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Everything posted by DeusMalleus

  1. F2000 FTW, now if only they were legal to buy...
  2. It could be done GOW style, where you have a pistol holster, two weapon mounts on your back, and a grenade slot. I think it would need a script extender though...
  3. Well, IRL there would be no visible beam, more like point, click, and target bursts into flames. A visible laser beam probably would work off of a different principle. Probably would be some sound though, ignoring the screams of your target, there would be crack of thermal noise generated by the area quickly being heated up. And since Fallout is like 225+ years in the future, we wont need a Boeing 747 to lug around a 1-shot Lascannon lol
  4. Would be nice if the AI had them scrounge for guns and ammo, although that brings in a whole new level of complexity. I'd also like to see some additions, like, I dunno... Aggressive, Passive, and DON'T-SHOOT-DAMMIT-I'M-TRYING-TO-SNEAK! modes... or a command to go silent? lol
  5. Dunno if you heard, but Bethesda released plans for making a Fallout MMORPG after they acquired the franchise from Black Isle Multiplayer would be interesting, pretty sure VATs would be hard to implement... IE; FEAR implemented its bullet-time for multiplayer matches by having it affect all players in the match, so it didn't really help only the player who used it. Not sure how FEAR 2 used it though.
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