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Everything posted by Erronis

  1. As the title says, I'm trying to figure out how to increase the amount of food each settler is able to work. I thought I managed to find something in the global values section, WorkshopMaxProductionPerNPCFood, but even starting up a new game with that didn't seem to work. Any suggestions?
  2. A bit earlier I noticed that my crosshair began expanding and then shrinking, repeatedly, when over anything I could activate. I noticed this only after I had installed one new mod and updated one I already had to a newer version. Before installing those, I did not notice this, but uninstalling those did not fix this. The files were Arrows and Bolts Tweaks and Dragonbone Crossbow. The files were installed, updated, and uninstalled entirely through the Nexus Mod Manager. The one I had updated was the Arrow tweaks one, from version 1.1 I think. I was positive that the crosshair didn't move before this, but being unable to correct this or even locate any files that may be causing this I am starting to think that I've somehow missed this since the game's release. Does anyone know of a way to correct this if this is not normal, or if it is a mod to replace it with? I like the look of the original crosshair, which is the same as what I have now, but I'd prefer it did not grow and shrink as it is currently doing.
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