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Big Little

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Posts posted by Big Little

  1. hey, murat!


    Nehrim is a really great mod! In fact it's not really a mod, but a total conversion. A completely new world apart from TES to explore with a lovely scenerie and really cool dungeons. As far as I can judge the way Nehrim was designed had a huge impact on other german modders/level designers. I hope you will play it - the dungeon where you start is already absolutely amazing! There are great effects which make you feel, you were right there in the play! I think the most important things are the lovely details you can find everywhere - the way quests are designed is really cool and there are great elements in the story, I would love to talk about, but it would ruin your experience with this great piece of work.


    One thing that has been a little problem to some people where lags at some regions, but these have all been fixed with the latest update. At this point I can say, that the Nehrim Launcher or maybe the installer is fantastic. I you'd like to, you can directly download the updates from your launcher and install them! No need to search for it. And - I think there is an english version released already, isn't it? So the only german thing are the voices...but with subtitles you can read along without any trouble, so I say it is definately worth the try!

  2. First of all: the look is much better now! thank you for that!


    but: there are still some things that I don't like that much. I think it would be much easier, if you could change from the forums to the site with the PlugIns directly. In the version before there was the possibility to easily switch to Fallout Nexus, TES Nexus or DA Nexus with one klick on the link somewhere on the top of the page. Also now on the top of the site, there are two links with TES Nexus, both lead to the same page the only different is the breakup of the topic; one says

    [the nexus forums ] [The Nexus Forums] [Forums]

    .........................................................................[Members] [subscription]


    and the other one says:

    [the nexus forums] [The Nexus Forums]

    ............................[Forums] [Members] [subscription]


    I don't see the necessarity of these two different styles (btw: the first one is much better)


    something I also found was, that there in the topic stood "sign in" on the left side (I think) and "log in" on the other side. It's only something very small, but it takes unnecessary space and it may produce confusion. In m< opinion one link for signing in and one link for registration is enough. Why two links for signing in?


    what else? I first liked the idea of all the text beeing in the middle, but later I saw that this format, capped a part of the "topic" I mentioned before. So some text that is meant to be in the "topic/headline/whatever" is somewhere between the other text below and this dosn't look good. I also don't know if this appears just because of my small monitor, while everywhere else it works fine, but these were some things I recognized.


    one question at the end: will the site with the PIs also be updated like this? I like the style and I would appreciate that. It makes the Forum look more modern. Why not the database too?


    Edit: I'm using the "Dark-Version" ; I tested the others too, and I could not admit the things mentioned above. However I prefer the dark one and would be happy, if these things could be fixed some day

  3. Yeah I hope so, too

    I simply love PoP and I want to have it in Oblivion!!!


    Anyway i've read about a mod which makes runnung across the wall, wall climbing and hanging from there possible


    I tried to download the file but it didn't exist anymore on the site, the link was for, maybe anyone knows where I can find it?

  4. Hey guys!


    I 've downloaded the prince of persia savegame (by dragens) and as it is written in the topic I'm having my trouble with it:

    As many other users who downloaded that mod too, I'm complaining about the blindfold my char wears. The author says that problem is just a matter of the version of Cosmetic Compilation, but which version he actually uses he didn't say. I already tried to contact him but 'til now he didn't write back (and I contacted him a looong time ago:))

    So, if one of you got this mod working please tell me how


    thanking you in anticipation :thanks:


    Big Little

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