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About a_lif9198

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    Fallout 3
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    Fallout 3

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  1. i know how to do the yao guai thing. just put "trigSpawnTrigger" and a lvl you guai somewhere. As for dismemberment, just put a gorycorpse01 or a dea wastelander with genericdismemberment,
  2. im making a mod about that right now. so far i have amped the trap computer , the pitching machine and the baby carriage trap. ill try to amplify other traps
  3. Soo.. How about a mod that has Dead Space necromorphs in fallout 3? there are lots of necromorphs but the others are just too complicated. I only want the slasher (all types optional) and the leaper. Maybe the twitcher. But i think this will be hard. If the "unknown necromorph form" is also put, OMG THANKYOU THANKYOU HOW WILL I EVER REPAY YOU???? Info : http://deadspace.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Necromorphs
  4. i saw a wierd green thng that i thing shows people when thery are online or not. but what is it actally? . . . . . . . <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< maybe
  5. missing meshes. put in meshes folder (if you dont have it,make one ^^) or specified destination. its in the wrong place.This should be in the troubleshooting forum V click if i was helpful V
  6. Try un-doing everything then manually doing the binvalidateolderfiles thing. or download it here(i put it in my post) and its fallout_default.ini click link to prove this is virusless http://www.virustotal.com/analisis/6345213...94c1-1261906698 V if i was helpful please click them V
  7. did it needed fose or some other things?? because usually those type of things needs fose
  8. i dont want that one because i only want the pancor jackhammer i dont want to download a large file
  9. did you try extracting the meshes/textures in FOMM and placing them in the meshes/textures folder first??? thats how i do it. Note:If the meshes/textures folder isnt there,make it.
  10. wow.that worked. to the people who tried to help me, thanks (mainly to theOutlander) but why does mechine have to be such a b*t*h???
  11. PANCOR JACKHAMMER http://i737.photobucket.com/albums/xx20/alif9198/Pancor.png No, it is not some sort of a gun or knife strapped to a jackhammer, its just the most amazing shotgun ever designed. According to wikipedia the Pancor Corporation patented a 12 gauge automatic weapon. And its gas operated! I could not believe it but it seems that this is indeed quite a real gun, and that it can fire up to 10 rounds. thanks in advance
  12. im sure most people in the nexus forums would be happy to do this for free. and supply more info so people are more "encouraged" to making it yeah something like that
  13. i made a mod but it only appears in geck.It does not appear in fomm or in the data folder. where is it???? i tried searching for it but its still not there. Im using Windows 7 plz help me
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