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Posts posted by shencereys

  1. right, i have FINALLY got to the bottom of it. I have Fallout 4 running at 60fps, 3840x2160 60hz with NO screen tear and NO micro stuttering. I basically added iFPSClamp=60 to display and general settings. Everything is set to Ultra and it now runs like SILK. I have spent MANY hours on this fix!!


    Dude... holy s#*!..


    I know this is a necro thread but this advice worked perfectly for me.


    I've got a GTX1080ti running a 4k monitor with a cheap second card running two 1920x1080 monitors. I have been struggling for MONTHS to get a stable framerate in Fallout 4 with the high rez texture pack installed


    Adding these two measly lines to my INI did it! I went from 50 fps with spikes down to 20 to a smooth 60 ALL THE TIME! You're my f****** hero

  2. I know this is a necro thread but nobody here has posted the answer.


    This problem is caused by not launching with f04se.


    Double check to make sure you've got the latest version, that it's installed correctly, and that you're launch the game using the correct exe.


    If you don't know what f04se is, A) it's a script extender which is a requirement for many fallout 4 mods, and B) you should use your google fu to find out how to download, install, and operate it.

  3. Solved: CBBE files werent in the body slide folder -> Downloaded CBBE manual version and copied all the body slide cbbe files into the body slide folders in my fallout/data/tools.

    Same sort of thing happened to me just now.


    I think it was caused by uninstalling and reinstalling though NMM without admin. Kept reinstalling CBEE and nothing happened.


    Reinstalling CBBE base mod with admin privileges fixed the problem for me though.

  4. Thanks for the info so far, I appreciate it.


    Definitely when the CK comes out, I'll begin tooling around with it like everyone else.


    I'll have a look at the links you've provided and see what I can make happen :)



    Also, any tutorials on just changing simple values on items would be appreciated. Lets say I want to alter the base armor value of Hide armor. Is there any way to do that?





  5. I've been a consumer of mods for a while, and having been laid-off recently, I'm looking at plenty of spare time to not only consume but contribute.


    I don't have any real modding experience, but I was hoping a few of you could let me know where to get started. Here's what I'd like to know how to begin to do-


    1: How do I get started doing simple things like edit item values (weights, whether an item is light, heavy, or cloth armor, base armor and damage values, etc)

    2: What software do I need to start altering textures and meshes? I'm not entirely familiar with the difference between the two but I'm a quick study, I'll figure it out.

    3: Is it possible to edit dialog, and add/remove dialog tree options? How would I get started with that?

    4: Is it possible to edit default creature type attributes? (Like lets say, altering bandits to detect sneaking more easily, or making many of them able to cast restoration magic) If so, how would I go about it?



    No need for any one person to tackle all the answers to those questions, if you just know one or two, feel free to chime in. Thanks in advance for your help guys, and keep up the good work on the great mods!



  6. I propose a mod that would allow you to create armor in a number of different "Styles" that would effectively let you choose the appearance of the item as you craft it.


    For example you could use the "Glass Armor" recipe to create a set of armor that shares the recipe and stats of Glass Armor, but replaces the model with one of several choices. You could for example create a set of glass armor with the appearance of Hide Armor, or Studded Armor, allowing you full customizablity of your character's appearance.


    The same could apply to weapons, as well.


    I realize this would be difficult, because currently if an armor's appearance is replaced with another (see the wealth of 'nocturnal robe replacer' mods out there if you're curious how this works) it applies a blanket policy to all NPCs as well. Without some kind of workaround the result would be something like this:


    -Mark crafts a set of glass armor with the appearance of hide armor

    -The mod then replaces the appearance of glass armor with hide armor for Mark, so his glass armor looks like hide

    Problem: every npc Mark meets from then on who happens to be wearing glass armor would appear to be wearing hide


    This could be inconvenient for players, who, after a few custom-crafts, wouldn't be able to tell who's wearing what anymore.


    My proposed workaround would be to have the mod then create a new type of armor instead of replacing the model of the target type. To return to our example, if Mark creates a set of glass armor that looks like hide, it creates a new file, instead of replacing the old one. For simplicity's sake we'll call the default glass armor mesh Glass.mesh and the default hide armor Hide.mesh


    Rather than replacing all the glass.mesh files with hide.mesh, would it be possible for the mod to create a new armor category in the wearable database, say GlassToHide.file with the hide.mesh appearance?


    If it was possible, there still would be issues with including these new items in the smithing improvement database and associating these new items with enchanting, but the proposed crafting supermod would ideally be able to cope with this as well, making newly player-created gloves behave like regular gloves when it comes to smith improvement and available enchants.


    Sadly I lack the technical expertise to do it, but I'm sure there's some of you out there with code cajones big enough to make it happen.

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