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Posts posted by TheSandwichMan

  1. I'm going to give a kind of general update. I am think about each of your requests, it's just me getting the combination of a good idea, time, and energy. But, I did just finish a basic quest map for a Black Marsh project. You can find it here http://i.imgur.com/F61hxq7.png, it's fairly big so I would recommend downloading it to read as the site runs slowly due to the size. Thanks for your time, and any feedback you can give me will be good feedback.

  2. Hello Nexus, I'm TheSandwichMan, but you all can call me Ryan. I am an aspiring game designer and I've always loved Bethesda games and their subsequent modding communities. Working on any mod would be would be an honor for me, but I feel that with Skyrim's finely detailed quest mods I could actually be of real use on a story based mod. While I understand this isn't highly sought out work, I just want to work for experience (and of course it'd be a hell of a lot fun for me). So if you need any kind of writing for your mod, give me a request. I'm not picky about work and if you don't like my work, no harm. Finally, even if you don't personal need me, if you know of any mods looking for help with writing please send a link to them.


    Thank you for time!

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