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  1. It would be nice if someone had a serious answer for this. I stopped playing shortly after SotET came out and just recently started playing again from the beginning. I never had problems using Mod Engine 2 before unless I had to merge something (which I gave up on trying). Now, no mods that use Mod Engine 2 are working for me. Only Elden Loader works for me.
  2. I second this. The githyanki bodies are extremely thin.
  3. Would love this. Don't like motion sickness either.
  4. I'm new to all this modding also and I was following the youtube video linked by mgbeach and I ran into a problem when I was trying to install FOMM. I don't have Fallout installed on my computer and FOMM keeps asking me to Select Working Directory. Because of this I can't get it to finish installing. So, do I need the Fallout game on my computer? or is there someway around this?
  5. I wore the Savior's Hide for a while but I also didn't like that there were no pants to go with it. I didn't like how the forsaken bracers and boots fit with the look of the Savior's Hide though.
  6. This is a mod I've been looking for. I hope someone gets around to making one. I liked the mod in Oblivion that would auto harvest and would like to have one in Skyrim also. preferably one that would also allow you to auto harvest while on horseback.
  7. I don't know of any other game then EQ2 that does this, but in EQ2 your character has appearance slots for armor in addition to your normal armor that you receive stats from. This way, once you get, say, Warden Commanders Armor you can continue to appear to be wearing it even if you upgrade to something better but looks horrid.
  8. I always wondered why, after completing this quest line, that Warden't Keep wouldn't become your base camp.
  9. I believe that line of spells you only get 1 spell that will summon 1 walking dead from a corpse and I don't think it works on anything that doesn't have blood. So you couldn't reanimate wraiths or other undead. The walking bomb spells in that line are sweet though. But yea, I'd like to see an expanded necromancy line of spells also.
  10. Yea, the Shadow Wardens Armor looks great. It's over powered for early to mid game though.
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