Anyone know if its possible to trigger a spell cast off of a melee weapon power attack? or any weapon attack if necessary. I've been poking around in the creation kit, first time ever, trying to add a magic effect to the Dawnbreaker. I found that you can't apply a magic effect like FireDamageFFAimed to an Enchantment effect on a contact weapon. And I didn't see a way to apply a second enchantment to a weapon (Was thinking I might be able to just throw StaffEnchFireball on it :P). Then I checked out scripting. But I don't see any events in the creation kit wiki that say they occur on a weapon swing or power attack. However in the gameplay menu under Animations, if you check "Actors\Character\Behaviors\0_Master.hkx" there is an ActionRightPowerAttack tree. The PowerAttack > PowerAttackStanding has an "Anim Event" called AttackPowerStartInPlace. Is it possible to check for that event? There is an OnAnimationEvent, and RegisterForAnimationEvent but the wording in the wiki makes it seem like I'm misunderstanding its purpose. So yea, I'll keep experimenting, but I'm hoping someone can save me a lot of time.