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About Tarva759

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  1. You're gonna wanna edit the GECK's ini, I bet it crashes when you try to view an NPC, right? The cells it crashes on when rendering have some too? Yeah this is a weird one, but a day one. I had it in 2011 and most reports I've seen are old, I'm thinking anyone who dealt with it gave up instead of troubleshooting. Can't blame em. But anyways find bUseFaceGenHeads= and set it to 0. IIRC you can edit NPCs and change their haircuts, but trying to actually see their faces/full body will CTD.
  2. I've been playing around with the Rock-It-Launcher in the hopes of making a grenade launcher. She works, I made a new form list with only frags, replaced the projectile with a frag, and they even bounce a round a little which I think is neat; but the only reason it's a "frags only" list is because I can't figure out a way for grenade variants to use different explosions. Is this something I can feasibly do, or should I stay humble and stick to frags? I was thinking of adding a way to convert grenades into an ammo type, then going the Vegas route, but I'd really prefer the RIL use actual grenades. I don't actually know how to do this, but I think I should do the above then add a menu item to convert nades to and fro from the Pipboy?
  3. Thank both of you for the script notes, I'm sure there's a lot of basic things like that I don't know. I'm trying to avoid OBSE until I'm knowledgeable enough to really take advantage of it. Is there anything I can do with just the CS to simulate Dam Fatigue?
  4. It only lowers my fatigue by 1 and for a single second. Could you take a look at my spell? Scn aaaStagger Begin ScriptEffectStart ref self Set self to GetSelf If (self. Get Dead==O) Self.PlayGroup Stagger,1 Player.Ref ModActorValue Fatigue -35 Endif End I've never touched ModActorValue before so I'm sure I missed something basic
  5. Can I pick your brain one more time? I hadn't noticed before, but Dam Fatigue on self causes the camera to shudder. Is there something I can insert into my script to do it instead?
  6. Thank you, that did the trick. I'm happy with this, but is there a way for it to affect just one spell while the rest keep the light effect?
  7. It's still doing it. I don't mean the blue swirls or glowing hand spells do, but the white light that comes with casting. Here's an example https://ibb.co/c6LWGCR https://ibb.co/4VbQnv0
  8. That's actually the same set up I have. Dam Fatigue On Self with a scripted Push that has no visual effect. Though when I cast my spell the room still lights up for a second. Would it be possible to edit the light effect of just my scripted spell, or is that something that would affect all of them? Since vanilla on-touch casting looks like you're reaching your hand out, I was hoping to make something that looks like a bash, but the light effect really throws it off.
  9. Trying to make some mods for spooky season, but I've ran into a wall. I've got a script that replaces dead NPCs with spore carriers/NPC ghouls/centaurs, and it works fine on melee and ranged weapons, but grenades refuse to work. I have the Base Effect tab greyed out on grenades, but I got around it by using FNVEdit. I also tested the effect on a melee weapon, and there weren't any problems there. Is there something special about grenades I'm not aware of? I tried increasing the radius to 5, but that didn't seem to help. I kinda just hopped into the GECK and trusted my Oblivion experience would be enough, but if there's a vital step I didn't learn I'd truly appreciate a tutorial link.
  10. I'm making a ghetto on-touch "shove" spell, and I can't figure out how to turn off the light fx that happen when you cast. Can anyone enlighten me?
  11. I'm trying to convert the Rock It Launcher into either an invisible grenade, or a h2h weapon. Right now it's an invisible handgun, but it looks unnatural. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to proceed?
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