total (except maybe a few settlement related ones for the minuteman or stuff) and makes all quests leveled so you don't have to rerun some lowleveled s#*! (dunno if there is something as a not-leveled quest tho) sounds like i want it too.
  6. Bump. I can't be the only one bothered by this, and i believe it's doable (after i've seen what some great people already achieved without the geck) I would be so gratefull for this. :)
  7. maybe even just some boobs. all is better than that rotating item with ugly background s#*! after 5 hours of gameplay
  8. I've got a few minutes to browse.... sounds neato, was hoping you could pacify raiders and have them run the gulag you build at abernathy where poor slaves farm those vegetable starch mats the minute i heard about the pacify mechanic
  9. also can you do the bottlecap thing? :D would be great :D
  10. my next playthrough is gonna be raider lord :D think it would hurt my reputation to wear a duck-jacket :D
  11. :D or one with the hat of donald. always loved that one. :)
  12. nice :D can you make one with scrooge mc duck? :D
  13. and as soon as we get the geck we need a huge indoor cell with disabled shadows and stuff for a scrooge mc duck vault.
  14. you're right about that tho. but i think mc ducky vaults aren't quite the right thing to do to my gpu. i thought about storing em in 10ks in safes. so i maybe could use the console to despawn 10k of my caps out of my inventory, and use it then to place 10k into a safe. but it would be waaaay more convenient if someone made it able to see em in your own inventory as you see em in the workbench.
  15. then i've got the amount on myself. but i want to drop off the bottlecaps i'm carrying into a container. or give it to a companion or settler. or do whatever I can do with any other item i loot. i have no issues getting caps. i have issuses losing them other than trading and scripted events. /edit: to clarify this: i don't want to spawn new caps. i want to have the bottlecap-item visible in my misc-items section so i can drop iti. it is visible as an item in the workbench after shops bring em in but as soon as you loot em they disapper into the caps-counter on the pipboy, but don't appear in the misc section of the inv.
  16. I have found no way so far to drop bottlecaps into the world or even into containers. But why. It was possible in vanilla FO3+NV. Why not in 4 Bethesda? I want to drop off my riches into the friggin fort knox i build at starlight drive. i want to store my stash at home before i become a pillar of the comunity. nude. i want so trow some at the hoes in my red rocket brothel. but i can't. it has to be possible somehow, anyone else interested in this?
  17. agree sounds nice. i pretty much play as a builder so i'm for this. would've to see this downloading in my nmm
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