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About CatarasVrah

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  1. Was just playing the early part of the game with a new toon when I noticed something during the chase with V and Takemura. When you are propped up after the crash you can see some bruising on V, especially around the ankles. Is this a texture skin that could be enabled? Not sure if there's more to it but might be cool for photomode after a big fight. Just a thought.
  2. No idea how to do that either but sounds like a preem idea. :-)
  3. Well, there's this. https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/6903
  4. The Autoloot mod is kinda handy for this. I'll just be walking around and hit the button once in a while and pick up all kinds of stuff. https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/5202
  5. I know that someone modeled one but it was never put in by a modder. Not sure if it was lack of interest or simply not possible I don't know. Would love one myself especially if they had the iconic sound. Here's the assets https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/2019 And here's a mod inspired by it for Johnny's pistol. https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/3616?tab=description
  6. You mean in Photomode? There is already a Look at Camera option under the Pose tab. If you have AMM ( https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/790 ) then you can adjust whether V's whole body, just head or just eyes turn to the camera. Hope that helps some.
  7. A car mod that looks like Bonaparte?! Cool. Also, to the OP, I think Poseidon Norinco made the 'Gong' but am not 100% sure. Still cool idea though. :smile:
  8. Hi all! Is there a mod or CET command that can remove the timer on some of your responses or at least slow them down? I get that you're not supposed to dwell on the answer but I can't read all the options quick enough. Makes it a but frustrating. Also, if you pick a blue answer on a timer, does the timer reset when you come back to the options? Never mind. Yes it does. Thanks for any and all help, chooms!
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