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Posts posted by Brandonb524

  1. Verified my game cache had 2 items that needed to be required. doing this got the bethesda logo to come up but it still crashes after the skyrim logo no menu options. going through the rest of the trouble shooting now hopefully i can fix it today.

  2. i looked through the trouble shooter nothing seemed to fit what was going on. looked at the Mod list and saw i had a few SkyTEST mods. deactivated and uninstalled them. but the issue still continued. when starting the game the Bethesda logo will not play and it goes straight to skyrim logo then crashes. iv looked all over and cant find anything solutions.

  3. so here is the issue. iv been trying to get my skyrim to start for the past 6 hours. im under the mod limit loot says everything is fine. but when i run skyrim it skips the Bethesda logo. goes straight to the skyrim logo then crashes. i tried putting the ske preloader in my root file. didn't fix the problem. i don't know what to do. T-T

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