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About davidwalshireland

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  1. The thing holding me back is the constant Creation Club updates which require SKSE64 and some mods to be constantly updated. I wish Bethesda would leave it alone. This is why I have given up hope on TES6; it will be launch with always online in-game microtransactions. I've completely lost faith in Bethesda at this point.
  2. Have an issue with missing distant river textures on the White River valley https://www.dropbox.com/s/6ibh768xb1wm9c0/72850_20180713170341_1.png?dl=0 I've tested this on fresh installs of vanilla LE & SE with identical results I use 'coc chargenexit' to spawn a default character at the exit from Helgen Keep I run NW to a rocky spur that overlooks the White River valley opposite Bleak Falls Barrow To the left one can see lake Ilinalta and to the right Riverwood down the valley I have a steady 60FPS at ultra as I rotate at this spot About half way down the valley towards Riverwood at the area just below Bleak Falls Tower there is a section of the river missing A geometrical slice of river textures is missing - in both LE & SE This is with no mods Is this a known issue or specific to my setup or install? I think it may have something to do with occlusion culling? I have read there is an issue with that in some areas of SE Is there a way to fix this? Thanks My System specs W7 64 bit i3 4170 3.7 GHz 8GB ram GTX 1060 3GB
  3. In the past i have made a few donations to mod creators using the donations button on Nexus Is there anywhere I can see a record of those donations on my Nexus profile or account Thanks :)
  4. @ midgetalien I tend to agree with you about the hate and the raging. Much of it is very excessive and irrational black & white thinking and makes little sense. People are resistant to change. It completely freaks some people out. There are TES players who have never been able to get past Arena, or one of the other earlier games. They rage and hate on the new games and Bethesda at every opportunity But there are real issues with CC going forward; I think it signals big changes ahead for TES and FO etc I think SE was created to prepare the way and get the community ready for the upcoming changes to the way the games are designed and delivered What do others see ahead?
  5. Donations are completely legitimate and are the way the mod using community can support premier modders Patreon is also legitimate imo Donations help to keep the modding community active Donations are voluntary expressions of appreciation; they are not payment A person who is a modder and who wants or expects to be paid should become a developer
  6. I dont consider Creation Club products to be mods I reserve the term mods for player-made changes to the games I use terms like microtransactions or DLC or expansion for official content When you work for Creation Club you are working as a developer; not as a modder That is how I see it Developer and modder are different things Developers are contracted and paid Modders are passionate fans and hobbyists Supporting a modder by donations does not affect their status as a modder But the minute you sign a contract to work for Bethesda you are a developer I dislike and I oppose the blurring of the two that the controversy over paid mods has generated What do you think?
  7. Yes there could still be mods to some extent But in the absence of a creation kit nothing like what we have today for TES 5 & 4 & 3 I'm sure we can handle without beth's handicapped tool too. Well i think a lot of modders rely on the Creation Kit; without it many would not try to mod the game There would still be mods but nothing like there is with CK
  8. I wonder could part of the reason Bethesda delayed TES6 and created Special Edition be to begin getting players and the community ready for changes which will be major features in the future games...? For instance an in-game microtransaction store providing various kinds of DLC and perhaps other services too They may also be planning building-in a co-op feature; this would incentivise micro DLC such as skins etc What I mean is the nature of TES games and perhaps Fallout too may be about to change quite a bit What do you think?
  9. Yes there could still be mods to some extent But in the absence of a creation kit nothing like what we have today for TES 5 & 4 & 3
  10. It makes sense for developers to be aware of popular mods for development ideas. I see no issue with that. In fact I see it as a good thing. At its best it means developers are listening to players and adapting to player ideas and desires - all of which is a good thing for gaming in general. Of course when issues of money and copyright etc come into it it gets complicated. The way we do business in neoliberal capitalism requires the locking-up of creativity behind proprietary copyright laws and paywalls. It shuts down or at least hampers the natural processes of creativity. One of the underlying reasons for these changes in business practice has to do with digital delivery. How games are developed and purchased and supported has changed. There are still gamers clinging to the old high street retail model and physical ownership of a box and a disc; but most of us have moved on and are adapting to the digital age. There will be a lot of disruption and controversy as corporations and customers adapt to the digital retail environment and systems. Mistakes will be made and corporations and customers will struggle to find equitable solutions. It will take time. The responsibility of customers is to let corporations know how they feel about their products and business practices - review bombing for example, both negative and positive, is one way.
  11. I'm concerned that its a slow creep to remove the freedom to mod from the grasp of PC gamers and I think they want to control their IP, its probarbly been in planning for some time . The current iteration of creation club is likely to break mod builds as they update and I would bet that in future it will fork significantly, probarbly with 6. Like you suggest I think they will give the best tools to contractors and if we're lucky there will be a two tier system, the cutdown version being on general release. If unlucky we'll see none at all. In order to use the creation kit you have to sign up to Bethesda.net. How easy would it be to control the distribution of mods through that portal? Are they killing the goose that lays the golden egg? I don't know, they may have decided that they can keep it alive through battery farming techniques serving the home console users who just want new stuff and are prepared to pay for it. Yes good points alsoran... There are other games that have a lot of DLC and still have modding so maybe they will find a way I dont know I hope my worries turn out to be mistaken
  12. I can see huge issues of compatibility and competition between player-made mods and in-game transactions I think the reason many people dont see this is because they look at it from the point of view of a player - not a corporation In other words from the point of view of a passionate fan of the game and not a salaried corporate financial officer or lawyer And they will say things like, Bethesda is making enough money already... No corporate CEO or financial officer would ever say that Whereas previously the games were stand-alone games with a couple of substantial expansions From now on Bethesda games will have a DLC store inside the game Bethesda will be inside your game all the time; this changes everything in my opinion I cannot see them providing creation tools for player made mods as they have in the past since those mods would disrupt their store and its DLC and would be competition for their DLC You can see the conflicts already as modders create mods that disable Creation Club functionality (FO4) Does anyone really think a corporation is going to allow that? At this time I just cannot see how the two can be reconciled
  13. Just to clarify, when I mention 'competition' I mean that free mods are competition to Creation Club paid DLC For example Frostfall is competition for Survival Mode If I were a shopkeeper I would not want some guy in the corner offering free groceries The significance of compatibility issues is this... Many players who use player-made mods may be reluctant to buy Creation Club DLC for fear of compatibility issues Bethesda will know this is the case and thus may reason that anything that hinders players buying Creation Club DLC is bad for their business I dont see these issues becoming critical problems for Skyrim players... But as I say in my title they may have a big effect on future Bethesda games It is possible there will be no general release of a Creation Kit for TES6 They may only supply tools to subcontractors
  14. You can see the main issues already... Compatibility issues between player made mods and Creation Club DLC Competition ($) issues between player made mods and Creation Club DLC Eg competition between the new survival mode and Frostfall etc Lets presume that eventually Creation Club will have a wide variety of real content mods similar to what we have today in player made mods here on Nexus (ie not just skins etc)... How much will it cost you to play a Creation Club modded game? I run 60+ player made mods as a minimum; many players run many more.... So how much will it cost you to have the Skyrim you want to play?
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