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About kingcole32

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  1. Thanks again for the help and quick reply! Managed to get it working. I think it was definitely a file name or something, somewhere, but I couldn't tell you where. I ended up deleting my modified files and starting again. Noticed that his texture and material file were named with "raideS" instead of "raideR", so they wouldn't conflict with the native ones. Just set the nif and everything was fine.
  2. I'm certainly not an expert, but I believe changing an NPC's name in the CK should be relatively simple to do yourself (assuming the new CK is similar to what I've seen for the FO4), not to mention more meaningful. You could even go a step further and make a new follower or edit a standard follower to use a custom face without too much trouble, I imagine. Though this is one you'll probably have to do yourself, I'm sure people would be willing to answer questions about how to go about it.
  3. So, I finally got around to reading up on some of the tools so I could try to make this work. I realized that I'd also need to make a new material instance, though, since the file includes a material and texture, as well. I made a new ArmorAddon entry to separate out the raider and gunner instances and make the raider instance reference the new nif, changed the references in the model nif ("Raider04FShort.nift") to reference a renamed material file ("Raider04FShort.bgsm"), and changed the material file to reference the texture that I also renamed ("Raider04FShort_d.dds", I believe). What I see in game is the model, but with the material not showing properly. The actual harness mesh is purple. It shows up fine in nifskope, and if I turn the material into a material swap in the CK, it shows up fine on the normal harness mesh, so I feel like I must have missed a reference in the mesh file. I don't know where it could be missing, though, since I thought I replace all the entries. I'll look at this again the next time I have time, but figured I'd see if anyone might have some idea of a detail I might've overlooked when setting everything up.
  4. Following up on what Athanasa said, you might consider checking out the CROSS cybernetics mod. I haven't personally used it yet, but, from what I understand, it might be close to what you're looking for. Otherwise, I don't remember the name offhand, but I believe there's also an armor mod that allows you to make a high-tech suit that can make use of temporary boosts and enhancements.
  5. Paired animations are indeed difficult, but that's what makes it good animation practice. I'm also aware of the mod mentioned that allows finishers on other human-sized biped characters. I'd imagined trying to make some alternates for the early gen Synths, since a lot of the stabbing animations target areas that would likely not be fatal. For example, things like changing the frontal throat cut to instead be knocking their weapon hand away followed by driving the blade under the chin area and through what I imagine is probably a processor. Ideally, this would help get an idea of what a project like this would require. After, some additionas for mutants would be a good place to move on to. Some more examples- a running "superman" punch-to-flash-knockout as an unarmed finisher, or jumping on their back with a knife and plunging it in through the temple as they struggle. From mutants, maybe molerats. After molerats, maybe work on mirelurks, etc. This is just what I'd been thinking, so mileage may vary.
  6. Though it looks like you two have a dialogue going about an idea, I thought I might chime in with something I was thinking about possibly trying in order to get into modding a bit and practice animating some: adding finishers for enemies besides humans. Though it's something I'd maybe like to do, I certainly wouldn't mind someone else taking a stab. The biggest hitch is that I believe some changes would have to be made to allow finishers on more enemies, but I'm not experienced enough to know the details.
  7. Thanks much! I admittedly have to see about how exactly to go about that, but it seems straightforward, at least. I'll give it a shot.
  8. Incredibly simple question, I'm sure, but I'm not at all familiar with modding in FO4, so please bear with me. I got a harness replacer from Calyps' awesome harness mod here. When I applied it via NMM, however, I noticed that it also replaced the gunner harness, which I don't want. Looking in the references via FO4Edit, they unsurprisingly use the same model, it seems. If I wanted to replace only the raider harness, would it be as simple as changing the model to reference something like "harnessShorts" instead of "harnessGO" (I also don't understand the importance of "GO" in the name), and changing the replacer's name to match?
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