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  1. It CTD in wireframe mode, so it cause by mod? But even it cause by mod I can't turn it off, turning of mod has higher risk to corrupt save file or cause serious problem isn't it?
  2. It only happens when I open map in mod interior area. It is not happens to world map, local map of exterior area, any vanilla area or area in certain mod such as Beyond Skyrim: Bruma. What might be the cause and how I solve it? I had crash fix mod, ENBoost and LOOT to prevent CTD, but they cannot prevent this.
  3. OK...I thought after such a long time and so many huge mod released, someone will did something like that.
  4. I'm looking for mod which AFTER ADDITIONAL QUESTLINE, you can finally stop civil war by unite both faction together( either by permanent truce or other method ) or even move forward to fight the Thalmor( optional ) , not just simple mod which stop original questline and give you unfinished feel. Is there any mod done that?
  5. I try to make a simple ability which slow time only when I draw out weapon I just modified the voice slow time magic effect, give new ID and change it to constant effect, then I put new effect in my ability, set duration 1s, set condition isWeaponOut = 2. As expected time will be slow when I draw my weapon, but after I sheath weapon, the slow time effect still linger( sfx stop though ). What should I do to stop it?
  6. Is there any console command, mod, editor, cheat or other way to increase: 1) Number of class you can get, instead total of 4 classes you can get more 2) Class level, instead total of 30 you can get more *NOT character level, I can increase the level and experience cap, but my class will not level up more than total of 30.
  7. I can't figure it by myself, I look at those potion and effect then adding "what is missing" to new item, and even create new form base on existing item such as noodle cup, but none of work. Do I need to work on script? Or list?
  8. I dunno, when talk about short range teleportation, first thing come to my mind is VATS blitz, or shout in Skyrim.
  9. 1) Is there any mod which allow us to make peace with all 4 factions until the end no matter who we side with( especially The Institute )? 2) Is there any mod which recreate quest line to become the elder of the BoS? 3) Is there any mod which enhance mini map( not world map ), enable it to zoom all the way out and make things look clear without messy debris? 4) Is there any mod which allow us to preview the object model in full detail and color when selected no matter in inventory screen or barter screen? 5) Is there any "big" quest&adventure/ new land mod which full of content?
  10. I tried to change concrete floor foundation block model with Far Harbor simulation code block which is smaller, however it neither able to place beneath ground nor it snap with other structure object except itself. What is the problem and how can I fix it?
  11. There are 2 UIs which irritated me most: 1) Useless minimap which cannot zoom all the way out, so messy with debris I cannot figure out which layer I am, which path I can walk through and what the hell are those things. 2) Item show in Pip-boy color, and some outfits fold together I do not know how they looks like when I put them on. Please, I hope someone can make mods to fix these two UI. Thanks you.
  12. I'm trying to make a spell which damage enemies while healing allies in target area. For healing, I create new form of previous effect "RestoreHealthFFSelfArea", modify it to fire and forget, aimed and deleted all keyword and "IsUndead" so it heals all things. Then I set its condition to "IsHostileToActor == 0". For damage, I just picked "FireDamageFFAimedArea" and set its condition to "IsHostileToActor == 1", but it still damage non-hostile NPC. I tried "IsHostileToActor != 0", the result is the same. What am I suppose to change? Btw, How am I prioritize visual effect? For example I make a concentration spell which cause lightning, fire and frost damage at the same time. The visual effect always is the fire damage.
  13. I did everything I can to increase my success chance, 100 sneak, 100 stealth field, silent running, dark environment, target sleeping, pip boy light and radio off...none of this guarantee my success. So I hope someone can create a mod which provide 100% pickpocket success rate. If there is a mod for this, can anyone please provide me the link?
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