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About MrMoney898

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  1. Hello all! In the past, we played on a server where we all went sehr Deutsche and it was a wildly fun time blasting Volksmusik in discord while we all chopped trees in our little mountain side farming community. That said, I would love to see a mod on Nexus utilizing the "Half-Timber" or "European Plaster" style for building pieces in Valheim. Using resin, stone, and wood for a beautiful styling with high arched roofs and stone basements would be a dream come true. A dream list of pieces would be... Wall, Half-Wall, Arch, Roofing, Pillars, Windows (Crystal + Wood), Decorated half-walls (Accenting to break up visual profile) I'll put some reference images below for the style that I enjoyed in hopes it sparks a similar enjoyment. https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-iwssSKvAJTc/Wk34avCpBnI/AAAAAAAAA6U/VXZieln2jlABm_Abv_0rVP0GFsOiIjiMgCLcBGAs/s1600/Dettaglio%2BPalmsches%2BHaus.jpg https://www.outlookindia.com/outlooktraveller/public/uploads/filemanager/images/shutterstock_1361961581.jpg https://www.germany.travel/media/redaktion/content/natur_aktiv_content/ferienstrassen/artikel_ferienstrassen/istock-580096854.jpg https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/e1yF3MQMMcfCWch_JayBfwb2XR5e1NiXgaiMHwl6cbot5csK1cNgMLpokvf7t4Jgw9ICI6AdevUmYeYUCv9Lw-GC9eVOLpbCEiJYBSF1BkTu-yW9GqirrG6tVPV5FL26WhkAX3H2CphOeQ=w1200-h630-p-k-no-nu
  2. As the title says, In SE there are currently no mods that I could find that add silver arrows (with the relevant bonus to undead). In Oldrim, there are a number of mods that add it in varying levels of quality. Does anyone have a link to an SE version? Otherwise, if someone would be willing to take up the cause that would be appreciated.
  3. You are godsend, thank you! Honestly can't say how please I am at it's existence, implementation, and the quickness and succinct nature of your response.
  4. Hello all! First off, wanted to preface this before I get a "game balance" accusation, I can't say I'm really looking for a balanced version, mostly due to the limitations of extra scripting to accomplish anything. Regardless, I've recently had a playthrough going where I play a restoration focused mage where I try not to be a normal video game psychopath (IE looting bodies, trapping souls, killing people when they beg for mercy, being generally inhumane) and it dawned on me how truly awful the practice of soul trapping is. Condoning the permanent damning of someone to a hellish realm for the rest of time is really majorly messed up. TL:DR: Is there, or can someone make, a mod that removes the need to use soul gems to enchant / recharge items, and do so using one's on Magika?
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