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  1. Bump, I could really use some help with this, thanks.
  2. Specifically I want to lower the damage that can be done by hand to hand combat. I can't figure out how to do this since in the weapons settings fists is already set to 1 damage and can't go any lower. Playing with skillbase game settings hasn't helped me either. Please, there must be someone out there who knows how to modify fist damage!
  3. I can't for the life of me figure out how explosive damage is calculated. Seems to weigh heavy on skill base and multiplier, but thats it. Tried messing with the other game settings that have explosion ID tags but they don't make a difference.
  4. For instance if I wanted to take a bunch of game settings modified from one mod and combine them into another, can I do that with GECK?
  5. Is there a script or setting I don't know of that allows global modification of NPC min and max health?
  6. Is there a way to combine or erase unique data or game settings within a mod?
  7. Does the fallout mod manager work with New Vegas?
  8. I found a realism mod that I think does this, but it changes way too much other stuff that would be incompatible with the other mods I have.
  9. Bump, I'm really curious what other's opinions are on this.
  10. Seeing blood and bullet impacts from a greater distance other than it's measly current value would be awesome. Most importantly bullet impacts so I can determine how much closer I need to be to hit the target.
  11. Anyone know of how to disable the perk? I'd rather not have to get rid of Boone, he's a good sniper.
  12. I want to modify the game so I can see hit-decals and bullet impacts from a longer distance. When I am shooting at someone far off I want to be able to tell if I am hitting them or the dirt. How can I do this?
  13. It really bugs me when I can't tell whether bullets are hitting me or whizzing past me or hitting the ground in front of me. Maybe I am spoiled from games like STALKER that have nice audio effects with their bullets in combat, but it seems like Bethesda half-assed their combat again. Aside from this there is the fact that NPC's are clinically blind beyond 20~ meters, but can still hit you with pin-point accuracy full on with a pistol. They also seem to be oblivious to their situation when I am shooting at them from 50 meters as they walk around like zombies until dead. Requesting a sound mod for bullet impacts and something to fix blind/clueless NPC's.
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