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  1. The method from the most recent post (and associated tutorial) is the best and most compatible way to add items to store inventories, so you are on the right track. There are some problems in step 3. The PRCSCR override you are creating should be PRCSCR_whatever.gda, not .2da. Just FYI, 2DA is a general type for the file, not a specific format. Just like an "image file" can be .jpg or .gif or some other format, a "2DA" is usually found in either spreadsheet format (.xls) for easy editing or in a compiled binary format (.gda) that the game can actually read. Step 3 also does not tell you to set the AreaListName of the custom PRCSCR 2DA you are creating. The entry for your script in your PRCSCR 2DA must have an AreaListName that matches the area list with the container you are trying to modify. In this case, "cam100ar_camp_plains"; other common containers and their corresponding AreaListName's are shown on the wiki page you linked. If it's still not working after those changes, start debugging by commenting out the plot flag stuff (WR_GetPlotFlag/WR_SetPlotFlag). If it works, the problem is in your plot setup. If it doesn't, the problem is likely in your PRCSCR/arealist setup. That will help narrow down where you need to keep looking. For educational purposes, the PRCSCR stuff is how the game knows to run your script. It will run it any time the player enters an area in that AreaList. The plot flag stuff is to prevent your script from doing the same thing over and over; otherwise it would add inventory to the store every single time the script ran (which would be every single time the player entered an area in that AreaList).
  2. This only does light, but the sources are available too so it should be simple to reference that to modify medium as well: http://dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=346
  3. Plot and flag names are case sensitive and must match exactly. Pretty sure the plot ID is always uppercase: PLT_GREEKARMOR_PLOT. Generally you should be able to find the actual script file exported by the plot in your toolsetexport folder (it'll be something like plt_greekarmor_plot.nss) so you can double-check the constants defined in there to make sure you have the names correct.
  4. I don't know how much you've looked into existing mods so you might have already found mine, but Armor of the Black Fox works for both males and females and looks good on both (of course, it's my mod so I'm going to be biased :-). It does not use a custom mesh, however, it's just a reskin of the existing light armor mesh...
  5. I used a mod called Personal Annoyance Remover to do this; removes most of those effects for the whole game, though, not just during cutscenes. Been a while since I've played, though, no clue if it's up to date and still works for this purpose.
  6. Are you trying to preserve something from your previous toolset installation? (i.e. did you already have mods, etc. that you had created?) If not you can just do a completely clean wipe of the toolset (including uninstalling the MSSQL database) and reinstall. If you still have problems with that, you can try the manual DB install process I explain here: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=177587&st=0&p=1616852entry1616852
  7. This line is wrong: if (wr_getplotflag)(plt_bark_plot, my_item_check_flag) = true It should be: if (wr_getplotflat(plt_bark_plot, my_item_check_flag)) == true)
  8. http://dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1822
  9. BTW, the Warden Tower Shield looks like any other heavy kite shield and doesn't really match the Warden Commander armor set look very well. If you want something that does, check out the mod in my signature line...
  10. Because this is not a valid if condition. You probably meant something like "if (WR_GetPlotFlag(PLT_LATE_BREAKFAST, RETURN_TO_VILLAGE) == TRUE)", which checks the return value of the WR_GetPlotFlag function call.
  11. http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/index.php/Follower_tutorial
  12. Read about the PRCSCR system here: http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/index.php/PRCSCR There are also some example scripts for placing items, etc.
  13. I can tell you what's missing, but not how to fix it. The native models all have a "shell" object to which the blood and magic effects are applied. I don't remember if it's actually a part of the model mesh or something defined in the PHY files. That's what you're probably missing for your converted items. However, having never worked with custom meshes for DA, I can't actually tell you what you need to do to get that shell into your models or give you more details than that.
  14. After poking around in this, I suspect either a) the behavior for this is hard-coded based on base item type or b) somewhere there's a lookup/additional fields based on base item type that I can't find, but it's not in code or in the model or in any of the 2das I looked at. In particular, setting the armor type to "Armor - Massive - no boots" will cause a regular massive armor to force the boots not to display. This suggests that whatever is setting the boots to not display is NOT in the mmh/mao/phy files for the model, but is truly being driven, somehow, by the "Armor - Massive - no boots" (and "Clothing") base item types. Since this setting does not seem to be in the bitm_base.xls nor in the specific item variations' XLS, it suggest either a hard-coded flag for the base item type # by the engine or some other setting/variable/2da that I haven't found yet. I looked through the script files and didn't find anything there that would be triggering this as a script behavior based on these base item types. The bitm_base.xls also has a "bodyoverlay" being applied to both massive armor types (boots and no boots), but I can't find anywhere that would reference or use this in any way, and the clothing base item doesn't have an equivalent overlay anyway so I doubt this is being controlled by that. On a side note, something odd is that BioWare did NOT use the "Armor - Massive - no boots" armor type for the NPC templar armor. They instead use the regular "Armor - Massive" type which displays boots, and then equip those NPCs with special NPC templar boots that have no model. This is why trying to use the NPC templar armor UTI with regular boots causes the boots to show through. Weird that they would have added the "Armor - Massive - no boots" type for exactly this purpose, and then not use it...
  15. DLC ERFs are encrypted and can't be opened. You shouldn't have any problems opening Awakening stuff though. I just opened up several from core_ep1 in the toolset to check again and had no issues.
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