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Everything posted by SgtOvakil

  1. Well I must say Im glad to report Im making good headway :thumbsup: Just finished a game without one head exploding event. Dead Money WAS INSTALLED. No mods and no fomm or fose. Played over 90 hours and did many side quests also. Run just about the whole game everywear I went. YaHo!!! no head exploding. So it seams to be just about any mod thats uses the slave collar in it or the the slot it uses from what outhers have reported will triger something in the game that at random times your head will explode. Just why the game has this bug I don't know nor am I going to pull any more hair out trying to find out why :wallbash: From here on out Im going to avoid any mods that may contain a slave collar in them. Well save one. My fav house mod adds a slave collar to a shelf after a quest of freeing some slaves down at the legon river crossing. Just have to wait and see :whistling: Thanks to everyone for the help on this odd problem. Oh ya and I hope we have helped all the wasters that have viewed this post :biggrin:
  2. rkc34: I dont want to bash your hopes, but I tryed all that already. I spent all day yesterday reading comments in the cheat mods that add every thing in the game. Seams there was a problem in most of them with exploding heads back in oct 2010. I was using box of wonders, but it was slowing things down in good springs because it had to many of each item in it, I was only running it at game start long enough to get a few weapons I wanted, and some ammo from it. Then I took the mod out. Several of my games I started from a save I made right after I left doc mitchels and picked up the weapons. The weapons were still there even without the mod installed sence thay were FNV weapons. I didn't think that the slave coller that was in the locker was the problem, but it very well could be it. We all have learned that this game engine can do strange things and keep even stranger things in save files. What I read about that slave collor in game is the one the that gets put on you by the brother hood if you go there without Veronica until you get rid of a NCR ranger for them that has set up in one of the outher bunkers. Seams to triger something in the game, and darned if I know what. Right now I playing on another clean install with Dead Money but no FOMM, FOSE or any mods. Im at leavel 14 and 30 hours into the game without a problem yet. That doesn't say much, because my head didn't start blowing up until 40 to 80 hours into several of the games. If all goes well then i'll install fomm and fose and play a game without any mods. If that goes well then ill try just the one mod I have in question once more. If once again my head blows off then will i report the mod to its author as a game breaker so he can eather fix it or remove it. Im going to have to play this game and two more to find out for sure. This is going to take around two or three hundred hours of play to be sure. I'll post again after this game.
  3. rkc34: Thanks maybe if enough people get on them thay will come up with a fix. But I don't think its up to steam unless it was caused by one of there diive-by up dates. I realy don't think its just a few people. Did you see how many people have viewed this topic. Over 500 and not every one posts or can. I have also found the topic on a few outher forums too. And remember not everyone uses the Nexus even thou thay should, because it is by far the best site ever. :) I bought my disc the day the game went on sale and played the game at least 4 times without one CDT. Sence the updates the game has become a nightmare for me, and the freezing up is just killing my rig. Well heres to No Hope in camp Hope. Oh ya thats were it started last night. If you here anything at all please let me know.
  4. rkc: NO there is not a fix as of yet. Doesn't look like there in any hurry to fix what thay busted. Its a real shaim to, because when the game came out there were no CTD's or computer lock-ups (freezing-up) etc. etc. Now thats all the game seams to do. I deleated steam and NV compleatley and reinstalled it and am now running no mods at all. My game was running better with 80+mods befor the 1.3 patch. Thay brook it thay need to fix it. Its not like it was brook to start with. At least we got a few weeks of fun befor the devs stoll our 60 caps. One thing i have noticed is when your head pops and the game restarts even if you fast travel from that last save point your head will pop as soon as you get were you fast traveled to. So what i've been doing is saving a lot and then quick saving 10 sec. later. When the game restarts at the quick save I exit the game and load back in on the save I made 10 sec. befor the quick save. At least this way i don't have to go to far back and play the same parts all over again. This is by no way a fix for the problem. It just helps me to not smash anymore Saitek key boards. lol I dont like having to save every ten min.,but else can you do? Wait, wait, and wait for a fix that seams like it will never come.
  5. Well my fix only worked long enough to finish one game. Sense then I reinstaled steem and NV and that didn.t help at all. Did not install any mods this time or dead money. This time it started when I was under water putting the ballest on the B-29. Still the devs havent fixed it. Seems all thay care about is selling DLCs even if it means making a patch that breaks the game so the DLC will work. I for one am done with them. Wont buy another dlc or any game for that matter made by them again.
  6. When the game first released it was very stable, but with each patch that came along it just got worse. 1.3 patch has made the game almost unplayable. Befor the 1.3 patch I got some CDTs but not many with 60+ mods running, and thay were what I call a clean CDT. Now I cant even bring up the task manager. Im sick of hot booting my rig for this game. On top of all the crashing my head started exploding for no reason. When the game restarts from the last save my head pops within 1 or 2 min. Restarts again only to have my head blow off as soon as the game loads up. This has happened from one end of the game map to the outher. Took all mods out. Did not help at all. Wiped the game and steam from my rig, and reloaded steam and New Vegas without any mods at all. In a brand new install this mornning i made it as far as finishing the goodspring quests. Started down the road and my head exploded again. I am releaved it happened early in the game. My last game went 80.30 hours befor it started, and wouldn't stop. All I can say at this point is the latest 1.3 patch is a game breaker. The patch befor 1.3 wasn't mush better. Give us our game back I say. You know the one we bought!!!
  7. This latest patch needs go back to the drawing room. Im playing the same mods I was smooth sailing with befor the last 2 patches and now sence the latest patch I freez up so bad I cant get the task manager to show up on top anymore. Oh ya and lets not forget freezing up on exit a lot now. It used to be a nice clean CDT befor, after 6 to 12 hours of playing. Now I may make it 30 min if lucky. Freezing on fast travel a bunch also. The Game played great until the patchs came out. Makes me wounder if the devs get paid for such patches. I know thay had some lay offs, and if it were up to me I know who will be next.
  8. @theobeau @ everyone Heres what I did to finily stop my head from exploding at all. First make a dead money folder were ever you keep your mods. Move these 3 files out of your fallout new vegas, data folder to the new folder. 1. Dead Money master data file 2. Dead Money Main 3. Dead Money Sound Next open fomm were ever you placed it, and deleat the back up copys of the dead money files that are saved in fomm. Just unchecking the DLC doesn't fully remove it. If you have fomm. I dont know why you wouldn't. Last but not least, and this seamed to finally fix it. Start the Game and clean save your game. Then go to My Documents FalloutNV, Saves. Move all but the last save to a different folder if you want to keep them for some reason. Start your game, and clean save one more time then deleat the fist clean save you made. Save the dead money files for when your ready to play it again. Or better yet wait for the devs to fix the mess thay made of things first. @SuperSledgeNY Yes your right it has gotten much worse sence the last update. It started at the time of the update just before this last one but it wasn't near as bad. I must have played NV at least 15 or 20 times ,and never had this happen until the last 2 updates. Of course thats when DM DLC came about. DLC or no DLC the exploding head thing has dead moneys finger prints all over it. Like "Athlun" said. He doesn't even have dead money, and I find that real strange. Makes me wounder if its going to start up again.
  9. Already tryed all that save redownloading dead money. Maybe dead money is layed over the new vegas wastland map just like the trouble many of us had with nav. and nave marker direction in the center of the map in fo3 after the brotherhood of steel DLC was added. There may be some holes were the speakers are leaking in. I found some areas that no mater how long I wait when I try to pass them kaboom my head Pops almost every time. I will be doing some more research on this mater and hope to come up with a fix soon. I hope.
  10. Think I found a temp work around. My problem started around the time of the update before this last one. Also the about the time I bought Dead Money. Yes this seams to be it. I moved all Dead Money files out of my Game folder and my head stoped blowing up.
  11. Sence the last update my head explodes for no reason. Now sence the latest update my head explodes no mater were I am at. Even inside the Lucky 38. Cant go 5 min. with out exploding. Tryed loading old saves and sneeking around. Doesn't help. Is anyone else having this problem?
  12. Dont get to mad at your self. The verson of NVMM 10-41 doesn,t work very well at all. Most of the discription he gives was also ported from the FOMM discription. Fallout mod manager by timeslip had an auto installer and uninstaller. You could find it in your control panel, and on your Start Programs bar. NVMM does not have an auto installer, and more, or most important it does not have a program uninstaller. Im waiting for timeslip to make a good Mod Manager. One we are all used to, and works without all the problems. Fose has just released a beta verson of the script editor, but still needs some work also. I guess what im trying to say is take it easy and just run simple .esp mods untill Timeslip gets his NV version of fomm up and going. Until the base mods and utilitys are set up for running mods that use script compilers, textures etc. etc. are going to be somewhat of a trick. Good luck! I aint having any. Just 2 weeks of pulling my hair out. Another problem is even if you edit the two .ini files for archiveInvalidationIvalidated to work and set the files to read only Steam still overwrights and loads the standard .ini file. Timeslip will most likley have this fixed to. So take it easy time will fix all. Well it should anyway :)
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