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Posts posted by rjhelms84

  1. Hi everyone! Sorry I'm not around much to comment/help these days. I'm now on the final year of my Software Engineering and Game Development degree, and I've been working on some personal game projects, which has kept me very busy. I've recently started a new blog, if anyone wants to follow what I'm currently programming. It's not really a showcase of sorts, as it's mainly small tech demos and things like that. The blog is basically to chart my learning in the field, but if you'd like to see what I'm up to, here is the link:

  2. Hello rjhelms84


    I like to translate your Mod "Beyond Boulder Dome" in my motherlanguage (german).


    I ask you, for your permission, to up the translation here on the nexus. Plz pm me, because of that.






    Btw: I cant send you privat messages, so i make it on this way.



    Sorry, I need to delete some PM's as my inbox is full. Yeah, you can translate into German, no problem, that's be great!

    Good luck! :)



  3. Give the NPC an AI package that has him follow the player, but put a condition on the package, so it only runs when you want it to. For example, you can set the condition so it only runs when the quest is at a certain stage. You may also need to call the evaluatepackage() function on the NPC, in the quest stage's script fragment, so the NPC changes to his new package immediately.

  4. For some reason, I find that the only way to get properties working correctly in the scripts, is to add them via CK, not directly into code. The CK adds the same line of code I would add, but I think it also associates the property with the correct object, which does not happen if you just type something like "GlobalVariable Property MyVariable Auto" in the script.


    So if you have set up your object and want to declare a property for it in the script, try using the CK interface to do it, and make sure that you have picked your object for that property once it's created.



    You can write it yourself in the script, but you still need to set what the property points to in the properties window.

  5. Lol, this thread is mad funny.


    Forget about alias's and all that stuff. Just go onto the quest stages tab of your quest, click onto the stage you want to add the gold, and add a new property to the script fragment there, of the type "miscitem" and call it Gold001, and then use autofill, and it will fill it automatically.


    Then back in the script just type this:

    Game.GetPlayer().Additem(Gold001, 2000)
  6. Actually, ignore most of what I just wrote! It's a lot easier than that! You can reuse the same script with the Add button, and just set the properties to point to a different reference in your subsequent activators, as the properties need to be set for each activator individually. So you can simply set your gate property to point to the specific gate you want, in the properties window of each activator.

  7. Yeah, you can reuse the script by just selecting it from the list when you press the "add script" button on subsequent activators.


    But of course you will need to condition your final result with an if statement, so the script knows which reference to activate based on which trigger has been entered. You'll have to browse through the functions to see what you could use. But if there's nothing obvious and straightforward to use, you could run a bit of an equation using the getdistance function, and calculate the player's distance from each trigger ref, and check which is the smallest value distance.


    though if that's a pain, just copy and paste new versions of the script and alter them. Or maybe there is a simple function that will return the trigger ref that is running the script, I'm not sure as I'm away from the PC.

  8. No, I mean: in the new activator/trigger window itself, on the right hand side of the window where you select your scripts, there is a button that says "properties".


    For example, I found this image of google images, showing a "book" form: http://www.rarityguide.com/articles/content_images/1/skyrim/skyrimcreationkitbookinterf.jpg


    You see in the scripts section of the form there are 3 buttons: add, remove and properties? Well, if you were going to add a script to a book, you would click the properties button after adding or creating your script, and then you would be faced with the properties window, where you can assign values to the properties declared in your script.


    If you create a new trigger-box, there will be a "scripts" section, with the same 3 boxes.


    Does that make sense?

  9. You just need to set the value of the property, outside of the script, in the properties window, to your specific reference (TrapLinker). It's that simple. Then you just run the "activate" function in your script. Here is a basic example:

    ObjectReference Property TrapLinkProp Auto
    Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akActorREF)
    If (akActorREF == Game.GetPlayer())

    Do you know what I mean by the "property window"? In other words, do you know how to set the value of the property outside of the script?

  10. to refer to an object on the map, you need to set up a "property" for that object. A property is like a variable, but you can define what a property holds outside of the script, and you need to do that.


    So if you want to point to an object in your world, such as a rock, you need to create a property of the type "ObjectReference":

    ObjectReference Property MyRockREF Auto

    Then you can treat "MyRockREF" as if it were your literal rock reference, and use it in your script. You just have to remember to setup the property (outside of the script) to refer to your reference of the rock in the world, in the properties window.

  11. Here is a weapon script I wrote for Beyond Boulder Dome, which might be useful to you. The difference here is that I created a new variable of the type "ref" called "ChimpProdTarget" and then assigned it the value returned by the "GetOwnerLastTarget" function.

    scn abChimpProdScript
    Begin OnHit
    	Ref ChimpProdTarget
    	Set ChimpProdTarget to GetOwnerLastTarget
    	If ChimpProdTarget.GetIsID abEvilChimpBare == 1 && abChimpVariablesQ.abChimpStunTime == 0 && ChimpProdTarget.getdead == 0
    		set abChimpVariablesQ.abChimpStunned to 1
    	elseIf ChimpProdTarget.GetIsID abEvilChimpBrain == 1 && abChimpVariablesQ.abChimpStunTime == 0 && ChimpProdTarget.getdead == 0
    		set abChimpVariablesQ.abChimpStunned to 1
    	ElseIf ChimpProdTarget.GetIsID abEvilChimpPower == 1 && abChimpVariablesQ.abChimpStunTime == 0 && ChimpProdTarget.getdead == 0
    		set abChimpVariablesQ.abChimpStunned to 1
  12. I'm having trouble getting NPC's to play a dialogue line at a distance. I want one NPC to say something to another that is pretty far away. Is there a distance limit? If so, is there any way around this?


    In my scene, I've tried just using a dialogue action, I've also tried a package action with a say package. I've also tried using the "say" function in a script attached to a timer. Nothing works.


    I read there is a game setting that controls the distances of random conversations. Is this why I'm having no luck: my NPC is simply out of range?


    Can anyone think of a work-around?





  13. The story and plot have already been decided by myself and other developers. We're just looking for dialogue writers to work within the framework of the decided plot.


    As for examples, I'm just looking for work that demonstrates ability to write dialogue well in a fantasy setting, similar to the likes of the Elder scrolls. Also a decent understanding of TES lore would be advantageous.


    As for story, it's akin to typical TES though leaning towards mystery, intrigue and tragedy.


    If you're interested please PM me with your previous work examples, and I'll provide access to our story/plot in full so you can get up to speed.



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