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About strawbqwerty

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  1. I am at the moment in the process of getting another game up and running. I had this problem to. I am using MO2. With that there is a ini editor. There is a custom ini. To the custom ini I added the following. [Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles
  2. I have not and will not any time soon update from Skyrim Se. I did the best of both worlds down grade some time back. So have the first lot of Anniversary mods. Sorting out a new mods list and got to creating a bashed patch. Wyre Bash has to know where your game install is and the version it is. When I generate a bashed patch it has the version 1.71000. I noticed this when I opened the patch up in SSEedit. A easy enough fix. The other issue I noticed was a shed load of stupid errors. Under head parts the bash patch had door activator. So for each npc head part wyre bash was trying to overwrite with a door activator. Many other errors as well. Had to manually edit a lot of issues. Looks like gradually having the old version of the game will be harder to maintain.
  3. I have been playing with no save game issues. I only manually save. I have sky rim engine fixes installed. Check the settings file in sky rim engine fixes and fixes for corrupt save files are set correctly. Last time I played I was able to save and exit the game. This was the 912th save with no problem. Then I was able to restart the game with the last save with no issues. I have not changed anything at all with the game nothing nada zip and zilch. This time I started the game and I have the message save game is corrupt and can not be read save data does no match skse co save . Got me why this has happened.
  4. Not a complete fix to the problem, more a better work around. I have found that if I create a console save when I first load into the game I can save the usual way after that. Better than all the dying and re spawning.
  5. Thanks you for your reply. I will check and see about the load order and weather there is any conflicts.
  6. To be able to save I have to after loading into the game use console command player.kill. Then when I re spawn I can save. I f I try so save with out using the console command I CTD. Any thought to why this is happening and possible a better fix for this issue?
  7. I have got to the stage where I confront Arch-Curate Vythur. He makes his comments and then begins to reanimate falmer and such. All good so far, only problem is they spawn outside the cell. What ever is up for reanimation does the reanimation thing and then there is a green shape of them this disappears and they are gone. I can see them as red dots in the hud and they are beyond the cell walls. Some will come though and attack. But not all this means the scene cannot progress until all are killed. This area of my game is untouched by any mods. Have played this quest in previous play through `s with out a issue. Of course as a pc player I can console command my way through the quest. But that is not real immersive.
  8. There was a easy enough fix. Just not what I had anticipated having to do. I just rolled back the game with the available app and all was good again. I just have to remember to start Steam some time before I run the game.
  9. Went to start my game and as usual I start steam before I launch the game. I was a bit quick of the mark starting the game and steam was still in the process of starting and bam it updated my game. I checked my settings on steam and it clearly states not to install update unless I launch through steam and never allow back ground updates. They really want to help you any way they can whether you want the help or not.
  10. I have a reasonably large load order, with a lot of these mods being made by non English speaking mod authors. Some where in the depths of many , many mods Is a mod that is doing things to the dialogue and map names etc. Is there a mod or a script for SSEdit that will scan your load order and list mods that have non English dialogue etc. Would be handy if there was. It would be a bit like mod organizer that detects non form 44 plug ins.
  11. So I may be the last person in the entire universe to come across this. But if I for some reason am not then this may be news for others. Older games like Skyrim do not have FSR support built in. There is a app that will apply FSR when you run the game. The benefit is you can run your game at 1080 p and FSR will upscale to your monitor resolution. Down side is a very minor loss in fine detail in game. The result is a huge increase in fps. I have a Vega frontier and I was getting on average 30 fps out side with fairly heavily modded graphics. I have gained on average 20 fps. Interiors are even more. On average I was getting 40-50 fps, now 70-110 fps The app is called Magpie and you get it from git hub. There is a you tube video giving all the details. https://youtu.be/2g4FCcmRp4w On the git hub page look for the version 6 English Magpie. There is a few iterations and that is the one you want. FSR can be used with AMD or NVidia For Sky rim do use injector set at runtime as you have a different cursor in game and you may end up with two. For AMD make sure Radeon image sharpening is enabled (or it may be more than a minor loss in fine detail ). Enter the game as you would normally with the resolution set to 1080 p then press alt f11 and the resolution will upscale, also if you have a fps metrics showing you should notice a increase. That increase will of course vary with your game set up and your gpu.
  12. Well thank you for that. It all ways make you feel better knowing that others have issues too. So I guess I will have to live with it then.
  13. While MO2 is running I can run creation kit from the game folder or launch it through steam.
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