Oh, excellent! Thank you! As for other retextures, I do need a retexture of this M16A1 for a Pit expansion mod that is in it's really early stages at the moment. I'd like the texture for M16A1 to be an olive drab color with a peace sign on the stock. Also the words "It's time that we recognized that ours was in truth a noble cause." written on the fore-stock. Both the peace sign and words written in white chalk lettering. The texture must also asymmetric, the quote and peace sign need to only be on one side. I've attached a little concept/reference picture to help you out. Other than that I can't really think of any other textures I need at the moment. Thank you again! Actually, now that I think about it... There is one more simple texture I need. The Ak-47 from this resource with a Canadian maple leaf on the stock. Like the one below. Also I'd like it to be asymmetric as well. I've added another attachment to help out. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_MaK1WlvmvN0/TGILzO3szWI/AAAAAAAAAgw/B0kxhvdMPHo/s1600/maple+leaf.gif But if you just want to do the minigun texture that's fine. Thank you again!