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Everything posted by rjhelms84

  1. You know, re-texturing is not that hard technically. You first need the DDS extensions for Gimp or Photoshop. You also need the BSA Browser, to extract the dds texture file/s for the dog you want, then open up those textures in Gimp or whatever, and re-color or repaint whatever parts you want, bearing in mind the positioning of the various parts of the texture. Then you extract the nif mesh file for the dog, and edit the texture paths in Nifskope to point to your new texture, and save it as a new nif. Then when you create your creature in the Geck, you just select your nif in the list. Your nif will have to be in the meshes/creatures/dog folder, so it can use the skeleton and animations of the dog. EDIT: If you manage to create the new texture for the dog, I will set it up in Nifskope and the Geck for you, so you dog has the right textures.
  2. By "commission" does that mean you're gonna fork out the caps? :pirate:
  3. Download BSA browser and use it to open the textures bsa in your data directory. Find the dds texture for the light machine gun. If you don't know which one it its, you will have to open the meshes bsa and extract the nif file for the gun, and open that up in nifskope. In nifskope you can find the texture paths, so you can see what the dds texture is called. When you extract the dds, you can edit it with Gimp or Photoshop, if you have the dds extensions, otherwise you will need to download them. When you open your dds file in Gimp or Photoshop, you will have edit it to have your camouflage. Then save it as a dds, as a new file name. Then create a texture set in the geck, and use it on the gun by opening up the 'model' field in the gun's stats, and double clicking no various parts of gun mesh and applying your texture set. Another way would be to edit the nif file for the gun, and change the texture paths to point to your new textures, then saving it as a new nif, and pointing to that nif in the 'model' field in the gun's stats, and then saving that gun as a new file within the geck. So yeah, that's probably not that straight-forward, if you're new to modding, lol. But I'm very tired and on the budweisers. :geek: Let me know if you want more specifics. Rob
  4. send it me if you want, and I'll export it in Blender with the right settings. [email protected]
  5. No backpack? Why would you wanna do that? Well.. if I can't talk you out of it: HERE YA GO! Just kidding, I really hated that backpack. I just added a null texture set in the Geck. Tested it in-game and it works a treat. Enjoy.
  6. This would be more difficult than I thought, since the brass knuckles don't have a weapon mesh, the knuckles themselves are actually an armor addon.
  7. This is possible, as the brass knuckles weapon uses both hands when attacking. So I could probably make a new mesh, based on the knuckles but with the power-fist models. I'll have a look later on today, and see if I can make this for you. There's a good chance I'll do it! Rob
  8. The suit is almost exactly the same as the spacesuit from the Come Fly With Me quest.
  9. lol, I was actually gonna write "you might need a shave before wearing this helmet!"
  10. Some people had an issue where wider faces would clip through the mask, like the ears and the chin. It's a problem with the vanilla hazmat cowl too. I've just uploaded an Update 2 to fix that. Unfortunately, you can't wear it with the Survivalist beard still, as that clips through.
  11. Just uploaded a new version (v2), which fixes virtually all clipping issues.
  12. Just uploaded an update as well, since the night-vision didn't work in the first one. There are two versions though, one with it and one without. EmeraldReign hjas contacted me as well, as he wants to use it in his mod, but he's going to re-texture it himself to fit in with his re-textured stealth armors.
  13. Just finishing up the female version in blender, should just be a few minutes more. To Hadoumastery, the guy making that is currently working on a helmet for it as well, it says on the description page.
  14. http://newvegasnexus.com/imageshare/images/1278385-1311610869.jpg There ya go, I'll put it into a mod now. Won't be long.
  15. http://newvegasnexus.com/imageshare/images/1278385-1311608678.jpg What about this? Any more changes you want me to make? And do you want it without the glowing eyes, like this one?
  16. Sure. Though rather than having white trim, I'm thinking the metal of the helmet should be more white, as if you look at the armor, the metal plates are whiter, whereas on the helm they're browny.
  17. I've fixed the Hazmat mesh, to stop the clipping. Here is an image: http://newvegasnexus.com/imageshare/images/1278385-1311606824.jpg I'm not great with re-textures, but I can give it a go to make it match the Stealth Armor 2. Let me know if you want the current helm straight away, or if you wanna wait until it's better.
  18. I can have a go at making this for you guys. So you want me to re-texture that helmet? Any ideas on the specifics?
  19. You create a base effect to be included in your ingestible form. On your base effect, create a new script: scn YourScriptName begin ScriptEffectStart Moveto YourLocationREF end You also need to create a marker, like an xmarker, and name it and select it as persistent reference. Then include the name in place of YourLocationREF. Let me know if you need more information. If you look at a vanilla ingestible, and look at its base effect and its script, you can learn how it's put together.
  20. Those are just from the Chinese Stealth Suit though, right?
  21. For now, you could just use the console. Go and recruit your companion, then open up the console (`) and type "coc NVDLC03TheSink". It is fully navmeshed, especially the outside area, as there are creatures running about. I've tried this out with Veronica and it works fine, as far as I can tell.
  22. you have to import the node from another similar weapon, since there was no iron sights in F3. make sure the node name stays right. Just copy branch and paste it.
  23. I saw that elevator in the Project Roswell mod, looks really good. How does it work? Is it a moveable static, or scripted or something?
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