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Everything posted by octodecoy

  1. I'm not sure if there is a better guide, but check out INI Setting Switcher: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/38002 It uses "textinput", "textinputInt", and "textinputFloat" combined with ModSettings. The wiki pages for TextInput/Positioner types aren't filled in so the above is a good mod to see at least TextInput working. Not sure if it can also be used with PropertyValueString/Int/Float.
  2. It won't matter what your script extends (quest, referencealias, objectreference, etc) - entering and exiting power armor causes animation graphs to be "unloaded" or "reset", whatever you want to call it, which causes any script registered animations to be un-registered.
  3. You can also use OnSit, or OnAnimationEventUnregistered: OnSit: Edit: Would need to use OnGetUp in the same way to re-register after exiting power armor as well I think. OnAnimationEventUnregistered:
  4. As far as I know, there is no papyrus solution for opening the Pipboy, at all. I can close the Pipboy with papyrus (only with F4SE papyrus functions), but not open.
  5. I did try the sound descriptor route using my own sound category and output model, with my audio effect chain on the output model, but the effect chain would not apply at all for some reason, menu or not.
  6. Is there any way to have the player say something through script while in Pipboy menu or pause menu? Seems as though there isn't, but would like to make sure. The reason I want to is for testing Audio Effect Chains.
  7. You could use a single magic effect on an ability with condition GetCurrentWeatherPercent < 1.0 to make a sort of pseudo event for when the weather is changing. Maybe also condition it to see if player is in your custom worldspace and is outdoors. Then you can do whatever checking you need in script. If the magic effect is constant OnEffectFinish would happen when the weather is fully transitioned in, or you could use OnEffectStart and check with script what weather is currently transitioning in. I haven't actually done this extensively, only a little bit in the past to see if it would work.....so I'm unsure if there are any huge flaws with it that I'm not thinking of.
  8. That idle does have conditions to be met to play (both legs crippled for instance). Instead of playing an idle would it work if you crippled Jenny's legs, and then had her equip a stimpak, then called Jenny.ResetHealthAndLimbs? Unsure if an NPC would play a stimpak idle if done that way - or if that's the effect you're looking for.
  9. It's an InputEnableLayer in script for enabling/disabling controls, like running, fighting, jumping, camera switch, etc.
  10. So I'm changing the color of the Grenade Arc. The changes within the .nifs are very straight forward, however there is also a game setting "iPerkGrenadeTrajectorySplineColor" involved. If I set this to zero, the color is applied correctly, but the "arc" itself is much more faint than the default green arc color - the "circle" at the end indicating the end point of the arc is fine (and isn't affected by the game setting at all). I initially assumed it must be hex to decimal because the default value of "iPerkGrenadeTrajectorySplineColor" is "7076989", which if converted to hex and you look at the hex value as RGB seems correct....but if you try to use other values from a hex to decimal format, it doesn't apply what you'd think - sometimes a seemingly random color, and sometimes no effect at all. So I guess my question is does anyone know what the integer value of the game setting actually represents, if any? The default value is confusing the hell out of me, because I can absolutely change the color using random values, but I can't figure out any kind of format involved that I can follow and set.
  11. Could use a magic effect somehow, with conditions IsMoving = 1, IsRunning = 0, IsSprinting = 0, IsSwimming = 0, IsRidingMount = 0 (think that one covers vertibird). Not sure how to rule out jetpack being used, maybe GetIsFlying? Though that may be for vertibird.
  12. In that case you won't be able to use SetINI* either, as they are debugOnly flagged functions, and I don't believe there is a way to get those to be used for consoles.
  13. Weird, I was just playing around with exactly that. Create a Magic Effect - Flags: Detrimental; No Duration - Archetype: Peak Value Modifier - Actor Value: ActionPoints [AVIF:000002D5] - Casting Type: Constant Effect - Delivery: Self Create a spell - Type: Ability - Cast Type: Constant Effect - Target Type: Self. Add the magic effect to the spell, with a condition (on the spell) that Subject.IsRunning = 1.0 Change the magnitude in the spell to whatever you want, something low like 0.1 through 1.0 seems logical. Create a quest with a Player [NPC_:00000007] alias, and add the spell to the alias. (Quest might need to have run once flag un-checked, can't remember if it needs to re-run in order to fill the alias on game load or not) Could probably do it in multiple ways (perk, add spell/perk via some other means). But adding it via spell and quest player alias seems easiest.
  14. It seems to work fine when attached to a terminal that is a pip-boy terminal. Can't get a terminal reference of course, but other than that it seems to function the same.
  15. When making a holotape menu, I started to wonder why I use fragments instead of a single script extending terminal. Fragments can be such a pain sometimes, so I was wondering why should I NOT simply consolidate into a single script that extends Terminal? I assume fragments get called faster, but if speed isn't an issue, is there any other reason to not consolidate into a single terminal script?
  16. I don't do anything special to load them. I don't extract the BA2's or anything. Maybe it has something to do with Mod Organizer 2's virtual data system? I just tried again with Hellfire Power Armor CC, copied one of its keywords into a new esp (making the CC mod a master to it) and then loaded up that .esp just fine. Then I made a new empty .esl with the same name as the CC and loaded up the .esp I made, which worked fine but of course since the copied keyword was no longer overriding the original it was just a injected record into the empty .esl. But that still allowed me to remove that keyword and then "Clean Masters" to remove the CC master.
  17. Would require something like https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/33347 or maybe HUD framework and widgets. Not sure how you'd get the rain effect though. Don't think there is any way to get the HUDMenu.swf to load the power armor hud when outside of power armor due to flags being set.
  18. Pretty sure you just need to have AAF_MainQuestScript.psc in a folder called aaf, in the source folder, and compile from there. That's what the "aaf : " part of "aaf:aaf_mainquestscript" means.
  19. I don't have any problems with loading CC stuff in FO4Edit. I'm using FO4Edit version 4.0.3 and Mod Organizer 2 version 2.3.0, if that helps. Can also add CC plugins as masters and clean plugins of CC masters. Edit: You can probably just create a empty plugin with the same name as the master to load yours, and remove stuff and then clean masters that way.
  20. I'm not sure...see if you can get it from other workbench types (the "moddingsuccess" debug I mean), maybe it doesn't get sent from power armor workbenches or something. Also, I've had trouble before with getting certain tutorial events to fire, mainly "PowerArmorWorkenchExited", I may have done it wrong when I tried...but I could not get that to fire, ever. You could also try OnPlayerModArmorWeapon event instead, though I'm not sure if that would do exactly what you want. Because I couldn't get "PowerArmorWorkenchExited" to fire before, I instead used: It's not perfect and could be done better I'm sure but it always fired on Enter/Exit, and the "OnPlayerModArmorWeapon" always fired when I created or attached a mod to the frame. (The above was attached to a quest by the way.) Edit: Also you might want to try ""ModdingSuccess", but I don't know if the capitalization matters, that's just how the wiki spells it.
  21. When the power armor is in the workbench, the powerArmorFurnitureKW gets removed, so instead you might want to find the workbench and check if that has your keyword, as I believe the "workbenchKeyword" gets added to the power armor itself making it a workbench.
  22. I think that I already know the answer to this question, but I want to make sure. If I - RegisterForRemoteEvent(MyRefCollectionAlias, "OnActivate"), all of those references that may be within the RefCollectionAlias become persistent, right? Or did they become persistent when they were added to the RefCollectionAlias in the first place? OR, Not persistant until referenced directly?
  23. Is it better to check conditions with : "Most likely to succeed > (and check subsequent conditions in the same way if applicable) > Return ; " Or with "Most likely to fail > (and check subsequent conditions in the same way if applicable) > Return ; " Or does it just depend on the situation, or negligible?
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