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About dudeio

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  1. Heya! I'm looking for a mod I used like 10+ years ago. It was basically a voice over mod that would say lines whenever certain status effects happened. Low health, radiation, stealth boy activated etc etc... I managed to find a video linked in a DIFFERENT mod on the nexus here that actually had it, surprisingly so. Video Link Was hoping maybe someone else here remembers or knows of this mod. I seem to vaguely recall the mod being called EVA or something. But I've tried searching for that and looking through all the pages of sound related mods with no good results.
  2. Thanks alot, I don't have any dlc though so I'll just delete everything except those files! :thanks: EDIT: Allthough I can't find all of those files =/
  3. Som mods require to replace the old files and thats the ones I have and unless you telling me that it generates it every time the game starts as a cache would I'd delete all but I seriously doubt it does so I need a copy of original DATA folder or a REALLY stable modded one. Why wouldn't anyone share theirs? Oh wait I just saw that mines 6gb so... Anyone else have a plan to clear it anyone could like give me a very detailed explenation cus I don't know which .bsa and .ess stuff should be there and the ones that shouldn't
  4. I have heavily uber noob modded my fallout 3 and like they collide and so I've decided to like just get rid of them before I do anymore damage to my system and I was wondering if anyone could give me a copy of "DATA" folder with out mods, the original one.... I forgot to back it up... =/ :thanks:
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