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About Jckbckfrd2

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  1. First off, I didn't read the entire thread, only glanced through to get a general understanding of what's been accomplished and what not, so if I repeat a previous suggestion, I apologize. Now, It seems to me, that it ought to be possible for quests to be adjusted so, if in the off chance a important quest NPC is killed be a flying wheelbarrel or some such, the quest could continue. Say you continue on with you're quest lacking the information that NPC gives, but, since you aren't properly informed, you miserably fail. Adds realism, and makes the random occurrences less frustrating, imo. I don't know if this is quite possible, as I have absolutely no modding experience and only a small amount in scripting, but judging from what has been done in mods already, I think it could be done. Just an idea.
  2. Brilliant idea!! I've always wondered if I was missing something about these guys. If more help is needed, i'm in. Unfortunately, I proved absolutely terrible at every technical aspect of modding. But, anything story related, or perhaps some voice acting (never done any, but I'm more than willing to give it a shot.) and I'll certainly help out.
  3. This. http://th06.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2010/350/0/b/callandor__cristal_sword_by_roger_van_koughnett-d350cgr.png
  4. I alredy have a save file. Thats why im so confused. I guess ill just have t start from scratch. :(
  5. I have no folder or anything called saves. I dont know if it would be a problem, but i have Vista...
  6. I had to sweap my harddrive due to a virus and I really dont want to start over again. ut, I cant figure out how to install a save file. I tried copying it into my data folder like everything else, but that didnt work. Any suggestions?
  7. I dont have a lot of modding experiance, but i would like to help. If theres nothing i can do in the mod its self i can always do voice acting. XD
  8. In Lindai Inner Tombs, theres a special door that takes somekind of key, which i cant find, and ive looked everywhere.
  9. I collect Keys. Every single key i come across goes into my littie lectern. Unfortunatly, Everytime the guards respaun i have to get their keys so i guess iill never finish my collection. XD
  10. I've been working on the story line all day and i was thinking along the same lines. Perhaps starting out before the fall of the Riders and choosing wheather to be one of the Forsworn or a loyal Rider. Again, I am not much of a modder and i am hopeing that I can recruit some people to help with scripting, city building, etc... If anyone is willing to help just Post anyideas you have and what you can/will do.
  11. I cant speak for every one else, but i absolutly love these books. I was thinking of makeing a mod along the lines of the middle earth roleplaying mod. Im not much of a Modder but if anyone wants to help, I have the basic ideas but its still pretty raw. So, This is how it begins. I origionally wanted to have you begin as a common solder in any of the armies, but after i learned of oblivions active npc limitations that was basiclly scrubbed. Now i am thinking of makeing you perhaps a messanger for one of the four factions, The Kings Army, The Varden, The Dwarves, or The Elves. I was hopeing to make this a totally new game, like the ME Roleplaying mod. Start at level 1 in a totally diffrent world. Perhaps make it so you choose where to begin. Alegasia, or Tamriel. Again, im not much of a modder, so any help i can get would be welcome.
  12. 1. The room in Arkveds Tower where you kinda float among the stars. 2. Gnarlas Malatar at sunset. 3. Anywhere where I can ninja jump off a roof to assassnate someone
  13. A tall, Extreamly large man walks through the door. As he neers the bar the barkeep can see that he is no man but something totally different. This person has glowing green eyes and cracks in his skin that are also glowing green. He casts a forbodding presence and the other patrons warely back away from him. As he approaches the bar the barkeep notices the massive claymore strapped to his back. It appears to be made out of bones with a skull with rubys set in the eye sockets as the pommel. Its blade is astonshingly large and seems to be made out of the sharpened bone of some great beast. His armour is just a simple Hassassins cloak and hood dyed black though the effect on this man made it rather frightening. He quitely sits at the bar and orders a drink. As the barkeep finishes cleening the glasses, three Imperials enter the bar. The Imperials scann the bar and spot the man. The first draws his bow and takes aim at the man. As the imperial looses the arrow, the man draws his blade with inhuman speed, both deflecting the arrow and decapatating the archer in one swing. He pivots, bringing his blade up and cutting the next imperial clean in two, from groin to neck. The third imperial rases his lingsword and bravely charges the man. the man easily deflects the imperials attack and quickle dispaches him with a quick blow to the head. The man stands between the three bodies, splattered in gore, while the other patrons watch in both awe and horror, unable to move. The man calmy sheathes his weapon and sits at his stool, tosses a pouch full of coins and calmly asks "Will that cover the damages?"
  14. DarkUI'd Darn? Finally!!! Thank You Very Much... XD
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