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About ACSputnik

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    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, World Of Tanks, League of Legends, Panzer Corps
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    Panzer Corps (and the old Win95 version; Panzer General)

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  1. Ah that's what I couldn't understand! But would StrikeCurrent = -1 work the same way? Also this part was from the original MineOreScript not the modded one here. And I'm not sure if the detection is really flawed since it would make sense that the animation would look kind of funny if you just tap the rock and boom you get ore As for the OP: I guess setting the StrikesBeforeCollection to 167 will get you your wanted total of 500 (501 actually).
  2. Ditto for the xmarker if you have a lot of actors to swap out or if you need one to fade out and one to fade in (just set one to be opposite of parent enable state). I use this in my quest to replace captives in cage with the kidnappers. A little justice I think ;)
  3. Try modifying these values in the mining script: int property StrikesBeforeCollection = 1 Auto int property AttackStrikesBeforeCollection = 1 Auto Also can someone explain this part to me? Having a hard time understanding the scripting logic int property StrikesCurrent = -1 Auto hidden Why the - in StrikesCurrent = -1? also seen the reverse further in the script "- = 1"
  4. 1) Add the NPCs to the world and change them to Initially Disabled 2) Add the NPCs to the Quest Aliases tab of your quest. Give the reference a name (For example Ulfric) and point it to the actor in the Render Window. 3) In the quest fragments of the stage you want them to appear you need to add in Alias_Ulfric.GetReference().Enable() This will make the NPC begin to exist in the world during that quest stage. You can also insert this line in the last stage of the quest to turn the NPCs off again. Alias_Ulfric.GetReference().Disable() For more in depth explanations on Aliases and Quest fragments check out these links Aliases Quest Objectives and Fragments
  5. I would try to look at the scripting and advanced scripting tutorials. What you'll be looking to learn, aside from the basics as these are fundamental, is how to get the enchantment of an item, destroy the item, then add a special soul gem with that enchantment, on use of the soul gem (perhaps at a special crafting table or enchanter NPC) and your chosen robe (or any armor) add the enchantment to that armor.
  6. Check the Crimes part of the ChickenFaction you should be able to edit the value of each crime (trespassing, assault, murder, etc). I used 1,000 for all of them, except trespassing, for my custom faction so that any and all crimes are are automatically passing the threshold of attack-on-sight, and trespassing gets you arrested and thrown in a dungeon (castle dungeon not random wilderness dungeon)..... ...But that does give me an idea...If you get caught by city guards you are then stripped of all of your belongings aside from some rags and an iron knife and have to make it back to that city to get your stuff. Fast travel is disabled as well.
  7. Oh I hear that! I've spent approximately 230 hours (according to steam) on this first chapter alone, been working on this since the CK came out. I'm a one man team, aside from my voice lending friends (who don't even play Skyrim lol). I wish there was a way to get a good team going but getting reliable people online is hard, and finding ones that share the same vision as you for the quest is even harder. But when you do get a team together you get priceless gems like Counter-strike, Day of Defeat, the entire MOBA genre.
  8. I am currently putting the finishing touches on the first chapter of my quest mod. It will be an epic tale of survival, exploration, discovery, betrayal, and ultimately resolution. I have voice acting set up and all done thanks to a couple of friends and voice changing software to make a LOT of different voices from just 3 people. I'm just working out the minor kinks discovered during beta testing (and things broken by fixing those kinks LOL!) But I agree with you, I'd love to see some more quests. Skyrim comes with TONS of quests but they do run out eventually and most modders are focusing on a) texture replacements b) core system rebalance. These are the things modders usually do, questing has always taken a backseat unless the modding tools are centered around questing (like the Aurora Toolset for NWN)
  9. Update: Checked that the custom faction is allied with playerfaction and playerfaction is allied with the custom faction. I have moved the npcs to the next cell over and they function properly. This is very strange. I tried to set the exterior cell's location data to PlayerFaction owned but no joy. I did notice that if I place the player into the custom faction they no longer tell him to get out, but that would break parts of the quest unfortunately. I'm going to try and remove the map marker next. Other than that I'm totally out of ideas. SOLVED
  10. SOLVED: Figured it out!!!! I had to use TESVSnip to fix the exterior cell data, it had its ownership set to my custom faction. I have no idea how that got set as I don't see any option to change the ownership, even removed all of the markers from that cell and it was still owned by them. Clearing the ownership fixed the interior cells automatically as they were set as the children of the main cell (could have also just changed their parent location to the Hold's location) The issue with the NPCs attacking each other or me (even though they are in the same faction and are allied to me) was the result of them not properly getting their faction membership attached. A simple script on each of them that applies the faction membership and rank helps catch this small bug, and it is a bug as this happens to random members. I made 10 duplicates for testing and loading the game would sometimes get 1 or 2 soldiers to bug out, other times none. It was very difficult to troubleshoot until I checked their faction membership in-game. Hope this helps someone.
  11. hmm. I'm wondering if its just your machine configuration thats showing the lights as going out. Have you tried having someone else load the mod and check out the light?
  12. Try adding states to your script to either a) prevent it from playing again before it is finished or b) going to the ending portion of the script on recast and going back to the start. Maybe something like this to prevent recasting Auto State AtRest Event OnSpellCast(Form akSpell) GoToState("Busy") ;;your script here GoToState("AtRest") EndEvent EndState State Busy Event OnSpellCast(Form akSpell) debug.trace("already running") ;;basically does nothing EndEvent EndState You can also use your portion of the script that cancels the effect in the busy state so that on recast the spell effect is canceled. Play around with it and read up on states on the wiki.
  13. Made a bit of progress on this, I'm able to use the console to make my character perform the mining action SendAnimationEvent idlePickaxeEnter (or just SAE ) but papyrus won't allow SAE or even SendAnimationEvent. Also once I use SAE on myself or another Actor I am unable to stop them, even using SAE idleStop_loose. the search continues. Perhaps someone knows something or can look into this?
  14. You would need to add your weapon to the packages or outfits that each bandit uses. For instance the male nord 2-handed bandit would need to have his base id's inventory changed in the ck to use your 2 gander instead of his. This way whenever the game makes a random bandit and it turns out to be a male more 2 handed bandit your weapon will be used. But not a male redguard bandit so you need to edit each one. But I'm sure some expert scripter can write a script to apply to all bandits upon creation.
  15. Trying to get an animation to play when a player activates the object, in this case a wall in the mine and I'd like it to play the mining animation. Here is a snippet of what I have Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) Game.GetPlayer() Player.PlayAnimation("AnimObjectPickAxeWall") utility.wait(2.0) Debug.Messagebox("You have broken through to the other side of the cave!") endEvent This works for the 2nd part, the message box pops up with the text and thats it but the animation doesn't get played. I tried removing the wait and the message box pops up instantly but still no animation. Anyone know whats wrong with the syntax or perhaps the wrong animation?
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