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About Dedprice

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Apprentice (3/14)



  1. okay, thank you guys for your help, happy new years. ill try this and if it tdoesnt work i just wont use the mod
  2. My mods have the same pathing i believe D:> Steam Library > common > Skyrim Special Edition > Data For NMM and where its installed D:> Games > Nexus Mod Manager > Skyrim SE > Mods here i can see Badass Traveler is downloaded
  3. the mod author had me and another person have the same problem and said he doesnt know what the problem is, because all the files are under 248 characters. This has made me believe it is a file pathing problem and not a file name problem.
  4. no no, im using nexus mod manager, the error occurs when i go for installation, when i open Nexus Mod Manager, (which is what NMM means to me) i see the menu of all the mods ive downloaded. Im using the latest Nexus Mod Manager update to my knowledge, which is version: 0.83.4 i receive the error when installing, not downloading. i can get the mod to download but not install. i apologize if im being rude.
  5. This sentence makes no sense. NMM is a mod manager. Vortex is a mod manager. i googled nexus mod manager and it took me to vortex. dont know why.. dont care... any way. i use NMM so can we please move on to how im supposed to fix this? i could really care less for everything else UNLESS it involves fixing the mod again revisiting other online forums with similar problems, some say its as simple as removing all the extra numbers at the end of the name. ive done that and mod still has same error. if this means its the pathing can someone please explain how to change the pathing thoroughly. im not tech savvy.
  6. This sentence makes no sense. NMM is a mod manager. Vortex is a mod manager. i googled nexus mod manager and it took me to vortex. dont know why.. dont care... any way. i use NMM so can we please move on to how im supposed to fix this? i could really care less for everything else UNLESS it involves fixing the mod
  7. so when f*#@ing around because im impatient i did find that the file pathing and locations modder has, adds 2 extra folders my typical folders for other animations that do the exact same thing such as vanguard animations, zweihander, etc, dont use. these folders are titled. Dynamic Animation Replacer and _CustomConditions but im too new at this to know what to actually do or how to fix anything. Again, not sure how to edit the pathing or rename these files as ive never needed to before. any step by step or help on how to do so would be greatly appreciated.
  8. i guess im pretty new to this but i simply have NMM installed (latest version) to desktop as i downloaded it straight off vortex. ive never had this problem with any other mods and dont download mods manually or individually. so this happening is a first. not even sure how to adjust the file name without manual download now
  9. not a modder, but if you attempt to download this mod, it will instantly cancel itself and tell you "The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified name must be less than 260 characters and the directory name must be less than 248 characters. The mod was not installed." wondering if any modders have a solution. tried NMM and Manual download and extracting it to 7 zip, neither work. Edit: Link to NMM download https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/57744?tab=posts
  10. every one handed mod i see is way too over the top, or for females, or takes attacks and gives me a 20 hit combo from tekken (im fine with the vanilla swings. i just want idle change) im just trying to have my male orc character hold his sword in a more confident, and relaxed grip. The closest i found was Pretty Combat Animations but after installation it turns it its super fem. PC stands like valkrye from soul calibur. i know being too specific is a problem but it seems all content is almost generally the same :I so tf is someone to do with they want something different? for image comparison i think standing like this describes what im looking for: https://imgur.com/2MNrufM https://imgur.com/hr7zvej https://imgur.com/2MNrufM
  11. Heyo, ill try to make this quick. I've been searching for amour mods for an orc male (looking for male armor alone cuts out 75% of armor mods... glaring at the bikini and female only mods) and found a set of armor called Black Knight. I'm not sure who made the mod as i found the original download on a Japanese page, which lead to a Russian page, but the file itself was English (tf happened) I can download and install it to NMM and in game it even shows it in the item menu, fully fleshed out and textured. However when i go to equip it my character turns into a big red exclamation point. after a while of googling i was told it was an oldrim file. there is now SSE that i could find. I tried throwing it into Creation Kit and saving it but when i go in game the armor is then invisible despite having a name and being equipped. when being worn my character also goes invisible except for the ring and weapon he has on. I'm really no genius or even moderately good at all this mod stuff. if it doesn't work in NMM for SSE I don't use it. but this armor is the only one i can find that suits my play through and character, so i beg someone helps me. this is a link of the amour showcase: this is where i found the file for the armor itself: https://modgames.net/load/tes_v_skyrim/bronja/black_knight_set/249-1-0-15083 lastly i found it here as well but it was talking about authorization: https://web.archive.org/web/20170621050436/http://modgames.net/load/tes_v_skyrim/bronja/black_knight_set/249-1-0-15083 if there is no way to get this running in 2021 for SSE ill take recommendations for armor similar
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