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Posts posted by lokvirofskyrim

  1. Hi, i'm looking to hire someone to do a very simple retexture project for me for personal use only, I've created an armour mashup in the outfit studio that i'm content with, but the discolouration of the armour sleeves has really started bothering me. I've tried my hand at retexturing but it's outside of my capabilities, and thus far most of my friends have been too busy with their own mod projects.

    if you'd like to contact me private off the site, for whatever reason, my discord username is The Don#8646

    I realize this probably belongs in the mod request forum, but it's been my experience that nobody ever even checks that topic section.

  2. This has been asked at least once before two years ago, And never got a response, but here's hoping it'll get one now.

    Could somebody make a mod that adds Pants and sleeves to the CC lord's mail? I just can't stand going around in the coldest climate in tamriel with my bare limbs showing, and with Frostfall enabled.

    I'm not asking for a Masterpiece here, Just a Mashed version would do. If i had any form of knowledge on the subject i'd do it myself, But i don't.

  3. I'm still looking to commission a mod author, preferably someone who is experienced making armour models and textures, to create a Fallout 3/new vegas styled t-51 power armour suit, and a t-45 power armour suit. i'm aware that there has already been two attempts with making t-45 power armour in the classic fallout style, but both models have their own problems, Primarily poor weight scaling and textures/clipping issues.

    If interested, please contact me to discuss further details.

  4. Hello everyone, I'm in desperate need of help, I accidentally copied EVERY fallout new vegas mesh/texture over to fallout 3 when i was trying to copy fallout new vegas armour to fallout 3, and so the fallout new vegas meshes overwrote my character facial meshes, animations, and the loading screens/pause menus. So in an attempt to remove the fallout new vegas files, I deleted the character facial meshes/textures and the fallout 3 loading screen menus, Thinking that by doing so i would delete the fallout new vegas files. Instead, it simply removed the Fallout 3 files and now i can't restore them, Even by verifying the integrity of the game cache and reinstalling it. The game is frankly unplayable right now because the loading screen uses the wrong files and the in-game character hair/face meshes are replaced by a large error sign, I'm sorry if this description makes little sense but i'm stumped and don't know what to do, Please help!

  5. Hey guys, I've been messing around with fallout 3 and i recently added a fallout new vegas armour port file to fallout 3 and i've extracted all the required vanilla+DLC vegas files, but i can't figure out how to add ADAM's meshes for the NCR ranger coat and all the other variants of it, Same with Texture mods that require the adam mod. Basically i'm trying to get the vanilla ranger armour that i ported to fallout 3 to look like it does in ADAM's mod. Could someone help with this?

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