Okay to people who have played Fallout 3 and tampered with the Warhammer Conversion mod that adds the races and armors from Warhammer 40K into the game, i would like someone to pull that kinda thing for Skyrim (when the construction kit is out of course) but instead of the 40k armors and races , just the normal Medieval Warhammer! So whos with me?
I agree. I have always hated this fact about ES games that there are almost none legendary items. The whole goddam world is filled with more legends than you can even imagine but is there any item that looks little special than any other sword or armor you can buy? Maybe couple but thats it! Well anyways I have already started to work on the helmet. These are just small things I have done, the helmet for example has had complete re-design. http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/349/c/f/skyrim_models_by_gravedfish-d4j7bd9.jpg I am having little problems with textures because i am new to the modding but with a help of my friend I have made lot of progress. Thats amazing my friend! Keep up the good work! and is that THORS HAMMER!!! haha but anyways keep me posted this could be something amazing!
Okay ladies and gentelman what i propose if someone can manage such a thing is to make a complete armor set of Ysgramor! I know it will be tough to do im sure but just look at his statue or even look at him in the loading screen the armor is sooooo epic! We got the axe, we got the shield now we need the armor am i right?, although if it were possible you wouldnt be able to use the axe and shield together :P being the axe is 2h but that could be changed 2!!!!! :P so what do ya guys say?
I conquer with every thing thats been said i like this idea, one thing though id like to see would be a re-texture of werewolves to look like the ones from Underworld Trilogy
Hey so im new to the skyrim nexus forums but i mainly joined the forums part to make a mod request. I was wondering if there is anyone who can re-texture the Helm of Yngol (which you get from Yngol Barrows northeast of Windhelm) to match dragon scale armor so like the horns would be the bone like texture and the helm its self would resemble the metal part of dragonscale armor if any of you lads can help me with this i would be most greatful! Hope to hear from someone soon!
Hey so im new to the skyrim nexus forums but i mainly joined the forums part to make a mod request. I was wondering if there is anyone who can re-texture the Helm of Yngol (which you get from Yngol Barrows northeast of Windhelm) to match dragon scale armor so like the horns would be the bone like texture and the helm its self would resemble the metal part of dragonscale armor if any of you lads can help me with this i would be most greatful! Hope to hear from someone soon! :D
I am sick of having all these awesome melee weapon mods like katanas or lightsaber mods and the only thing i can do is swing from side to side, is there anyone who knows a mod or can create one that changes the fighting animation to something a little more cooler than *SWING LEFT* *SWING RIGHT* lol
If its possible can someone some how transport or bring to fallout 3 the Predators Armor, race CM Partners mod pllzzz i relly want this in my fallout! lol....heres a link to the oblivion mod http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=18390