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Posts posted by mezlo

  1. I've already defeated Miraak but apparently missed the dragon wall. My issue is, how do I get back to it? When I read 'Waking Dreams' it takes me back to the platform where I fought Miraak...


    EDIT: by using TCL and flying south I found the starting platform. From there I went thought the chapters again until I reached the dragon wall.

  2. So I'm fresh outta the vault and sneaking around trying not to run into any thing hostile till I make it to Megaton. I'm scrounging up stuff in abandoned houses I come across Silver's place. She thinks Moriarty sent me but I haven't been to Megaton yet. That kinda erks me that her dialog played out as if i had accepted the quest to get 100 caps from her. I got over that quickly though and just played along.


    I suggested she tell me her side of the story and some how she convinced me she was the victim here, so I let her go at no charge. I was then snooping around her place and wouldn't you know it, drugs everywhere, she lied to me so I killed her and raided her place. All that bad karma took me from good to neutral. Shame though she was pretty good looking but a liar, a junkie and a tramp. she's dead and I got all her stuff.


    Such are the ways of the wasteland.


    The first thing I do each game is go to Silver's place, kill her, and take the 400 caps. If you're inclined to playing a good character, it doesn't take much to overcome the negative karma. Not a bad way to start the game, IMO. :)



  3. Er, It's not my place to contradict you, but what does the CS have to do with installing mods? The CS is needed only if you want to modify a mod or create your own.


    Also, if you truly feel players need to have the CS installed, then step two should be installing it. It doesn't do much good to just download it and let it sit around. ;)



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