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Everything posted by rjhelms84

  1. OMFG! :woot: What a legendary robot that is! Beautiful work!
  2. I'll be able to handle the straps, no problem. Straps are a simple mesh, the only tricky bit is aligning it up properly, but it won't be a problem. :thumbsup: I'll just make them from scratch, and the texture will be simple to make.
  3. That was me. I just took the c4 model and stuck them to the sides of the dog, lol. Those are just pictures of the harness, I meant if you find an actual model on the nexus, like in the creature mod or some other mod, where they have a saddle we could use.
  4. If you find another model resource with a saddle you want, I can take it off that creature and put it on the wolf. I think there's a molerat with one somewhere.
  5. Yeah, you can't adjust that in world-spaces. In interiors you add a 'north marker', but you can't in exteriors, unfortunately. It's a pain!
  6. Could one of you upload the wolf nif and texture/s somewhere, so it's easier for me to download an edit, if you've already got them? Don't really wanna download that massive monster mod right now! :facepalm:
  7. -- Nice work on the hell-hound! That robot sounds awesome, I'd definitely like to use him for the mod, even if not for a companion. Sounds like he'd be good for a junk-yard sidequest.
  8. --Both. The exteriors are very rangey, but there are also a lot of close-combat interiors.
  9. Great ideas so far guys. I'll wait a little longer though, before deciding, to see what others say.
  10. The only way would be to edit the LOD mesh, and regenerate the LOD in the Geck. Since the Lucky 38 is in a smaller worldspace and not the main wasteland, it is doable (but probably not necessary as you've set, it doesn't really matter much.)
  11. No prob, I'll work on the ears and expression soon! :thumbsup:
  12. I'm currently building a companion for the quests / new lands mod, Beyond Boulder Dome. At the moment I'm looking for ideas. What type of companion would you like? The more detailed your ideas are, the better. Check out my blog and read the mod's description (it might be on the previous page) so you have a idea of what the location and overall feel of the mod is like. Rob
  13. When you're generating the lip files, do you have the text box filled out at the top? You need to have the full line written in the window, when you are creating the Lip. You have to open the window, write the text in, click okay to close the window, then re-open it again to make your LIP.
  14. No Longer Relevant. TOPIC CAN BE CLOSED.
  15. Okay, if you guys can give me some specific changes you want made to the mesh, that'd be great.
  16. Are you able to edit things like the ears, Glenstorm? If you're not, I can do that in Blender.
  17. Sorry, this topic an be closed, the issue was already resolved. You just add a new nif in the same folder as the object you want lodded, and give it the same file name but with the suffix _lod, and the Geck will detect it when generating LOD (apparently.)
  18. You just need to import the armor, then hide it all for now. Then import the powerfist and delete everything but the main mesh that you want to use. Then unhide everything, and position your powerfist where you want it on the arm. Then parent the powerfist to the skeleton on the armor (the armature), and you need to weight paint it, so it moves with a particular bone/s. Then select only the armature, and export as your new armor nif. If you have errors, make sure it's weighted right. You could also try deleting the armature, and then selecting all, then importing the armor again, but with "import skeleton only and parent selected meshes" button pressed. Then select only the new armature, and export again.
  19. You could just use TESnip, and copy and paste everything from that esm to a blank NV one.
  20. I'm looking for a modeller to work on some static objects for the project, Beyond Boulder Dome. You would need to be able to create models and associated textures, and understand about UV maps. If you also know how to export these ready to be placed in-game with collision, that would be ideal, but not absolutely necessary. Contact me if you're interested. Rob
  21. I was just about to recommend posting in this forum section, but you already did it! Looking great so far. Can't wait to play this mod; looks top quality! :thumbsup:
  22. Yeah, that wolf looks great! http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/images/41361-2-1302669411.jpg ---From the Monster Mod
  23. I'll have a go at this later on today. What about the Coyote model, or would you prefer the dog? I could take the dog model, and give it the extra hair that the mongrol has, in Blender. What do you think? I'll have a go at the textures as well. Don't get your hopes up though, as I'm not exactly a textures expert! But I have managed high quality re-textures before, so we'll see!
  24. Your weapons and gear are in the suitcase next to the rocket, where you first enter Denver. They've been there since you arrived!
  25. Quetz you legend! That is a great tip! I did not know that! Is there a Geck key list somewhere? I bet it's on that geck website thing, huh? :geek:
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