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About Kroot9525

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  1. Another year has passed! Wishing you blessings for a very Happy New Year!
  2. Um...I hate to burst your bubble bud, but there's already a Kvatch Rebuilt mod out there. Plus, the storyline has some holes: Leyawiin's rulers hate Argonians, Countess Narvaina of Bruma is an Imperial, Skingrad's Count loathes other vampires, and Bravil doesn't really have any ties to the Khajits at all. Even if I were to create such a mod, I would never have the time or resources to do such a thing. The idea is a great idea, but near impossible to carry out. You would need an army of modders to even begin planning such a feat. If it makes you feel any better, I had a similar idea, and after I got into modding, I realized how hard it really was. But thanks for sharing, I'm always happy to hear about new ideas. Thanks again, Kroot
  3. Merry Christmas to you too
  4. A very Merry Christmas to you! :o)
  5. Time to say hi and get your stars in line! :o) Thanks for the note. Can't wait to see what you come up with next!
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