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Everything posted by rjhelms84

  1. I'm not gonna get involved in this debate, but to anyone else reading, to clarify, we're looking for experienced dialogue writers, to work within a Pre-existing story framework. Examples of previous work is a must.
  2. (removed by me, as I wanna keep this thread relevant -rjhelms84)
  3. I apologize for my recent unavailability. If you check back in the comments, I normally respond personally to every question, but recently I've been preoccupied with personal issues. Hopefully soon I'll return to normal functioning.
  4. That list is way out of date actually! Most of that stuff is either already being worked on, or no longer relevant. I'll start a new thread for you.
  5. Sorry for the delay, mate! Just been to the cinema to see the new Superman; it was awesome! I've activated your account, so you can log in now!
  6. That's a no-brainer, mate! Of course you're welcome on the team, we'd be happy to have you! Head on over to our private forum and get registered, if you like: http://ypdesign.com/bbd/index.php Feel free to take part in any discussion and chip in with your ideas. I'll drop you a PM shortly, about what you could work on. Rob
  7. Sorry for the delay Kraeten, will get that PM out to you asap.
  8. Still looking for a writer, to ease my burden. :)
  9. Awesome, we just passed the 1000 endorsements mark! Thanks very much to everyone who downloaded and endorsed! :D
  10. Thanks Kraeten! I'll drop you a PM sometime tomorrow with more info. :) To anyone else reading, we still need more people as well, so get in touch if you're interested!
  11. The Beyond Team are now looking for interior level designers to work on our main Skyrim project: Northpoint. Leave a reply, if you're interested, with links to screenshots of your previous work. Check out our blog, to learn more about us: beyondmodding.blogspot.co.uk/ There are also opportunities to help out in other ways, so get in touch if you feel you have something to offer! Thanks for your time, Rob
  12. Just to clarify, "Beyond Skyrim" isn't creating Bloodhunt / Hircine's Hunting Grounds, nor were they creating Ionis' Solstheim mod. We are a separate team called The Beyond Team, and we're not affiliated with "Beyond Skyrim" in any sense. We were just using the Beyond Skyrim forums for a time for collaborations sake, but now we're using our own private forum for development instead.
  13. It's a bit too early to speculate a release date. That's not to say it will be a very long time, just that it's difficult to say when it will be released. We've got a good plan of what we want to do, a good outline of the story/plot, so at this stage it's a case of filling in the fine details of the quest/s, then writing dialogue and getting voice actors in to record, while I'm doing the programming. We don't want to rush anything out, so we can give players the best possible experience, at hopefully professional quality. The team has learned a lot from our last big project, Beyond Boulder Dome, so we want to make sure we get everything just right, and keep everything at a high standard. Keep watching our blog for more updates! Rob
  14. Still could use more applicants, if anyone's interested!
  15. That's right, you're not dreaming, your time has come, Idea People! How many times have you spammed developer after developer with pages and pages of your crazy ideas!? Well now your ideas are actually being requested! :O The Beyond Team realizes that when it comes to planning a project, the more heads banging together the better! So now we're looking for intelligent Idea People to join our team and private forum, to help in the development of our Skyrim projects. So what does it take to be an Idea Person? We're looking for people who can manifest the following qualities: A good understanding of Skyrim lore, or at least the willingness to research particular parts of it, as relevant.The ability to form relevant ideas, that are both lore friendly and fitting to the style and feel of Skyrim and TES games, and to help develop the ideas of others.An understanding of the game development process, and of the capabilities of the Creation Kit is preferred.The ability to write concisely and not write novels during idea discussions.The ability to let it go if your idea isn't used.The ability to keep an open mind, and carefully consider what others are saying.The ability to work in a team, in a friendly manner, without engaging in ego wars. So, if you're interested and feel you can meet these requirements, please drop me an email at [email protected] with your answer to the following two questions: 1) If you could create a mod for Skyrim, in one paragraph what would it be? 2) If you could improve a current mod of Skyrim, what mod would you improve and in what way/s would you improve it? Good luck! -Rob
  16. I'm now looking for a new writer to work with our team on Skyrim projects. Must be an experienced writer, with sample work to show. Must be dedicated and reliable and able to work regularly on the projects. If you've got what it takes, then drop me an email introducing yourself, with either attachments or links to some of your work. The address is: [email protected]
  17. I'm now looking for a new writer to work with our team on Skyrim projects. Must be an experienced writer, with sample work to show. Must be dedicated and reliable and able to work regularly on the projects. If you've got what it takes, then drop me an email introducing yourself, with either attachments or links to some of your work. The address is: [email protected]
  18. We're now officially out of BETA! Grab version 1.0 from the mod page now! :)
  19. Thanks for your ideas so far guys! To anyone else reading, keep the ideas coming in!
  20. I'm getting the same issue... Added an armor object to a bear in Blender.... but the armor piece doesn't have the dismember skin instance, but the bear model does. I'll let you know if I figure it out.
  21. I'm now working on a new Skyrim team project, and I'm putting together an asset list for this and future Skyrim projects. Like in my previous mod, Beyond Boulder Dome for New Vegas, we have the opportunity to have some very high quality models created. So I would like all your best suggestions for new, lore friendly content that you'd like to see. This could be new creatures, new clothing or armor, weapons, or anything else you can think of. Nothing is too challenging..........probably, hahah! Seriously though, the models will be professional quality. So I'd appreciate your ideas, guys! Rob PS: We're now looking for an experienced "rigger" to join us, so if you are a master at rigging new models and are fully capable of getting them game-ready from scratch, then please get in touch! I'm trying to share more of the workload this time around, so I can focus on programming, and also so I don't get burnt out.
  22. Some thoughts on what you have so far: Firstly, my favourite encounter from Fallout 3 was that super-mutant you find wandering around in the DC ruins. Can't remember his name, only that he was a friendly mutant (and it wasn't Fawkes.) So I would love to see a lot of friendly random encounters. Or even not so friendly, like someone tricking the player. But the point is, they are random, rather than just waiting in their set spots for the player to come to them. I think that would bring a lot of life into the game, like having random scavenger encounters in abandoned areas, so there's the feeling that the world is alive and moving, rather than everyone being in their set places, waiting for the player to engage them. It's also really nice to be surprised, which was how I felt when I first discovered that super mutant in F3, in a place I had already been to. (I hope I'm typing coherently, I'm really tired, so my brain is being sluggish.) So yeah, my main idea so far is to have random scavenger encounters in locations that are otherwise lifeless, and only good for looting. These would mainly be interior cells, and the salvagers could have dialogue, maybe unmarked quests or something. Here is a good page for planning encounters: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout:_New_Vegas_locations I'll list some specific ideas: 1) You could have a couple of wastelanders getting bombed by the boomers, where you first approach Nellis. Maybe you can meet one in hiding, and after the boomers are quelled, you can tell him the coast is clear or sommat. 2) Find Legion Veteran Atticus in other places than the legion safehouse, or maybe fighting outside it. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Atticus I'm not certain about this one actually, but thought I'd still type it, to see what you think. 3) Possibly random encounters for Luria of the Followers Safehouse ( http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Luria ) and other people who maintain the other safehouses. Though I'm not sure, as they might need new dialogue, and it would probably sound cheap without the original VAs. 4) Patients for the New Vegas clinic. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/New_Vegas_Medical_Clinic Random patient encounters with dialogue for inside the clinic, and could have patients who are walking to the clinic, with various injuries. Sometimes they could tell the player they were attacked by a deathclaw, the legion, or whatever. Could even add some humour to the injuries. 5) http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Makeshift_Great_Khan_Camp -- Could have some Great Khans here, that stay every now and then. 6) http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Great_Khan_armory -- Khans travelling to armory from main base. 7) In Freeside, drug deals gone wrong! You overhear dialogue of a drug deal, which ends in death. 8) People actually trading with each other, in places like the 188 trading post. This would basically be overheard dialogue, of people bartering. So these random encounters would come in 2's or more. I think this would give some life to these areas. 9) People honouring the dead at the various graveyards like in Goodsprings. 10) Gamblers in the casinos. There are a lot of generic gamblers, that basically say nothing. So it would be good to have random gambler encounters that force-greet the player (otherwise the player will not notice them.) 11) A kid lost in the sewers and scared, you have to lead him back to mommy or something, heh. 12) An NPC ghoul in a feral populated area (who is not hostile to the player or the ferals). He tells the player he has gone feral or something, but he clearly hasn't. He's deluded. These are just some ideas for now, to take or leave. Hope it's helpful. I really need to sleep now. Bout 7am here. :wacko:
  23. Voice acting won't be a problem. I have a great contact base of high-quality actors, as well as a virtually inexhaustible resource if we need new ones. If you listen to the voices in BBD, most of them are excellent in my opinion. There are one or two that are more average, but they were cast in the early days, and I didn't think it fair to recast them. So if you want to send me scripts when they're ready, along with character descriptions and descriptions of the voices you want, I'm confident I can get you voices you'll be very happy with.
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