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About Squiggoth_the_mighty

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  1. I haven't bothered to read all that tripe; suffice to say I'm 30 and massively put off paying £40-50 on a game I can beat in less than a week... I'd rather buy something like Skyrim and never complete it than buy something as short as Streets of Rage was back in the day (althought that's a bad example, because SoR was epic at the time) and complete it in one sitting.
  2. Thanks for all the responses; I really wasn't thinking Clannfear... but it really kind of does... bugerance... Thanks for the tip to use that area... didn't think of that either. Thanks for the advice. Quite finished, other than the aforementioned errors, but I'd rather release a picture of something early to get the ball rolling on my first mod... 21k faces in blender, 8mb blend file. hope that means something. I intend at first to merely offer an alternative to the horse, then, depending on what is possible, move onto a companion that is rideable... that all again depends on horse behaviour in game... but hopefully it'll get people intrested. Oh and wings will have to depend on the flight in game but gliding may be possible.
  3. I've decided to do a dragon-like mount (no flying atm) and have subsequently built a model in Blender... now I'm new to the whole 3D modelling thing so advice and tips are vastly appreciated and criticism is also welcomed, but the point is I'm not as brilliant at the texturing and even less so with scripts. So my question is; is it too early to be asking for texturing/scripting help (or someone/ones to work with) and advice on the total poly count I should be aiming for? Please give feedback on the model, it is fully articulated with only 2 minor errors (2 teeth move slightly when the tongue is moved and at the front of the lower jaw the skeleton is slightly longer on one side, which causes a small twisting at the very end) and can be packed in a variety of file types with a texture file of any size and format. http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y142/squig/TESForum/DragonMount01.png
  4. alteration I think... open lock, breathe under water, walk on water, increase carry capcity, increase speed... etc based on previous spell systems
  5. But then your axe will get attached to them. :| True, true... then I'd have to bury an axe in the back of the axe and then it gets metaphysical and could spiral out of control...
  6. I did post a similar idea in another thread regarding Vampires thou; A similar idea could be run for low level Werewolves/boars/sharks/frogs/whatever... but run in a hazy "dream" type sequence, the higher your level (I would say wisdom or intelligence, but those have been dropped as increasable stats) the more control you have, until you completely control the "wolf" and can pick who you wish to disembowel...
  7. Honestly I just want even more gear... never was keen on the same old broadsword made out of half a dozen different materials. Even with different graphics it still struck me as... "lazy"... surely the Khajit would have developed their own style of blade and I know the Dunmer definitely would have. So lots of new swords, and armour, and axes... and bows... hopefully... edit... thought of another; obvious one really... smaller ridable dragons that are treated as companions so they would use their breath attacks
  8. How do you pronounce "Dorfl"? is it Door-Fell ? or Door-Full? Door-fell... wasn't expecting a quick quiz on the phonetics of my imaginary characters imaginary name... :laugh:
  9. Dorfl Svensen - If explaination is needed, it's a little nod at Pratchett with a fairly authentic Nordic surname... ps Dorfl is a Nord.
  10. Pretty cool but as stated... I'd want a bigger axe... possibly twin bladed butterfly axe. and flame proof stain resistant underpants...
  11. Spell creation is not in, as well as combining different spell effects (You can't combine fire and ice, but you can fire and fire). I'm sure it will be easy to create a few spells in the Creation Kit. If you are on PC that is. Yes I am on the PC, but I have all the modding skill of a 2 day old Orc... this is going to be a proper long shot at this time; but does anyone know if the "constructor" has the functionally to allow modding of a spell creator similar to the older ES games?
  12. quick question tagged onto this topic if no one minds... will we get some creative freedom with the spell effects a la the other Elder Scrolls games where spell creation is possible? I for one really want my Uses-all-of-my-mana-but-kills-anything-that-can-be-killed-with-every-elemental-effect-and-a-massive-blast-radius-fireball-of-death... sorry if it's been asked before (I did search but got nothing under "spell creation"), if it has been discussed and someone can remember the keywords please link.
  13. My evil twin, you are right! :devil: Bwah hahahahahahaha!!!!! :devil: Once companion is afflicted with the worst of headaches, loot the corpse for full evil effect!
  14. Sorry for not having big hands lol. I prefer the controller simply because I don't have to reach around.My keyboard is built for comfort when typing not gaming sadly. So reaching is annoying at best. I like mouse controls for aiming but you can't have your cake and eat it too... Fragenstein controller... known as having your cake then promptly eating it... :thumbsup: Quick link
  15. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong... but the vampire "game mechanics" haven't really changed since Daggerfall... I for one want to see something new. I understand devs need new fans hence the way it was announced, but I need to see something new on the vamp front to get excited about it. Could be possible to temporarily turn the infected PC into an NPC (retaining viewpoint) when "hungry" and in the presence of a wounded mortal NPC, and thereby forcing the player to attack and viciously feed off the NPC regardless of the situation... could be pretty cool. Image the face of the player who thought vampirism would be a cool advantage with little to no consequence, as their character goes into a blood-frenzy... ...in the middle of a tavern brawl... in front of the city guard!
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