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Everything posted by ZZZ02

  1. I have a request for a TES edit (or any edit script) that would make a patch that adds the appropriate vampire race conditions to anything that is missing them. IE a dialogue that triggers for nords but not nord vampires. Not sure how possible it is but if someone does make one I would be very appreciative.
  2. Yeah I agree having everyone forced to change it is overkill I have enough issues remembering my 8 as I made sure to choose numbers with no way to identify me and I am careful with it and clean cookies regularly ect. I will have to store the new password if I can come up with one (this rule is not affecting the forum side yet) in plain text which will be easier for a hacker to get at. but even if they do what do they get I don't use the same email or password for anything important I have no funds here I don't even mention my steam account ever. Also Darkwindlegion is right a strong pasword is a person problem not a nexus problem if an author gets hacked because their password is something like password1 then thats on them. they are literate enough to make a mod they are literate enough to know the risks of a weak password.
  3. nothing going on for now...
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