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Everything posted by Fiore1300

  1. That actually does help narrow it down considerably. Growlf looks like they uploaded a another screenshot of the house with the same character in a mod they previously released (https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/16930?tab=images) and that image is dated to 2 May, 2008. So if the mod exists (if it was ever uploaded to the public, if it was ever uploaded to the Nexus, and if it was never taken down in the 15 years since) it'll have to have been uploaded before that date. Unfortunately the date range function only goes back to 2013, so you have to browse mods in ascending order from date published. I couldn't spend much time on it today, but I did a brief scan of both Player Homes and of Castles, Palaces, Mansions, and Estates and didn't see anything resembling it. But, it might not be tagged at all, or tagged differently (like a quest or something). If I have time I might try to do a more thorough search of early 2008 without any restrictions EDIT: Your best bet might be to message the mod author. It seems they were last online in July of this year, so you might have a fair chance to catch them online in the next few months. I doubt they will remember but who knows. And if you find out let me know if you were successful. :laugh:
  2. No further clues? I did a battery of searches on Oblivion Nexus but came up empty handed.
  3. Huh, this actually touches on personal speculation about that area, developed by exploring the other side of the border in Skyrim. To cut a long story short, the speculation is basically that there is a pass through the mountains at this location. There's actually something of a valley here that runs from the border towards the Imperial City and Sancre Tor sits above it, as if it was intended to watch over this path through the mountains. And indeed in lore Sancre Tor blocks a combined army of Nords and Bretons, and was the capital of the Alessian Order at the time the Redguards were invading Hammerfell (and presumably threatening the empire). If you turn off the invisible borders in TES:V, you can actually follow the road out of Falkreath Hold and enter a small valley that, presumably, is occupied by Elinhir. There is even a break in the mountains at almost the exact point we see the Sancre Tor "valley" in Oblivion. You could make it a border town. That would work. Although it isn't exactly in the "northern reaches of the Jeralls" since that's the point where the Jeralls and the Colovian Highlands come together. Another place you could put it is where Arthmoor put their "Frostcrag Village" mod. Its a good location for a small town, and not far from Frostfire Glade.
  4. Like IcelandicPsychotic said, its not mentioned outside of lore - namely Knightfall. Knightfall says that Farmantle Glens is in "the northern reaches of the Jerals [sic]" So that means its possibly in modern Skyrim, or somewhere in Cyrodiil close to the border.
  5. I think most companion overhaul mods (mods that add features to companions) probably deal with this in some way, though its not listed in the features list, as they probably just tie the companion bounty to the players, or some other solution. I would try a few out and see if they solve your problem.
  6. So, I have have an idea for this. From an older post: Part of a longer post where I discussed "three potential routes": expanding the pool of dungeons, removing the randomized element, or increasing the randomized element. In any case the idea of having different biomes, each with their own pattern of challenges and encounters, was my favorite idea. I give a rough idea for the variation between biomes, but daedra encounters provide one example of differentiation between biomes. Flame Atronachs are more common in Fire realms, Frost Atronachs are more common in Famine realms, Storm Atronachs are more common in Flood realms, and all three are equally likely to appear in Fissure realms. Meanwhile Hungers might appear exclusively in Famine realms, while Spider Daedra might only appear in Fissure realms. Likewise environmental hazards will follow different patterns. While lava fields are common in Fire, Famine might have lakes of acid which disintegrate your armor and weapon, while Flood realms might have water hazard that require the player to make their way through submerged areas without drowning.
  7. Thank you very much, mixxa77. This put me on the path to finishing this particular script. None of the tutorials on scripting that I had done so far had introduced me to the quest scripts, so I didn't know how to handle them. Anyway, there were a few more changes I had to make to get it running correctly (for instance, it initially wouldn't advance the player beyond the second rank) but I ironed everything out and now it works beautifully. This is the final script: scn FioreInfamousScript short plrfame short plrinfamy short plrrank Begin GameMode set plrfame to (GetPCFame) set plrinfamy to (GetPCInfamy) if plrfame >= plrinfamy player.SetFactionRank FioreInfamousFaction, -1 elseif plrfame < plrinfamy player.SetFactionRank FioreInfamousFaction, 0 if plrinfamy >= (plrfame + 5) && plrinfamy < (plrfame + 10) player.ModFactionRank FioreInfamousFaction, 1 elseif plrinfamy >= (plrfame + 10) && plrinfamy < (plrfame + 15) player.ModFactionRank FioreInfamousFaction, 2 elseif plrinfamy >= (plrfame + 15) && plrinfamy < (plrfame + 20) player.ModFactionRank FioreInfamousFaction, 3 elseif plrinfamy >= (plrfame + 20) && plrinfamy < (plrfame +25) player.ModFactionRank FioreInfamousFaction, 4 elseif plrinfamy >= (plrfame + 25) player.ModFactionRank FioreInfamousFaction, 5 set plrrank to (player.GetFactionRank FioreInfamousFaction) endif endif End Now I'm moving on to addressing how the guards approach and throw the player out of the city. I figure I'm going to be mimicking the way vanilla Oblivion handles usual crime, and from what I can see in the CS this is mostly handled via a quest rather than scripts. But I don't doubt that I'll be back in this thread again soon. Edit: Ah, the key to avoiding the terrible white bars is to not choose a starting number for the code box.
  8. Making things easier to read for humans is always useful. Good tip, thanks. I think I'll just use this thread to post my issues in learning scripting in the future. Now I'm on to my own script. Just organizing my thoughts on how to approach it has been the greatest challenge. So I want to adjust the disposition of all members of a faction towards the player based on that player's infamy. After some deliberation I came to the conclusion that the best way to go about this was to take advantage of the existing faction system and make the player a part of a faction where their rank increases based on how much higher their infamy was over their fame. This is the basic script I came up with. I originally had some bits at the end that would expel the player from the faction if their infamy dipped below their fame, but I cut it for now because I can't get the script to work. I built this from scratch after doing tutorials, so while it passes the CSE sniff test, it doesn't appear to do anything in game when I give my player character infamy. For clarity's sake, FioreInfamousFaction is a six-ranked faction with a -10 disposition modifier with the Chorrol town guard faction. The faction is meant to be invisible to the player and work behind the scenes but I left it visible so that it would be easy to confirm if its working. scn FioreInfamousScript short plrfame short plrinfamy short plrrank Begin GameMode set plrfame to (GetPCFame) set plrinfamy to (GetPCInfamy) set plrrank to (player.GetFactionRank FioreInfamousFaction) if plrfame < plrinfamy player.SetFactionRank FioreInfamousFaction, 0 if plrinfamy >= (plrfame + 5) player.SetFactionRank FioreInfamousFaction, 1 elseif plrinfamy >= (plrfame + 10) player.SetFactionRank FioreInfamousFaction, 2 elseif plrinfamy >= (plrfame + 15) player.SetFactionRank FioreInfamousFaction, 3 elseif plrinfamy >= (plrfame + 20) player.SetFactionRank FioreInfamousFaction, 4 elseif plrinfamy >= (plrfame + 25) player.SetFactionRank FioreInfamousFaction, 5 endif endif End Like I said, it doesn't appear to have any effect. I'm probably being really sloppy here since its so late, so I don't doubt I am making some obvious mistakes. So let me have it guys. EDIT: Also I don't even know if this is the right approach. I want to (hopefully, eventually) track the number of times a player has been imprisoned, paid off a bounty, whether they have a bounty in another county, and eventually support for Vector where it will handle diseases. Is giving the player a invisible faction needlessly hacky? Will it be useless in addressing future goals? EDIT2: The ultimate goal behind lowering the disposition of the guard faction is to control when they're approach the player (when their disposition is low enough) and throw them out of the city and/or bar them from entering. Its (ultimately) supposed to give guards a way to handle troublesome characters that don't actually have a bounty on their heads to justify arrest/death. Just realized I didn't explain this earlier in the post. So yeah, I need help with this script but I also wouldn't mind some general guidance on how I should go from here. And thank you.
  9. Learning rudimentary scripting. Help a brother out. What am I doing wrong? scn WeaponForTheWorthy short doOnce short plrFame short plrInfamy Begin OnActivate set plrFame to (GetPCFame) set plrInfamy to (GetPCInfamy) If (doOnce = 0) If (getpcfame >= 50) || (GetPCInfamy >=50) If (getpcfame > getpcinfamy) MessageBox "You are famous enough!" player.additem 00090613, 1 set doOnce to 1 Else MessageBox "You are infamous enough!" player.additem 00090613, 1 set doOnce to 1 EndIf Else MessageBox "You are a nobody!" Endif Else MessageBox "You have already received your weapon!" Endif End CSE is saying I have a syntax error on line 8. I'm not sure why? It also won't accept any item I attempt to add to the player. What am I doing wrong here? Any and all help is appreciated! Edit: forgive me for the terrible white bars. I don't know what I'm doing. Edit2: Doh! I see I just forgot to double up on the = signs. For further clarfication, the error the CSE is giving me regarding the object ids is this: "item XXXXXX not found for parameter object id" EDIT3: I figured it out. I didn't have the Oblivion.esm selected, so of course it wasn't finding anything. :wallbash:
  10. Yeah, after posting yesterday I was able to export an Oblivion into a portable 2.49, then to 2.82, edit it, then to 2.79 where I can save it as a legacy mesh, then back to 2.49 where I can finally export it as a Nif file. Its tedious, possibly prone to errors, but very doable. I installed portable versions of both Blender 249 and 279 so I only have 282 installed. Hopefully some day a handsome passing rogue will sweep us off our feet and save us from the tedium. Oblivion is a great game and deserves better support.
  11. Bumped. I have the same issue. Greatness7's Morrowind Blender Plugin only works for Morrowind's nifs, and Blender 2.8 no longer carries the Legacy Mesh functionality so you can't use the 2.4.9 Blender Nifscripts workaround. I did read a thread in Skyrim's forums saying that people who make armor and clothing these days are using BodySlide (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/201) to ready weapons and armor (and creatures maybe?) for Skyrim. Maybe that works for Oblivion too? Worth a shot. Here's that original conversation: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/8104353-are-nif-files-incompatible-with-blender-28/
  12. You might want to try: No Unnecessary Facegen https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/49977 This improves FPS in cities by avoiding face generation for NPCs until they're in your line of sight. Only negative is that NPCs you see through partially translucent textures (like iron bars) are also affected. But if you can overlook that, its a good performance mod. Water FPS Boost https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/49347 Similarly hides water your character can't see so your computer isn't doing the work for nothing. Haven't tested this one myself yet.
  13. Dremora are ridiculously easy. They're not a actual creature in Oblivion, but just another race. See all the mods that add Dremora, Mazken, Aureals, etc as a playable race. So all you got to do is set up a normal merchant and then change his race to Dremora. There's even a mod that gives Dremora persuastion dialogue: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/49117 Animals are considerably harder. Lucky for you TheTalkieToaster's Playable Creatures mod give modders a resource to make NPC creatures that you can talk to, barter with, or however else you might want to interact with an NPC. Definitely unexplored potential for a mod. I would definitely like to see a Goblin or Minotaur merchant in a mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/31821
  14. Somebody already shared DaMage's Centaur Project, but you still need a Minotaur! Try out TheTalkieToaster's Playable Creatures mod. https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/31821 You'll also probably want seldalore's addons/patches for it: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/32155 https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/32080 And just in case it interests you: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/31822 Finally, regarding feet, this mod made an okay attempt at rectifying it at least for Argonians. https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/15469
  15. Wrong thread. This is for helping people find mods they're looking for. Try this forum: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/180-oblivion-mod-troubleshooting/
  16. Is this what you're looking for? https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/41283
  17. Sure thing. I actually got the idea to mess around with the Hue Saturation tool from this tutorial over at TESAlliance. Complete with pictures to help. Seems like it can be pretty useful. I started attacking the saturation and got a more black look.
  18. https://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php?title=GetDisease Note the function is deprecated. The page explains further. So to get the time the PC contracts a disease, I'd wager you'd want to combine IsSpellTarget to detect if the PC has a disease, if yes then GetCurrentTime, then go from there? I dunno. Just spitballin.
  19. With the mention green variant in your initial post, I suppose you've seen both of these? https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/43099 https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/24070 Opening it in GIMP is the easy part. All the tools you need are linked from the Construction Set wiki (https://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php?title=Retex_Guide) and in a few minutes... boom Trouble is I'm not good enough in GIMP to really do this justice without it looking sloppy. :confused: I think you might be able to use Color Exchange on this but I'm not sure. Maybe if I'm bored to tomorrow I might give it a shot. That's a big maybe though. Edit: Messing around with the Hue-Saturation tool a bit this morning. Still looks royal purple but it's darker.
  20. I've been eyeing that, actually! Once my new mod build is settled and stable, I'll give it a look-see
  21. Much if not all of these resources look like they came from other modders, and are not the compiler's handiwork. In fact, he may or may not even have permission to redistribute them. The Dreugh armor is Ghoigel's, and he requires permission. The Ordinator armor is partly Cryos', whose original mod is no longer on the Nexus, so far as I can tell, but whose permission is also required, as stated by Xtudo's Ordinators from Morrowind mod. I don't know what materials you were looking on using from this modpack, but I would track them down to see if you can get permission from the original authors. If you want to use Andragorn's stuff, contact Andragorn. I would avoid using anything from this pack that isn't made by the compiler.
  22. Yeah, Oblivion is a greater whole, within which lie the plane(t)s of Oblivion. The Deadlands are, by and large, the proper name for the realm we see in Oblivion. That's Dagon's realm. The fact that Boethia and Peryite's realms look exactly the same should be chalked up to recycling assets and therefore a gameplay limitation and not reflective of actual lore. Bethesda wasn't going to develop the new assets required just for these singular quests.
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