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Everything posted by immagikman

  1. s#*!, if you are going to post stuff on Nexus you should automatically be giving rights for others on the sight to use them, as long as they give credit where its due. Thanks for the answer though.
  2. can't the people making PRESET MODS NOT just include all the required files in one easy to install mod package? Ive had to just give up on presets because they just don't work without hours and hours or days of work. Id really like to know and get a point to a simple guide in doing it all at once. :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
  3. No that didn't occur to me, the message came from Vortex so I assumed its a Vortex thing. Does anyone here Mod Baldur's Gate 3?
  4. I can't be the only one But I was trying to Mod Baldur's Gate 3 and vortex gave me this Info: Basically Vortex tells you that BG3 requires LSLib to be modded and give you a link to download it from, but there does not see to be any info on what to do with it. Sadly there is No information on what to do with the downloaded files from the link So here I have a folder with LSLIb files and no idea what to do with it...anyone know? I appreciate any help. One would think there would be a READ ME in the download or in the Vortex message.
  5. In my experience you can pretty much make any build work....the game increases those things you do most...and you do the thing that you need the most often thus...everything you need to do gets boosted... You wont be able to do everything via archery, at least not well...so you will naturally develop secondary skill...but my first build was an archer/mage that didnt look too terribly different than your beuild when I started.
  6. I voted for the middle option for the simple fact that Steam is NOT always available and I may not always have a connection to the internet. Some people are more mobile than others and end up in some pretty isolated/remote places. Also if the Zombie Apocolypse occurs I still want my computer gaming fix :)
  7. I found this place and immediately knew I had to jump, I hit the rocks the first time and reloaded, the second try I hit the water and then almost missed the ghostly bard. :D it was a fun little easter egg, I didnt even think to look here when I first found it...but should have known I wouldnt have been the only one to take the leap :biggrin:
  8. Short answer. Steal everything Smith everything Enchant Everything Get your talking up to 100 so you can take the perk to give every merchant an extra 1000gold. Or console yourself the gold upfront and save the running around. :tongue:
  9. That resourcefulness is what made them such fierce warriors too, the harsh northern climes didn't allow for soft, pampered civilizations. I love the culture and the art, but as you said the weaponry was simplistic almost crude...but very very effective :) In the renaissance now you started to see more what I consider "Beautiful" weapons as metallurgy became more refined and artisan craftmanship became more common. But Im not saying your wrong or anything, its just different people with different values.
  10. Im not a fan at all of the Anime trend of ridiculously giganticly oversized blades, but if you have some links to pictures of actual service weapons that qualify as beautiful please share them because the ones Ive seen are pretty ugly things. Now the Ceremonial Blades and weapons are a different story but those are ceremonial and not meant for war.
  11. Don't need to, I have several historical replicas on my walls and have used many in reennactment. They are beautiful, deadly, martial tools, where as these fantasy versions look like chrome covered paddles. Lol I know what a gladius is, and that thing looks about 20 lbs heavier than any 3-4 lb gladius I have ever seen, and far from a correctly shaped pommel or blade. The pommel looks just fine, the blade is obviously too heavy for a normal human to use effectively in any kind of drawn out combat. You might get a swing or two before that weight just wore you out. As long as the grip had the proper feel...and was not slick it could be used briefly...now lengthen the grip area just a bit so that you could use it as a hand and a half type weapon and then you might have something. (umm its not a gladius agreed)
  12. I have several functional blades from the wars and I still prefer the fantasy versions :) Not chromed but then the image we saw wasn't chromed either. But in truth the weapons from the 12th to the 17th century were ... not so pretty. functional yes but I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder too so guess we just have different eyes ;)
  13. Umm go to a museum and look at what swords REALLY looked like...I prefer the fantasy idealistic versions more than the realistic visions... (directed at Fatal's comment)
  14. Now I have to try and find a way to do a speed run :)
  15. But I can still run and jump across the landscape if I want to right.... :tongue: And skipping, I want to be able to skip :dance:
  16. Hey I resemble that spaz...at least in Oblivion, but at least it makes sense, you build stamina by working out, Jumping and running are the best ways to do it...even if you look like a spaz :)
  17. So everyone's Character will have to be Aerobics nuts :P
  18. :biggrin: I lookedat the videos, I cant really see any difference between 30 and 60 but can see the diff between 15 and 30fps :)
  19. I upgraded my system last Christmas, Im set for about 5 years I think Intel 980X cpu Clocked at 4.0GHZ water cooled super cooled to -16 degrees Is stable at 4.9GHz but really heats up the office when cranked up. Dual GTX580 in SLi water cooled 12GB RAM C: = 160GB Intel SSD Boot Drive E: = 600GB WD Raptor Game drive F: $ G: = 2TB Mass storage for total of 4TB Asus Rampage III Extreme MoBo Windows 7 Ultimate So Skyrim here I come and pretty much any other game I fancy as well. That being said, Vist isnt bad at all once you have it patched up to date....here was no real reason to upgrade my old system to Win 7 from Vista the only reason I have Win 7 is I got a new computer so...
  20. Never Winter Nights had Friendship quests long before Fable 2 was a dream. Baldurs Gate (the original) had romances....nothing Fable invented in those things.
  21. Who does Todd review for? Which Magazine or web site? Anyone who believes "reviewers" are bought and paid for doesnt know business. all it takes is one lie and no one ever believes you again. What I see most often is a reviewer, reviews one build/version and another is released then a bunch of whiny internet types accuse the reviewer of being bought or having lied. Reviews of early builds are not reviews, and almost any review that happens before product release is NOT a review...it is a PREVIEW which is completely different. There can not be any actual REVIEWS of Skyrim yet as it is not yet available, anything that is available is not necessarily the same exact product that will ship...though at this stage its probably pretty darn close if not exact. Blanket statements cause problems and confusing review with preview is another issue. So umm who is Todd? :) Also remember reviews are OPINIONs and you know we all have different opinions.
  22. First off, Blanket Statements such as "Reviews are usually paid off" are not true at all and at best only true in a few cases, because any source that actually gets caught being paid off is then completely ignored by the public. As for being buggy.... that depends a lot on the platform, and individual....DA2 for example is after installed and updated was not buggy for me at all.
  23. Lets see, Skyrim, Mass Effect 3 of course and Diablo 3 are the major titles Im holding my breath for :) Skyrim will keep me busy till ME3 and ME3 will dominante until Diablo 3 comes out...which I may not like in the end...
  24. Near as I can tell Achievements are just another way for those who like to wave their E-Peen around :)
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