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Everything posted by DanteWrath

  1. So, first time loading up my save since the last update, and I'm experiencing a very weird issue. Basically, I've become unable to read my messages (as I discovered when I tried to beat a cyberpsycho quest and needed to message Regina); when it open the messages page, it's just blank. I thought it was going to be as simple as 'the last update broke a mod that's causing this', but here's where it gets weird; it's only affecting one character and is affecting them retroactively. I loaded up a very old save before a cyberpsycho quest that I couldn't have completed without accessing my messages, meaning when I made that save messages were still working, but even in that save my messages are blank, same goes for any earlier saves (including prologue saves) on this character. However, if I load up the end-game saves of any of my previous characters (or indeed any saves from those old characters), the messages work just fine. I'm obviously going to try uninstalling my mods (and reinstalling them in batches), but I thought I might as well ask here in case anyone already knows the cause and can save me some time. Edit: In case anyone else stumbles across this and has the same issue, for me it was rather unexpectedly the 'NPCs Gone Wild' mod causing this.
  2. Thanks for getting back to me on that, of course I understand you need to prioritize your flask project. That you've considered this is all I could have asked for :happy:
  3. Thanks for getting back to me on that, of course I understand you need to prioritize your flask project. That you've considered this is all I could have asked for :happy:
  4. You're right, I did miss that you thought the effects should be incremental, that would definitely make the duration issue less of a problem, as it might not become that intrusive until later in the game when you have the caps to compensate. I also didn't say before but I think the whole intervention idea would be a great way to do it, as I said I wanted to make it more difficult to cure addictions and having you require a quest (which might not even be something the player themselves could trigger alone? Like maybe they'd need a companion to push them towards getting help) to do so would achieve that goal while providing an interesting new aspect to the game. Thanks for taking an interest in this idea :happy: I will actually take a look at some GECK tutorials myself, I think it's unlikely I'll figure anything out faster than those with prior experience, but if I do I'll let you know. Otherwise, I'll think on the story aspect, potential perks and the like and will let you know if I come up with anything that might interest you.
  5. Hey there, sorry to bother you! I made a mod request today which Mktavish pointed out had some striking similarities to yours, and thought it couldn't hurt to make you aware of it. I don't want to come along and hijack your thread so I wont post the request here, but if you are curious and can spare a minute to give it a look it'd be greatly appreciated, this is the link https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/8570053-addict-trait/
  6. Haha you're right, that's definitely the more realistic way to do it and certainly what you'd want for a true addict roleplay. Having it work that way did cross my mind, I ultimately decided to suggest the inverse because I felt like the constant depletion of chems would need to be offset to maintain their usefulness. I haven't done the math, but I also imagine you'd go through massive stacks of chems quicker than you'd realize even with vanilla duration. To be fair though I didn't consider the possibility of increased chem magnitude, if that's possible it'd definitely make for an interesting build. In an attempt to come up with a headcannon to explain my version, I have realized a potential middleground. Instead of the addict trait itself having any effect on chem duration/magnitude, it could instead give access to two mutually exclusive perk trees. One would be a "High Tolerance" perk, and would have a description like "You've built up a tolerance and can now take larger doses of chems, increasing their effectiveness, but you also need to take them more often to avoid withdrawal". The other would be a "Minimal Dosage" perk, and would have a description like "You manage your addictions by rationing your chems, making them last longer, but they also have decreased effectiveness". That other mod you linked is rather similar, only focused purely on alcohol. I'd feel bad hijacking their thread, but I it can't hurt to point out the similarity and drop a link to this one.
  7. The idea for this is simple enough, but as I have no modding experience, I don't know how easy (or even possible) it would be to implement. I think this trait could provide an interesting new way to play the game (especially if combined with some existing mods, and even more so if it could be made compatible with CAM). The trait would do two things: The positive - An increased chem duration (maybe as much as 50%?) The negative - Whenever the player enters withdrawal from a particular chem, they'll automatically use more of that chem if they have it in their inventory (and of course if possible, would also use that chem immediately if they loot it while already suffering from its withdrawal). The above is the main request and I'd be happy enough to see this alone, but I also did want throw out the idea that this might work best if the cost of curing addictions was also increased drastically, such that the player is incentivized to purchase chems instead of seeking the help of a doctor. Another possible way you could expand upon this would be with the addition of perks, here's just a couple of examples that come to mind: "I Don't Need Help" - Chem duration slowly increases over time, but is reset if the player gets their addictions treated at a doctor (If this is possible, it'd actually render my previous suggestion about incentives moot). "Attentive Addict" - Increased chance of finding chems as loot. "Don't Hold Out On Me" - Merchants sell more chems. "A God's Pity" - When suffering from withdrawal, the player has a small chance to randomly 'find' (i.e. have added to their inventory) the associated chem, or a dose of fixer. Thanks for reading, and in advance for any responses. Also, if you're not a modder but have ideas for more perks that could be used to make an 'addict' build more interesting or fun, feel free to suggest them.
  8. So as with anything, it's entirely possible for multiple similar (or even seemingly identical) bugs to appear with a variety of causes, so while I've experienced a 'can't initiate dialogue with some NPCs' bug, I can't say with any certainty that my findings will apply to you. For me, the bug effects most NPCs in diamond city, so if these NPCs are not an issue for you (e.g. if you can trade with all vendors there without issue) then there's a good chance we're experiencing different, but similar bugs. With that out of the way, in my case, this bug is definitely caused by mods, but diagnosing which mod (or mods) cause it would be extremely time consuming for two reasons. Firstly, the bug does not resolve by uninstalling your mods, and secondly this bug actually starts at character creation, but since it doesn't effect all NPCs it's entirely possible to get as far as diamond city before realizing this is a problem. Unfortunately, I've spent a lot of time trying to fix this bug over the years (I'v experienced it multiple times now) and as far as I can tell, once it occurs there's no way to fix it. That said, the fact this bug appears at character creation is important when it comes to avoiding the issue. In my testing, the bug will never occur when you install a mod midway through a playthrough, it'll only appear when you start a new character with whatever mods are causing this. In my case at least, I can have two characters with the exact same load order, one in which I had the mods installed at character creation, and one in which I enabled them afterwards, and every time I've tried this it's only the former that has the bug. With that in mind, you can avoid this issue by starting the game with only mods that absolutely require a fresh character installed (whether that be because it effects the prologue, such as alternative start mods, or simply because the mod author recommends using it on a fresh character). After creating your character at the mirror (I recommend saving your character as a preset), immediately save (I think the game makes a save at this time anyway) and use the console command "coc diamondcityorigin" to teleport to diamond city, and attempt to talk to Takahashi. Every single time I've had this bug, Takahashi has been one of the NPCs unable to initiate dialogue, if this is the case then you have the bug and need to uninstall some mods and create a new character. Otherwise reload your prologue save, complete the prologue and then install the rest of your mods. To be safe, it's probably worth teleporting to diamond city again after installing any new mods to check everything still works, but as I said in my case it's never been an issue after character creation. It's a massive pain, but it beats getting all the way to diamond city before discovering the issue.
  9. I've had this idea for a while and with the upcoming release of One Punch Man season 2, it seemed like a good time to make the request. There are various One Punch Man mods already, but generally speaking OP mods are only fun for a very short time. I have found that the longevity of an OP character can be increased by having the character slowly gain their power. In One Punch Man, it is revealed that Saitama gained his immense powers through a very simple workout routine; obviously this is done for comic effect in the series, but in reality would mean that he has some kind of ability that allows him to make superhuman gains from a normal workout. This is the idea behind the mod I'm suggesting. Instead of a character that is immediately OP, I'm suggesting a setup in which a character will gain unarmed damage, movement & attack speed, jump height, health and action points at a rapid rate as they level up. The easiest way to do this would be either to replace an existing perk, or use the LevelUpMenuEx mod to add a perk with many ranks that the player could select each level. However, if it is possible, a script based mod that automatically adjusts these stats upon level up would be far more interesting and would presumably allow for the gains to become part of a calculation which may be more appropriate for allowing the strength to grow in a more exponential manner. As a bonus, adding a 'bloody mess' effect that would slowly increase up to a 100% chance of occurring as you grow stronger would allow for the gore of the series. If you wanted to take it a step further, there's a few much more difficult to implement effects that could be achieved by interfacing with some existing mods to really make things feel true to the series. For example, the 'Live Dismemberment' mod would work great with this, but the ability to increase the likelihood of a dismemberment as you level up rather than having to reinstall the mod and change the option would be great. Likewise there are bald hairstyle mods out there, so another interesting addition would be if the character could transition from their starting hairstyle through the various vanilla 'balding' hairstyles (obviously in an order as to suggest they are getting progressively more bald) before finally winding up with a completely 'chrome dome' bald hairstyle from one of the various mods to add such a style. Thanks to anyone who read through this, if you are a non-modder who has done so, feel free to leave any suggestions you may have.
  10. I was about to make a post requesting a 'No Enemy Respawns' mod but found this old thread. I personally do understand why people feel that no respawns would make the game easier and ruin the experience (not to mention, ruin the lore), but I don't think that mindset takes into account those using the incredibly popular Enemy Randomizer mod. I am about to attempt a playthrough where I replace all monsters with boss monsters, and while I imagine the majority of the playthrough will involve finding clever ways to avoid enemies, due to the variations in size this isn't always possible as they can sometimes block paths entirely. So I simply would like a mod that removes respawns so that if I decided to take out a singular boss, or manage to defeat a boss despite them being in equally tough company, they'll stay dead.
  11. Although it was caused by fallsouls for me too, I found in my case the issue seems to be 'triggered', by which I mean it doesn't happen immediately upon loading a game and instead happens after some amount of time playing (perhaps when I receive a new quest or something?). Weirdly, I found that alt-tabbing out of the game temporarily fixes the issue for me until it's next triggered.
  12. In my opinion, one of Skyrim's best features is the various interactions that can be triggered, such as hired thugs turning up after you wrong someone, it really makes the game feel like your character is actually part of a living world where actions have consequences. However the inheritance you can receive after NPCs die, while immersive, is small and of very little use. My request then is simple in concept; increase the amount of gold you can receive as an inheritance. If the information I've found on UESP and the elderscrolls wikia is collectively correct, the amount you receive is 100g multiplied by your relationship rank resulting in a potential maximum inheritance of 500g (minus a 10% tax). So my recommendation for the simple version of the mod would be to simply increase the base amount to something like 1000g, resulting in a maximum of 5000g. However, according to the UESP there was intended to be a system in which 'rich' NPCs would have a base inheritance amount 1000g (instead of the default 100g) but no NPCs were ever flagged as rich. If this is true, and if any potential modders were willing to put in more work, then a much more meaningful mod could be produced and my recommendation for that mod would be as follows: 1) I'd suggest only increasing the 'normal' base inheritance to perhaps 200g, meaning you could potentially get a maximum 1000g from the death of normal NPCs. 2) Flag as many rich/high ranking NPCs as possible as 'rich'. 3) Increase the base inheritance for rich NPCs to 2000g, resulting in a maximum possible inheritance of 10,000g. This would also add an entirely new type of character you could roleplay; a 'Black Widow' who works hard to maximize their relationship with, or even marry, NPCs just to then kill them and receive a large sum of money. That's pretty much all there is to say for this suggestion, if you've read this to the end then thank you for your time, and if you are a non-modder reading this please feel free to comment any suggestions or alterations you would make to this request. Edit: I made this request because I don't consider myself a modder, however after poking around in the Creation Kit I actually believe this is something I can achieve myself with the biggest obstacle being an investment of time (i.e. the time it'll take to go through each NPC to find those I should flag as 'rich'). So I'm going to give doing so my best attempt and will upload to the Nexus if I am successful.
  13. There's very little to say here, the title is pretty much self explanatory. As I'm sure we're all aware, Dragonborn adds a powerful new summonable creature in the form of Karstaag and an ability that is rather uniquely limited to 3 total uses. It occurred to me that there are also 3 main bosses between Skyrim and it's DLC (Alduin, Harkon and Miirak). Unfortunately, even you were to travel to Solstheim and gain this ability before fighting any of the above, you still wouldn't be able to use him for any of those fights due to all of them taking place in cells that are considered 'indoors' by the game. I think if this limitation could be removed, it would provide us with 3 specific situations that we might want to use Kartaag in (As well as opening it up to usage during various mods with tough boss fights in large spaces that are still considered indoors), which would prevent what many of us end up doing with limited usage items/powers in games, that is never using it because we're always saving it for times in the future where we might need it even more. Obviously summoning Karstaag in a space that's far too small would cause problems, which is why if you were to choose to make this mod it'd be worth noting that in the description to prevent those types of people we all hate that do things like install a mod to kill essentials, then complain when they use it to break quests, but if used reasonably it could turn Karstaag into the strategically saved power it was supposed to be.
  14. Unfortunately it is a huge request and takes a lot of effort to read through, people who come here to have a quick read through the mods or to make their own requests are unlikely to read something this large, so it really becomes limited to those who are more seriously into forum discussions. it also would require a much higher skill level from the modder than a lot of the suggestions here, making it less likely to be chosen simply because it requires a more experienced hand. Only people like you, who take the time to read and comment, can help. So thank you! I'll be continuing to edit the post whenever I think of anything, though after this I will of course avoid replying to comments unless it is as part of a discussion (After all this writing, I wouldn't want it to get the post pulled for being 'bumped'). Hopefully there will be others like you who like the request eventually.
  15. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Original Introduction- While browsing the nexus, I've found dozens of mod that introduce usable "Stealth Boy Mark II" into the game. I've never thought they were unbalanced (As they are usually given the same effect as the Chinese Stealth Armour from Fallout 3). What I did find was that none of them touched on the side-effects of repeated Stealth Boy use. Now before anyone mentions, I am aware that we've only ever seen Nightkin struggling with Schizophrenia induced by Stealth Boy use and have thus far not seen any humans with the same damage, I've always believed this just to be because nobody uses Stealth Boys as much as the Nightkin, however depending on your opinion you might not agree this mod to be lore friendly. Originally this request was going to simply be for a Mark II Stealth Boy with it's own risks, very early into the thought process though I decided that, as the only reason Mark II is more damaging is that it lasts longer, the mods should really be an overhaul for Stealth Boys in general. -Extended Introduction- This idea has long since evolved passed being limited to stealth boys alone and should now be considered a request for the introduction of Mental Illness into the game as a whole. However since this means very minor changes to loads of sections to the mod, I have decided it is more efficient to list the ways in which the mod could (And in my personal opinion, should) be expanded at the end in a few paragraphs, so please bare in mind that much of what you read will be expanded further later on. -How Would It Work?- Well as I am not a modder, I can only give my suggestion as to how it would work, if someone decides to make this they may well opt for another method of calculating the risk. My suggestion would be to use two different systems for calculating the risk, however they could (And probably should) both run off the same variable. So we start with a variable that can range from 0 - 100, starting initially at 0. For the Stealth Boy Mark I, I'd recommend simply using it increases the risk. Each time a Stealth Boy is used, there will be a risk of some form of psychological damage. On first use, the variable will be increased to 1 and you will have a 1% chance of developing a condition. Using another Stealth Boy will increase the risk to 2%, then to 3% etc. The Stealth Boy Mark II obviously requires more work, first and foremost because it would have to be added to the game. From the existing mods, it seems the easiest was is to simply make the Mark II stealth boy an apparel item (However I will discuss an alternative in a moment). The second hurdle becomes how to increase this risk using this device. The ideal method (In my opinion) would be to first, add 1 to the risk variable upon use just as with the Mark I, however then after that stage every x minutes (Maybe 10 because that's roughly the maximum time, with perks, a Mark I Stealth Boy can last?) the risk would increase another 1%. I don't know however how easy tracking an items use time is, so here is a possible (Yet by no means ideal) alternative. Instead of an apparel item, we keep the Mark II as an 'Aid' item that comes in pair with an 'Unequip Stealth Boy' item. When used, it will act basically as a Mark I, however another Mark II will be added into your inventory replacing the one you just used, from there you must use the Unequip item before your current Stealth Boy runs out, or the new Mark II will be used automatically (And thus, will increase the risk by 1% and the cycle will repeat) -Risk Reduction- Of course left alone the chances of you developing a condition would eventually reach 100%, to avoid this you would need a few intervals in which your risk % would begin to fall. I'd suggest something along the lines of; Risk drops by 1% at the end of each day Risk drop by an additional 2% each day if a Stealth Boy was not used that day. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -The Effects- Now while this mod is primarily a 'risk' mod, and thus most of the effects should be negative, I do suggest adding a few 'positive' effects in the sense that your character could turn the 'good' kind of crazy. Here are a few suggestions that spring to mind: - Insomnia - "You really struggle getting to sleep, as such you can only go to sleep when you're extremely tired" (Normal: You must be below half health to sleep [Possibly lower]. Hardcore: Sleep Deprivation must be at least 500 [Possibly higher]) Insomnia (Voices) - "The Voices wont let you sleep! You have a chance to be rudely awoken during any sleep cycle." - "Is This The Real Life?" - Adds the Wild Wasteland trait to players who do not already have it. (Possible compatibility patch could be made for 'More Perks', also adding the 'Destiny Gambler' perk to make this risk still exist for people who already have the Wild Wasteland trait, with the authors permission of course). Claustrophobia - Adds the Claustophobia trait to players who do not already have it (Req. Old World Blues) Suicidal - Adds the Kamikaze trait to players who do not already have it (Req. Old World Blues). Self Destructive - Player gains XP from taking damage, using Chems/Alcohol and neglecting Hardcore needs (For example, XP is gained whenever their dehydration level increases) Serial Killer - "You don't kill in self defense, you don't even kill because you like to... You kill because you NEED to" Serial Killers gain bonus XP when killing humans (And non-feral ghouls). [serial Killer Expanded - If it is possible to track the players recent kills, even more bonus XP could be granted for killing someone who has similarities to your last kill (For example, killing two people of the same gender). To take it even further this bonus XP could continue to increase each time the following kill matches the proceeding one, dropping down slightly with each kill that is outside of your pattern.] - Delusions: "You're all out to get me!" (Passive Response) - The player may say things to offend those around him, believing them to be out to get him. This could cause negative reputation among one (Or more?) of the surrounding faction members Delusions: "You're all out to get me!" (Aggressive Response) - Similar to previous perk, however instead of reputation loss combat will be initiated. Delusions: The Quests - The player will on occasion be given quests that seem of great importance, but of course are simply a form of insanity. A good (Although basic) example is the player could be given a quest by a "Very ill" person to get hold of the elixir of life to save them. The description could be something along the lines of "Tales once told of a giant fountain resembling the treasure hidden inside, perhaps if I'm lucky there'll still be some elixir left inside!" However approaching the quest giver's location before this quest is active (Or on another character) will show not a person but a corpse, investigating further will find that the location the delusional player was sent was simply the Sunset Sarsaparilla Headquarters. Delusions: The Cycle - Very similar to previous delusion, however this would be for unmarked, repeatable quests. Delusions: The Great Quest (1-x) - 'Epic' versions of 'The Quest' featuring singular delusions resulting in a much larger quest - Hallucinations: "Where the hell did you come from!?" - "Sometimes [Custom] enemies will appear out of nowhere to attack you! They must be really weak though because they can never seem to harm you and disappear after a short while (Though not before you've wasted some ammunition)". Quite simply this would randomly spawn enemies around you from time to time, these enemies however would have to be customized in a few ways; Firstly they must have their damage set to 0 (Or as close to as possible as I don't know if that's even doable) basically rendering them harmless to the player. They would also have to be designed to disappear after a seemingly random interval, as well as on death. I'd also recommend making their health low so they disappear easier (But of course, will eventually come back) Hallucinations: (Voices: Creepy) - This would simply be for atmospheric's sake, causing the player to hear ominous, out of focus voices at random intervals. Hallucinations: (Voices: "Do it") - "Is this voice motivational... Or just plain evil. You now hear an nerving voice at random intervals uttering simply two words at varying decibels "Do it"" Hallucinations: (Voices: "Hateful") Another audio-hallucination this time generating random, hateful comments and phrases about the player. Hallucinations: "You Got A Friend In You" - You will have a non-combat companion follow you around (Though they are known to wander off from time to time). This would exist as basically a modders chance to show off companion making abilities by introducing dialog and making them interesting without necessarily needing them to be combat companions. This could also introduce quests in a similar fashion to as mentioned in the delusion section. Hallucinations: "You Got A 'Friend' In You" - Similar to the previous but would give play unmarked quests that would seem to benefit the player if completed... But they never do. By this I mean the quest would always result in something negative happening to the player (Ranging from lost belongs to attempted murder). This hallucination may also fight with the previous (Though the loser will be resurrected eventually). Hallucinations "You Got A Clown In You"(?) - Similar to previous however the hallucination would be a Jester character who disappears and reappears more randomly. This Jester could push on the true nature on this type of hallucination, doing things that seem outside of reality for example he could simply fall out of the sky on occasion. Hallucinations (Visual Anomalies) - Multiple different obtainable hallucinations, distorting your vision in some minor way. For example. making the colours more (Or even less) vivid. I'd recommend looking at some of the mods that add visual effects to Fallout's drugs if you need inspiration on these. - Multiple Personality [General Idea]: This may well be the most ambitious and certainly most difficult part of the request, I personally feel the best way to incorporate a multiple personality system is to make it so when a player is supposed to be a different personality, they will be rewarded for completing actions that suit their personality and/or will be 'punished' for attempting to play outside of that personality. However in some cases, the player could be lead to behave as their personality should via different means (Read the 'Multiple Personality - Child' section below as an example). Furthermore, multiple personalities could be used to give temporary versions of many of the aforementioned conditions. [swapping personality]: Once one or more of the personalities are unlocked, when certain events happen the player may have a chance to swap personality. At these times the personality would be 'shuffled', with the possibility of becoming any of the new personalities and of course, your original. [swapping Personality, The Events]: Possible suggestions include; Sleeping, Entering Combat, Health Droping Below [x], Using a Stealth Boy/Chem, Certain Vanilla Dialogues (If you have the patience) and possibly even at 'random' intervals. [Possible Personalities]: Alternate Personality (Evil) - Player gains XP for actions that result in negative Karma, conversely positive Karma will result in damage to the head (Like they get a headache from attempting to fight the dominant personality). Alternate Personality (Neutral)[?] - After a personality swap, the player gains bonus XP whenever XP is earned, however the amount of bonus XP they are rewarded reduces the further away (in either direction) their Karma gets from the value at the time they swapped personality. Alternate Personality (Good) - Player gains XP for actions that result in positive Karma, conversely negative Karma will result in damage to the head. Alternate Personality (Self Destructive) - An intermittent version of the earlier mentioned 'Self Destructive' perk Alternate Personality (Child)[?] - "Some people are a child at heart, you are a child at mind! (At least some of the time)". You are filled with the energy of youth, granting you more action points and a slight increase in movement speed. Your young mind also grants you a bonus to XP gained (+10%[?]), however you are easily scared and have reduced combat skills". You could also use this personality to implement they cut 'Child at Heart' perk. Alternate Personality (Serial Killer) - An intermittent version of the earlier mentioned 'Serial Killer' perk. Alternate Personality (Inner Strength) - "Deep within you is a power, perhaps it's a sentient being, perhaps it's just your survival instinct, whatever the case it is here to defend you in your times of need" Unlike other personalities, this would be restricted to use when the player is in combat and low on health. In this 'mode' you would have higher damage and damage resistance as well as a slight increase to all combat stats(?) and increased strength/endurance. Alternate Personality (Inner Strength: Savior) - Identical to previous personality but activates instead when companions are low on health (An idea that evolved from a later thought in the "Learning To Cope" section further on; A new item could be added to a few vendors called "Intact Mirror", with would allow you to initiate dialogue with one of your alternate personalities. This could again be a chance to show off some interesting dialogue, create a few interesting character and possibly even add some quests) - Black Outs (Time Lapse) - "How am I already hungry again!? " On occasion the player will suffer a 'Time Lapse', where the clock will jump forward unexpectedly (And of course, their Hardcore needs will progress). Black Outs ("How Did I Get Here") - On occasion the player's screen will fade to black and they will awaken at random locations, it would be ideal that this utilized the in game fast travel so that time actually passes on your journey ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Expanding The Mod: Other Risks- While when I began writing this suggestion, it was purely for Stealth Boys, after writing for what feels like hours and seeing how much potential for the actual content there is, the idea really, in my opinion, should be expanded to introduce other possible forms of gaining insanity. The same variable and method for calculating could be used, while simply adding more ways for a player to increase their risk and/or develop a psychological condition. Admittedly right now only a couple spring to mind, though I'll update the post if I think of any more. These are the few that come to mind, please also understand that these are just my suggested risk values based on how likely these events are to cause a condition in my opinion, you may disagree: Near Death Experience - When a player drops below 10%(?) health [+10% Risk] Lost Loved One - When a player's companion dies [+15% RIsk] Mid Life Crisis - When a player hits level 25 [+10% Risk] Isolation - A player who has spent extended periods of time without NPC interaction, their risk increased [+1% per day] Chem Use - Now chems could actually be bad for your mental health, I'd suggest a +1% risk increase each time a chem is used, of course I'd then recommend the bonus +2% risk reduction you get at the end of the day would then require the player had used neither stealth boys or chems that day. Alternatively the Risk Reduction at the end of the day could be 1% normally, an additional reduction of 2% will be made if the player has only used one of the two items and a bonus 3% reduction if neither were used. You could also allow some (If not all) of the 'traits' to be gained as actual traits at character creation, allowing people to play as a mentally ill character from the start. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Expanding The Mod: Learning To Cope- Another way the mod could be advanced is by allowing the player the ability to overcome certain conditions, usually this would be done via treatment at a few doctors (Doc. Mitchell, Doc. Henry, The Sink Autodoc [OWB], Lieutenant Markland [if 'Bitter Springs Infirmary Blues' is completed]) and a few unique methods that will be mentioned below. The psychological treatment would cost significantly more than your usual fix-up (1000 caps maybe?) and WOULD NOT BE A CURE. Instead the player would select a condition to treat, that trait would then be swapped out for a 'milder' version. Insomnia - "You've learnt to use the time you are awake to be more productive! You now gain bonus XP whenever XP is earned if your health is bellow 75% [Hardcore: Sleep Deprivation is greater than 250]" Insomnia (Voices) - "You've learnt to use the time you are awake to be more productive! You now gain bonus XP whenever XP is earned for 2 hours[?] after being awoken" - Claustrophobia - ""I'm in a huge garden..." You can now vividly imagine the outside world, even when trapped, reducing Claustrophobia's penalties by 50%" Suicidal - "You've learnt to target the cause of the problem. Both the penalties and bonuses of Kamikaze are reduced by half, in addition you gain a slightly increased critical chance against all hostiles" Self Destructive - "You see that your self destructive tendency only fuel more self destruction, you now have motivation to stop! You are less likely to develop a psychological condition from now on when you go without chems" Simply put, you gain an additional -2% risk reduction at the end of the day if Chems are not used. - Delusions: "You're all out to get me!" (Passive Response) - "While still fueled with paranoia, you know now that this is often the case. As such you can take a few moments to get your thoughts together before responding. You now are warned a few minutes before an 'episode' occurs, allowing you to get away from present company before you say something you regret!" Delusions: "You're all out to get me!" (Aggressive Response) - "You have learned to manage your temper when you think someone is out to get you, showing a more passive response" This trait would simply be replaced by the untreated 'Passive' equivalent. (This perk could also be gained if one of the people you've engaged in combat are willing to forgive you when you yield, proving you wrong about them) Delusions: The Quests/The Cycle/The Great Quest (1-x) - "You now know that the quests you undertake are often a figment of your imagination, as such you may choose to ignore a quest". When a delusion quest is triggered for the player, a menu will appear allowing them to choose to ignore the quest. This will simply prevent the quest from activating until it is triggered again and the alternative choice is made. - Hallucinations: "Where the hell did you come from!?" - "You know now not to engage with these creatures as they can not truly harm you, as you grew to ignore them so they to chose to ignore you". After this stage the hallucinations will no longer engage you in combat when they appear unless you do so first. They will also appear less often, further away and disappear more quickly. Hallucinations: "You Got A Friend/'Friend'/Clown In You" - "You know now not to engage with these beings, as you grew to ignore them, so they chose to ignore you". Almost identical to the previous trait, only instead of no longer attacking they would no longer activate conversations with the player unless the player initiates it. (Players with high intelligence and speech may be able to convince their hallucinations to leave them alone via dialogue, without medical assistance) Hallucinations: (Voices: Creepy/"Do it"/Hateful) - "You've learned to ignore the voices and focus more on everything else". This would basically just reduce the volume of the sounds played. Hallucinations (Visual Anomalies) - "You've learned to ignore this anomaly and can now focus better on the world around you". This would reduce (But not remove) whatever visual anomally the player had selected. For example extremely vivid colours would still be more vivid than usual but less so than they had been with the original trait. - Alternate Personality (Evil)/(Good) - "You have merged with you alter, you will no longer have personality swaps (To this personality) but will retain some of the traits of both your former personalities". Player still gains XP for actions that result in negative/positive Karma, however positive/negative Karma will no longer result in damage to the head. Alternate Personality (Self Destructive) - Identical to the coping mechanism of 'Self Destructive' Alternate Personality (Child)[?] - "You have merger with your alter, you still exhibit child-like tendencies but are slightly more adult than before. You will no longer have personality swaps, however both the bonuses and weakness of being a child will be reduced by half" Alternate Personality (Serial Killer) - "You have merged with your alter, you will no longer swap to this personality but will gain (Reduced) bonus XP from human kills". If the modder had expanded the serial killer trait, they'd of course need to incorporate the other forms of bonus XP into this perk. Alternate Personality (Inner Strength)/(Inner Strength: Savior) - "You have learned to harness you inner strength! Once a day you may trigger the personality at will, regardless of current condition." (Player with high intelligence, speech AND medical skills may be able to merge with their alternate personality after triggering dialogue using a new item (added to a few vendors) "Intact Mirror". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Expanding The Mod: Cause-Specific Disorders- Another aspect of the mod could incorporate specific disorders calculated using the existing risk variable but within a separate calculation triggered only by certain methods of 'gaining' insanity. Meaning it would be possible to gain either a cause-specific disorder, a regular disorder or even both if you're really unlucky. Here are a couple of examples that spring to mind: Stealth Boy Addiction - "Like most Nightkin, you have grown so used to being invisible that you can't stand being looked at". The player would gain skill bonuses when under the effect of a stealth boy, however would have dramatically lowered Charisma and Speech stats when visible. Delusional Addiction [Trigger: Taking a drug you are already addicted to] - "You are so addicted to [Drug X] that your mind will play tricks on you when you try to quit!" [This could be achieved in two ways, I'll start with the more complicated] From this stage on, regardless of whether they cure their addiction or not, items will be added to the level list for the player to find. These items would be the Chem they were addicted to 'disguised' as various items (Such as Stimpacks or Food) resulting in the possibility of the player taking drugs without knowing it. Alternatively (Or even, in addition [They could even serve as two separate possible disorders] the player may take the drug automatically (In a similar way to Med X or Stimpacks in the Mk II Stealth Suit). Haunted By The Dead [Trigger: Death Of Follower]: "I see them, everywhere" A while ago I had a bug with a follower mod, the follower died but their corpse continued to follow me and it was rather creepy. If this effect could be achieved intentionally, it would make for quite an interesting disorder. (You could even make an additional trait where you are instead followed by someone you have murdered) Imaginary Friend [Trigger: Isolation]: This would basically give a second, specific trigger for the 'You Got A Friend/'Friend'/Clown in you' trait mentioned in the main post. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Feedback- Although of course the ideal response would be from a mod author looking to take up this request, I would also greatly appreciate replies from anyone else who has the time. The help of modders could be invaluable in suggesting methods to achieve the effects listed but I'd also like to hear from non-modders as well. Of course showing your support will help this page get noticed and I'd be thankful enough for that, but giving your ideas (And criticisms!) is also extremely helpful. Any ideas I believe sensible will be added to this main post, allowing potential modders to see it more easily. So please if you have anything at all to add, it would be appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read this suggestion.
  16. The request itself here is quite simple, I always thought the strip entry was WAY too cheap and luckily was able to find this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/36570/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fnewvegas%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D36570&pUp=1 which increases the amount significantly. However this solved one problem but created another, now the forged passport option was so much cheaper than the credit check that it actually is more of a cheat than an alternative. This problem was almost solved in the following mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/54833/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fnewvegas%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D54833%26preview%3D&pUp=1 And I say almost because the mod doesn't actually work (In fact it makes buying the passport impossible). I left a comment saying as such to the author and for the last couple of playthoughs I've been 'role-playing' and simply removing the increased amount via console while waiting for this mod to be repaired but upon starting my newest game, checked the mod page again to find the author hasn't even been online since posting the mod in January and I began to realize that it's unlikely the existing mod will be fixed. So I'm making this request in the hopes that by the time I next come to restart the game, an expensive passport mod might actually exist. My personal suggestion would be to make the cost 2500 normally and 2000 with the barter check. A doubled version might be worth doing as well, since the Credit Check mod you'd need to use this along side has two version at the same intervals. I do apologize if requesting an existing mod is taboo however I figured that would only apply if there was a working version of the mod and I thought at worst this topic can just be deleted. So thanks in advance for any response.
  17. The title pretty much says it all but I'll try to expand as much as I can. I am suggesting an 'immersion' mod for face sculpting. It's difficult enough in realism terms to accept that guards can spot who I am in spite of what I am wearing, let alone that they could distinguish me if my face is completely different. To a certain degree the former has been done in mods such as 'Sneak Tools' but the latter (To my knowledge) has not. Simply, I am suggesting that when you visit the face sculptor, your crime bounties should also be reset. I imagine the idea could be expanded on a lot however in it's simplest form, this is my request.
  18. Greetings, I'll try to make this concise while also providing as much information as I can. I found that the spell 'Clairvoyance' was completely useless in Skyrim, yes I suppose while dungeon crawling it may make things a bit easier but it didn't really do anything that map markers combined with the map couldn't provide just as easily. The premise of this mod idea is simple. There are many mods out there that remove map markers, I'm simply suggesting map markers that could be 'activated' by clairvoyance. To clarify, the effect of clairvoyance would be changed to a toggleable spell (That could reduce your maximum amount of magicka if you feel it appropriate) which would enable/disable map markers. If you are unsure on removing the current clairvoyance spell from the game, you could always simply add it as a new spell instead. In fact, you could even have multiple levels which would appear at the regular vendors when you reach the required illusion skill level, for example: Novice: Clairvoyance (Vanilla Effect) Apprentice: Clairvoyance Toggleable (Toggleable Vanilla Effect) Adept: Clairvoyant (Toggleable Map Markers) Expert: Master Clairvoyant (Toggleable Map Marker and Vanilla Effect) Of course if you do this you'd have to find a way to make it so you could only activate 'Clairvoyance Toggleable' or 'Clairvoyant' to make the 'Master Clairvoyant' spell worth getting. (Or I guess simply make the 'Master Clairvoyant' spell have a smaller magicka drop than the other two combined if not) Anyway, I hope that is explained well enough for anyone who is interested, if not feel free to ask. Non-Modders also feel free to suggest ideas or alterations you'd make and of course just generally let me and potential modders know that you are interested in the idea or if you have any criticisms. Thanks in advance for any responses.
  19. I have the same issue and am using similar mods, however I did full uninstall all mods (That would still allow me to load my save) and still have the same issue. Have you had any luck?
  20. I don't know if this is any help but I've noticed I can't absorb words of power from walls at dragon burial mounds unless I have defeated the dragon. Are you sure you aren't missing some similar requirement or are you unable to absorb any words at all?
  21. I agree, if someone could recreate or convert http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/3160//? that would be awesome.
  22. I like this idea, would add a new level of immersion. I hope there's a modder out there who'll try this.
  23. This has been requested so many times, what makes you think this thread will be any different?
  24. This request is fairly simple. I have seen tonnes of retextures for both vampire lord and werewolf, including some with armors, however what I am requesting is slightly different. 'Royal Bloodline' is a mod that's primary purpose was to add more perks and abilities to the vampire lord form. However this request is about a specific part of that mod. The mod added a perk which, once obtained, would change your vampire lord form by adding Harkon's armor. What I am requesting here is a similar thing but with werewolves. I know that it is easy enough to simply install a mod that adds armor to werewolf form, however it sort of limits you between either having a character who appears in complete control of his transformation or one who has no control at all. If however a perk was added that when obtained would likewise add armor to the werewolf form, it would be much easier to feel like a real werewolf who slowly gains enough control to where armor. As I said, it is a simple request, however if a modder see's this and thinks the idea is good, I'm sure it could be expanded to other forms of perk based control (E.g. A perk for multiple transformations, looting, reverting transformation (New howl for use with mods that allow you to switch howls) etc.) Thanks in advances for responses, non-modders feel free to give your input on the idea.
  25. Hello, to start I should say that I am aware that what I am suggesting would be a lot of work, however if it could be done it would be one of the most game-changing mods about. On certain characters, particularly if you are playing someone evil, it is unavoidable that there will be some... Collateral damage during your endeavours. The problem is that once these start to build up, the game can become rather empty. Shops close down indefinitely, houses become vacant and the streets become bare. Currently there are only two solutions; install a mod to allow NPCs to respawn or install a mod to create a larger population. However, neither are ideal. Larger populations (Including additional vendors) add people who are out of place, with no homes or jobs and still suffer the effect of a slowly dying world, just at a slower rate. Respawning NPCs on the otherhand has the majorly immersion breaking side-effect of watching the dead return to life. And that is where this suggestion begins. The mod to begin with, would need the creation of a large number of npcs as if creating a population mod (However it is possible that you could gain permission to use NPCs added by an existing populations increasing mod). However, this is where the truly unique part of the mod would come in. Instead of having the NPCs placed into the world or spawning randomly, these NPCs would not exist in the game to begin with. These NPCs would be tied in a random list to existing vanilla NPCs, and would serve to replace them should they die. So for example if a shop owner is killed, after a week or so a new NPC will be spawned who will now live in the shop and sell the goods. Likewise, should an NPC who lives in the city die, a short time later a new NPC will spawn in the city oh will take on their routine and live in their house. You could even go as far as to add multiple NPCs to each list, so the NPC that replaces the dead vanilla counterpart would be randomly selected from a few, and could be replaced by those remaining on the list should he die. I am aware that this request could be difficult to script, and would require a lot of time to be made well, however I think it would be worth it for such a revolutionary mod. If any modders are interested, please let me know. For non-modders, please offer your own thoughts, criticisms and any other input to help raise interest. Thanks in advance for any responses.
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