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Everything posted by Zaianya

  1. I'm having the opposite issue--I can't get my Darker Nights esp to work at all. Someone mentioned that, rather than use an ESP, I should darken the nights by tweaking my .ini file, but I'm afraid I don't know what I'm doing. (Obviously I have All Natural, Enhanced Weather, and the Darker Nights optional ESP).
  2. This is some excellent tactical advice, and here's what I ended up doing (though I still got a bit creamed): Enchanted every piece of armor with +12 shield constant effect (after I sold all those archer's equipment, I certainly had the cash). This gave me something like 50 in the armor department. I intend to take the rest of this advice and just train, level, and wait. You're right--having never used OOO, and dealing with Vanilla Oblivion for too long, I'd forgotten what it's like to deal with something you're not prepared to deal with. This is AWESOME! PS: I like to think I'm not remotely 'arrogant' about a video game character :) ...I actually pour quite a lot into light armor, regardless of what sort of character I'm putting together.
  3. I've done everything except for installing and initiating Wrye Bash because I am dyslexic and the readme file is just a maze of jumbled letters, words and incoherent phrases with that god awful yellow background. I imagine it's the solution though as everything still refuses to work... Wrye Bash is actually really simple to use, and it's brought me from 10+ crashes per session to NO crashes, ever. Before you install Wrye Bash, however, you need to install Wrye Python, which can be found here: http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionUtilities.Detail&id=44 Once you've downloaded and installed Python, you can get Wrye Bash here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22368 Once you download and install Wrye Bash, follow these steps: 1. Use BOSS to sort your mods 2. Open Wrye Bash. You should see a long list of mods, and somewhere in there should be a mod labelled 'Bashed Patch' 3. Right click 'Bashed Patch' 4. Select 'Rebuild Patch' from the dropdown menu 5. You will see a long list of items to the left. Examine each individually. 6. Sometimes, when you select an item on the left, you will see a list of mods appear on the right. When this happens, check the boxes for the mods on the right and the relevant box on the left. 7. Work your way down the list. 8. When done, hit OK, and wait. ...you should then be good to go. Make sure your bashed patch is selected, just as you'd tick off a mod.
  4. I would think a level 19 mage would be up to most tasks, even with OOO there to keep things interesting, but I'm working on Shadows in a Struggle for Power (I think that's what it's called), and I have to say--the number of people you're expected to be taking on is slightly ridiculous. I manage to draw them out one at a time, which is how I clear out the first level, but once I'm on the second level (which is only accessible by jumping off a balcony???), I start getting my respective parts handed to me. I just die a lot. Is it just me, or is this quest better left until...I don't even know, level 30 maybe? I simply cannot manage fighting five enemies at a time, when each of those enemies is summoning two powerful animals to aid them. Does anybody have ANY strategies for coping with this incredibly difficult quest?
  5. Been trying various solutions to this problem, but no matter how I re-arrange my load list and even though I've updated and patched all my mods to within an inch of my life, still getting odd wells in the middle of buildings. Is there some version of Real Thirst that DOESN'T add any new wells? Or some other thirst mod that doesn't add new wells?
  6. This has been helpful for me as as well (I don't have a problem using Wrye Bash, but because I don't understand what it really does, it intimidates me). Just need to clarify: If I check something off on the left, and nothing appears on the right, then that left hand box DOES NOT need to be checked? Sorry if I sound like a fool, but I really want to get this right.
  7. For anyone having a similar problem: The issue was a corrupted savegame file. I reloaded a good ten saves back, which was irritating, but more importantly, it fixed the issue.
  8. Running Windows 7, previously had no real problems with crashes. I'm using an FPS Optimizer, OBSE, OBMM to manage things, BOSS to sort, and I've got the Stutter Remover as well. Here's my load order: Oblivion.esm EnhancedWeather.esm Cobl Main.esm Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm Better Cities Resources.esm bookplacing.esm Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp Better Cities .esp EnhancedWeather.esp EnhancedWeather - Darker Nights, 50.esp WindowLightingSystem.esp Book Jackets Oblivion - BP.esp VA_BetterGold.esp Living Economy.esp Living Economy - Items.esp FF_Real_Thirst.esp DLCOrrery.esp DLCSpellTomes.esp RTFemaleReplacerV12.esp Slof's Horses Base.esp Slof's Extra Horses.esp DLCThievesDen.esp Slof's Oblivion Robe Trader.esp Cobl Glue.esp FF_Real_Thirst, Cobl.esp Cobl Tweaks.esp Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp DLCBattlehornCastle.esp DLCFrostcrag.esp RealSleepExtended.esp Oss133FrameRateOptimizer.esp Better Cities Full.esp Better Cities - No LEYAWIIN Flooding.esp Better Cities - VWD of the IC.esp Better Imperial City.esp Better Imperial City FPS Patch.esp Better Cities - COBL.esp Better Cities Full FPS Patch.esp Real Hunger, Cobl.esp Corean Hair + Elaborate Eyes.esp Slof's Amazon Armour.esp Bashed Patch, 0.esp I also just recently attempted to re-build my BASH patch; I followed the instruction on Wrye's site, but it's always possible I frakked something up. The problem is so bad I can barely load the game long enough to travel from one place to another, but the problem seems focused inside cities. I was previously using Better Cities v. 4.6.0, and I'm now using 4.6.1. I cleaned my savegame before upgrading, so I'm at a total loss. Any ideas?
  9. Bet that's it! Can you link me to this mod? I found something called "Real Thirst - COBL" but the description doesn't sound right--it says it requires both COBL and the original Real Thirst mod. Actually, this description doesn't make any sense to me at all...
  10. Gotcha. Well, what a female dog--I thought I'd read these mods were compatible...does anyone use a thirst mod that's more compatible with better cities? Something that doesn't add any wells, only converts the existing?
  11. I'm wondering if anybody has this problem with JUST Better Cities installed? Otherwise--does anybody know how I might make these mods compatible? I can make my way around the construction set...I think.
  12. BC has a compatibility patch for that included, I thought... There is a patch, and I'm using that. My understanding is that the real thirst mod doesn't ADD any wells, simply replaces existing static wells with scripted wells that provide water. But I'm not 100% sure.
  13. Forgot to add (if it's important): I'm using the latest version of OBSE and I install everything with OBMM.
  14. Hey all, Just installed Oblivion on a non-Vista machine (thank god), and am having only one problem, mod-related. When I go to the Waterfront District and Market district, there are some potable wells sprouting out of tents (waterfront) and walls/doors (market district). I use BOSS to sort my mods, and here's my load order: Oblivion.esm EnhancedWeather.esm Cobl Main.esm Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm Better Cities Resources.esm Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp Better Cities .esp EnhancedWeather.esp EnhancedWeather - Darker Nights, 50.esp Book Jackets Oblivion.esp VA_BetterGold.esp Living Economy.esp Living Economy - Items.esp FF_Real_Thirst.esp RTFemaleReplacerV12.esp Slof's Horses Base.esp Cobl Glue.esp Cobl Tweaks.esp Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp RealSleepExtended.esp Oss133FrameRateOptimizer.esp Better Cities Full.esp Better Cities - No LEYAWIIN Flooding.esp Better Cities - VWD of the IC.esp Better Imperial City.esp Better Imperial City FPS Patch.esp Better Cities - COBL.esp Better Cities Full FPS Patch.esp Real Hunger, Cobl.esp Bashed Patch, 0.esp MD_Oblivion_Eyes.esp Corean Hair + Elaborate Eyes.esp ...anyone have any suggestions? I'm running the latest versions of Real Thirst and COBL, by the way.
  15. I've googled, I've combed various mod archives individually, and I've plowed through my own computer. I've lost this. Does anyone have or know how I might obtain the RAH Expanded Entertainers mod? Failing that--it's a pretty simple modification of the Entertainers Plugin from Bethesda. I managed to cobble the scripts together, but I think I'm doing something wrong because I keep getting errors when I select the appropriate dialogue options in-game. I've checked everywhere I know to check. If anyone can help me out by uploading, emailing, or otherwise sending me this mod--or if there's some absurdly kind soul who'd be willing to re-modify the Entertainer's Plugin--let me know. All I can offer is undying gratitude. --Zai
  16. Not sure what you mean; these are pretty much the only mods I've got right now.
  17. Hello, I'm in need of Cyrodil Upgrade Overhaul and Cyrodil Upgrade Resource Pack. I'm finding a lot of links, but none are functional, and a search at Tesnexus turns up nothing. Thanks for any help!
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