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About DoubleExFatez

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    United States
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  1. The bass and the tweeters make the speakers go to war. Aaa the Mighty Trumpet brings freaks out to the floor!
  2. Ah yes.. I had this bug as well... And one day it randomly fixed itself upon rerunning the mod installer on NMM.. dont know how but it did. Killer Keos Skimpy Armor for CBBE is it?
  3. I was wondering if someone could make (Or refer me to) an animation mod that makes the bow running, idle, and sprinting (And turning) more feminine (or unisex). I know there are some mods out there like that but I dont like the way they look and since I play in third person mode alot, animations matter to me (And I play a female) ANd I dont think the vanilla look feminine. So please make or refer me to a mod that does that. Please and thank you :)
  4. I don't know, i have a crappier graphics card than you (probably) at AMD Raedeon HD 8400 i play on custom settings (like low for everything but texture detail is at medium and the fades are decent) and I get great fps in cities with these settings. That being said you tried lowering your settings? if not, then i dont think Skyrim is meant for your computer :( (BTW What are your other specs?)
  5. I'm a semi-pro voice actor, I can speak clear and loud if needed. I use: Blue Snowball (with pop filter) Skype (for communication things) So if you need me just message me or post here.
  6. Hello females of Skyrim! I need a (semi) professional voice artist All you need is: Good, loud, clear voice Ability to sound happy, sad, angry Speak English (Maybe foreign voices in a different update) For more info contact me on the nexus (Yes scripts provided, as soon as I write them) I have not actually started this mod yet.
  7. Not sure if this goes here, if not im sorry, but I'm looking for someone (or people) to help out with an idea i have that I must admit is cool (In my head) so add me on skype: youandilikepie if you wanna help ill fill you in if you do.
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