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About Intanjible

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  1. I don't know jack about s#*! when it comes to this sort of thing, but can the values not be modified in Notepad++?
  2. The only tutorial I found was on YouTube, and it just showed how to change the glow color of the Anti-Ock suit. Don't get me wrong, it's a step in the right direction, and most of the method seemed simple enough, but then he got to changing the hex stuff in HxD and according to his replies in the comment section, apparently it's different for every aspect of every model. Like for f*#@s sake, I just want to change the colors of outfits in the game without having to beg somebody to do it and then having to wait until they feel like it.
  3. The site has a pretty comprehensive search function if you take a moment to utilize it.
  4. There's like one tutorial on how to change suit colors that I found, and it only focuses on one particular aspect of one particular suit, which isn't even applicable to any other suit thanks to hex editing. I'd like to be able to modify suit colors and I'm pretty sure others would as well. I see a lot of mods getting made, which is awesome, but instead of making numerous requests for mod ideas I have, I'd like to be able to do it on my own, and it feels like a whole lot of people know more than enough to provide a step by step process, but for some reason, it's like some closely guarded secret.
  5. I thought I saw one without the bag, but the Peter underneath had like no hair (just a brown zone where hair would normally be) and no eyeballs. I'm still looking for it. If I find it I'll edit/reply to this comment. Edit: Here you go, enjoy the terror. https://www.nexusmods.com/marvelsspidermanremastered/mods/544
  6. Best bet might be to just hope for a game save that has that/those missions completed, but I hear you on the pigeon nonsense. Like what kind of overpowered pigeons are able to not just be snuck up on and webbed without the stupid chase nonsense?
  7. Do they each replace an aspect of the same suit in a way that won't make them conflict with one another?
  8. That or maybe some kind of overcoat, preferably recolored to match the rest of the suit itself. The labcoat came to mind because it's already in the game and should hopefully be fairly accessible.
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