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About BenzSmoke

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    United States

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  1. Your site has really enhanced my gaming experience & mods are the reason I got a gaming PC.
  2. I've searched all over the Fallout 3 & New Vegas nexuses (nexi?) and haven't been able to find a Mister Gutsy skin that I liked. I was specifically looking for a texture that I could apply it to Sgt. RL-3 and make him look more unique. I'm requesting a texture replacing the standard olive drab on the default Mr. Gutsy texture with urban camouflage like in the attachment below. Credit will be given to the creator, thank you in advance! :-)
  3. Thank you, I'll give it a try. EDIT: Nope that didn't work.
  4. So the peace sign will be on one side but the the quote has to be on both? Alright, in that case you can scratch the quote. Just the peace sign is fine. Actually if you could make the quote look like it was printed on the weapon instead of hand written that would make it look a lot better if it has to be symmetrical. Feel free to use whatever text you think would look best. Unless you just want to erase the quote, that's ok too.
  5. Oh, excellent! Thank you! As for other retextures, I do need a retexture of this M16A1 for a Pit expansion mod that is in it's really early stages at the moment. I'd like the texture for M16A1 to be an olive drab color with a peace sign on the stock. Also the words "It's time that we recognized that ours was in truth a noble cause." written on the fore-stock. Both the peace sign and words written in white chalk lettering. The texture must also asymmetric, the quote and peace sign need to only be on one side. I've attached a little concept/reference picture to help you out. Other than that I can't really think of any other textures I need at the moment. Thank you again! Actually, now that I think about it... There is one more simple texture I need. The Ak-47 from this resource with a Canadian maple leaf on the stock. Like the one below. Also I'd like it to be asymmetric as well. I've added another attachment to help out. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_MaK1WlvmvN0/TGILzO3szWI/AAAAAAAAAgw/B0kxhvdMPHo/s1600/maple+leaf.gif But if you just want to do the minigun texture that's fine. Thank you again!
  6. So I'm currently working on a mod that provides unique equipment to all the vanilla Fallout 3 companions. Now I need someone to do a simple re-texture of the minigun. What I want is the texture to be a darker grey (think gun-metal grey, both gun and backpack) and I want it to have shark teeth like in the picture below. I've outlined where I think the teeth would look best in the attachment. But if you think you know a better place to put them that's fine. I'd also like one of the pairs of eyes put on the backpack near the top. http://images.rcuniverse.com/forum/upfiles/32364/Li21271.jpg In photoshop all you'd need to do is darken the texture then use lasso tool to cut the teeth out of the picture above and put them on a new layer. Place / re-size the teeth correctly and make the layer transparent so it blends well with the gun. Then do the same thing with the eyes and backpack. At least I think that's how you do it, I haven't been able to work with Photoshop in a while so I may be a little rusty. I'll be sure to give credit. Thanks in advance!
  7. I'm currently working on a mod that provides companions with unique equipment that the player can retrieve if/when the companion character dies. I've organized all the unique equipment sets into leveled item lists and set the lists as death items for the corresponding character. Now all of this works fine, except for 2 companions. When Butch or Jericho die the unique equipment isn't added to their inventory, even though the death item is set correctly. Unfortunately I'm not that good at scripting, so I need someone to tell me how to add the correct changes to both of their scripts so that the item list/group is added to their inventory upon their death. Thank you in advance.
  8. I'm currently working on a mod that provides companions with unique equipment that the player can retrieve if/when the companion character dies. I've organized all the unique equipment sets into leveled item lists and set the lists as death items for the corresponding character. Now all of this works fine, except for 2 companions. When Butch or Jericho die the unique equipment isn't added to their inventory, even though the death item is set correctly. Unfortunately I'm not that good at scripting, so I need someone to tell me how to add the correct changes to both of their scripts so that the item list/group is added to their inventory upon their death. Thank you in advance.
  9. I'm currently working on a mod that provides companions with unique equipment that the player can retrieve if/when the companion character dies. I've organized all the unique equipment sets into leveled item lists and set the lists as death items for the corresponding character. Now all of this works fine, except for 2 companions. When Butch or Jericho die the unique equipment isn't added to their inventory, even though the death item is set correctly. Unfortunately I'm not that good at scripting, so I need someone to tell me how to add the correct changes to both of their scripts so that the item list/group is added to their inventory upon their death. Thank you in advance.
  10. This may help. My game has crashed a lot less sense I installed it. It seems to go beyond the "new game crash" bug. I hope it helps. :-)
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