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About TheNick93

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  1. We are still active, and I messed ads stealt. I'm on the streamline forums too. I'll repost what this mod is about Alright, I have the main island made. I'm working on interiors for all the buildings I have placed now. I have two dungeons made by k0pk3rk0. I need a quest maker and some new models, anyone interested good smile.gif .Any help we can get is good. Senzwald is an arctic island, on a small chain. it is dominated by nordic/viking culture. The main quest will include raids, ownable houses, and an ancient culture hidden in some ruins. If interested say something! Thanks
  2. Sure ads, just message me. Dunno where some of my other people are, havent seem em in a bit
  3. Thanks for the response. I'm not a scripter really >.<
  4. Ok I'm gonna need to add new music for a mod I'm making. I know oblivion has a place it lists where and when to use a track. How could I make it trigger a song when entering a certain dungeon for example, but only that one.
  5. And someone good with quests.....
  6. By the way, we need a mesh maker pretty bad.
  7. Stealt is awesome hahaha. Its going strong now.
  8. I'm using those :) they are great. I have a lotta people to thank haha. If interested in helping go to http://www.ircbox.net/tiki-index.php?page=chat and ask for hunter.
  9. Internet relay chat. Very easy to use, can easily coordinate a whole team. If ya wanna try it go to http://www.ircbox.net/tiki-index.php?page=chat and ask for hunter, thats me. Imagine it as multiplayer notepad, lol
  10. Nope, but I have a place set up on irc. One thing I cannot do at all is dungeons. Never was able to.
  11. Hahaha thanks. I'm good with stores, interiors/exteriors, I'm learning AI packages, and want to do mesh making, which I'm learning. I'm int he mod about 20 hours now.
  12. Ok I posted this before to no avail, mods ignored the request to move it so I'm reposting >.< Ok, so I've started a mod. It a adds a cold northern island, with a Viking/Germanic culture mix. I've made the islands base and started a town, but haven't made a quest or new meshes before. I can figure the quest making process out, but meshes not so much. Meo and several others have resources I'm using. (Gotta say, thanks so much for the great resources meo) Is there anyone willing to help or work on the team? I have lore and everything in idea, but this isn't going to be a huge mod. Those almost never make it. I'm pretty good at most of this, but help never hurts
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