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About TheCutSnake

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  1. South8028, Thanks for the quick and informative reply. I am using Max 2015. I guess I need to continue my education in that area. I've been resisting it for a long time, heck, I'm still using Blender 2.49 ;) Thanks again.
  2. I've made a simple test animation in Blender and exported it as an fbx. When I import it into 3DSMAX It seems the skeleton collapses on itself. Funny thing though, the bones do animate, just not as intended. I'm sure I'm missing something silly and would be grateful for any assistance.
  3. I'm hoping to move the dialogue camera further away than is normal, but am unsure of how to go about it. Any advice would be great.
  4. Finally got some free time to explain how I managed to script and actor to physically climb into a suit of power armor. First thing was to add PowerArmorPerk to the npc. I then created two QuestAlias's, leaving the data empty, other than selecting Optional and Reusable. I then created an empty package, using PowerArmorSit as the template, and edited it so that the target was the first QuestAlias, making it a new package I then added that package to the second QuestAlias. The I used ForceRefTo to give the Power Armor Frame the first QuestAlias. And the ForceRefTo to the npc for the second QuestAlias. He then receives the package to activate the Power Armor Frame, and climbs into it as I wanted him to. I hope I've given enough information here to help anybody else trying to do the same thing (I also hope it's accurate :wink: If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I'll do my best to help.
  5. Carreau, that was the prompt I needed! Of course he was still fighting me, as his entire faction was now hostile. My fix for that was RemoveFromAllFactions, followed by AddToFaction(PlayerFriendFaction) Now I can work with him without fear of attack. Thanks again.
  6. OK, the problem I'm currently stuck on is that the NPC is immediately hostile and interrupts the idle in order to attack me. I realise he's hostile to me (the player) because I killed him, but I cannot make him not-hostile. I've tried resurrecting him, resetting him, and calling in a copy of him, all with the same result. I've tried adding him to the player faction and even adding a default stay no combat package via alias. I believe I should be able to fix the issue via setactorvalue aggression, but I cannot get it to compile. Any help would be much appreciated as I've been going in circles for days now and my brain has turned to mush :)
  7. Thanks for the replies guys, I appreciate the help. Reener, I assume by invisible you mean disable/enable? btw I'm using a combination of the advice from both of you :)
  8. Hi all. I have a script attached to a holotape that calls in an actor, who then performs an idle. The problem is that I want it to begin before I close the pip-boy. I realise that the idle won't 'play' until time is restored, but I was hoping that the npc in question wouldn't start off standing where I've called him, as it really breaks immersion. The npc in question is actually somebody the player has recently killed, so I've tried reset, resurrect, and getactorbase, all with the same result. He won't do any scipt functions while the pip-boy is up. Is there another way to call in an npc and let me perform other script functions (unequip, etc) before the pip-boy is closed? Any help would be much appreciated. Edit - It might be worth mentioning that I intend for the NPC to die after performing the idle.
  9. I thought I would post an update to say that I've managed to get the npc to enter the power armor. Yay! I will post how I did it when I get the chance, in case somebody else could use the information.
  10. It looks like there are sections of the new outfit with no bone weight set. Did you use Outfit Studio to get the outfit into the game? That should tell you if there's boneweight missing.
  11. DeathMotif, thanks for your input. As it stands I've got the npc teleporting into the frame, then moving him to the frame's original location. I'd rather have the animation of him entering, but since I've been working on other features for the mod I've learned a great deal and am sure I'll get it working eventually ;)
  12. Could you show us the globalvariable script? It might make it easier to diagnose.
  13. I'm trying to get a recently spawned NPC to enter a set of Power Armor the player is standing near. I can force the npc in via SwitchToPowerArmor, however the power armor actually teleports to the position of the actor, not the other way around as I expected. I'd prefer to have the actor physically enter the power armor before initiating the greeting that I've got set up via scene. I've tried using packages but nothing seems to work the way I want it to. Any ideas?
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