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Everything posted by rjhelms84

  1. I really like the random encounters idea, as I'm all for mods that actually improve the vanilla game (as they are few and far between, in my opinion.) If you're looking for it, I'd be happy to help however I can. What is the problem with dialogue? Is it just the lack of voice actors?
  2. I don't see any fault in your initial post in this thread, or your subsequent one. It's not as though you started a new project, got everyone to put in a ton of work, then just canned the project on a whim. You've not canned the project at all, you've passed it on, as you said, and that is your right. You don't owe anyone anything; you're doing this for free. Furthermore, it's not your fault about the licensing laws, so you can hardly be blamed for that. There's nothing wrong with being direct, and I think it's a good thing that you've laid it out on the table, so everyone is clear what's going on. Don't pay any attention to those criticising you, and don't let them make you doubt yourself. You've done nothing wrong, as far as I can see. I'm saying all this as the type of criticism is all too familiar to me. I think it's good to listen to others and learn from them, but sometimes you gotta be thick-skinned and trust your own reason. People speak from their own emotions, and can twist all sorts of clever bogus logic into it, to make you doubt yourself. I'm starting to sound paranoid now, heh. But you get what I'm saying. You're not being too blunt and you're definitely not screwing things up word-wise. On the contrary, you're very articulate. Anyway, about RFCW/TTW, I only played it briefly once myself. When I first heard about the project, I was really excited, a very long time ago. I really liked the idea of having a wider Fallout world to explore, and connecting the Capital Wasteland and the Mojave into one game seemed like a good way to do that. Just to have a wider world to explore. It's the same kind of spirit behind projects like GTS and even Beyond Boulder Dome. Though, like I said, I only played it once briefly, as in reality I was bored with Fallout 3, as it was way too familiar, so it didn't have the feeling of exploring a wider world and discovering new things. Which is why I went into creating BBD, as I wanted some "new" places to explore. Also, the two games never felt integrated enough for me. Even though physically connected, they still felt divorced in many ways, which just killed the immersion for me, which is why I never played it much. But I was always impressed with the work that went into it, and that work is never wasted as I'm sure it taught you a lot. Do you have future modding plans/ideas?
  3. Try disabling then re-enabling archive invalidation with FOMM, and see if that works. If not, you are missing some files, which could mean you extracted things incorrectly or one of your downloads was corrupt.
  4. Yeah, sounds good mate! We could definitely put that to good use, and from looking at your work you've got the talent, so by all means go ahead. :thumbsup: When you talk about animations, do you mean general animations like movement, or custom stuff the robot might need? If it's just movement, then that can be accomplished through rigging to an existing models' skeleton and doing the bone weights. Or if it's extra animations, like small parts moving on the object or particle effects, then if you can create the animations in the right version of Blender (2.49b) with the nif tools, then exporting as kf isn't a problem. So I can help with all that. And if you're not familiar with rigging and weight-painting, we have people who are happy to help with that, so no worries.
  5. Did you have something specific in mind, or would you like me to give you something to work on? Are you a "from scratch" modeller or a mash-up artist? Do you have any examples of things you've done in the past? Thanks! :) Rob
  6. Could you explain a bit more? Where abouts do you get stuck?
  7. No it's not. We will need many actors for the sequel to bbd, and also for updates to bbd itself. All actors please email me samples and I will reply to you ASAP.
  8. He does say "follow me", so head in his direction if you can't keep up with him, and also a new quest starts, giving a quest marker directly to Eli.
  9. At last, the time has come! Click the link below to download Beyond Boulder Dome Beta: CLICK HERE!!!!!!!
  10. No, it IS July 2nd today.. I'm just saying that the day isn't over yet, so it could be released later on. I've got a couple of problems I'm working through, but should be done very shortly. So it'll be either today or tomorrow.
  11. Well, the "adverts" would be done in a subtle and suitable way, and it would've meant we could get some money for things like having custom tilesets built. But anyway, I've abandoned this idea now, as it's obviously not received very well.
  12. Brand spanking new trailer, by Unoctium. [Please note, at the end of the trailer it says July 2nd release, but that is not set in stone, as I mentioned in a recent post, I'm merely aiming for that date, but it could well be a little later, but we're doing our best.]
  13. There is a way to duplicate worldspace in New Vegas. Just create a copy of your esp, and open up the new copy and change the worldspace ID name, and any IDs for named coordinate cells. Then open up both esps in TESnip, and copy the renamed worldspaces into the original esp.
  14. My thought on companions is you need a good reason why they are dismissed, plot-wise. Why would the player be forced to dismiss them in these circumstances? Also, if you want, I can provide a script for the companions to be dismissed, if you want that, which you could just add to your door script. As for having two worldspaces, I would highly recommend using two, or even more, as necessary. As having multiple world-spaces is always better than having one big one, especially where LOD generation is concerned. Also, if you had one big worldspace, but separate the two locations like you said, you will have issues with quest markers later, as quest markers won't point to the door to the next area, it will point directly to the location, even if it's through mountains, if you get what I mean.
  15. Yeah, if you look at how the end of Lonesome Road is set up, I think they pull off the changeover between worldspaces quite well, with the new area beyond the Mojave Outpost Gate.
  16. Yeah, TheTalkieToaster just explained to me that the protectron doesn't have anims for the attackspin, etc, which the automatic setting requires.
  17. I just got it working! :biggrin: Think it was because I unticked "automatic" in the weapon form, or because I used the ammoflamerfuelrobot ammo specifically?
  18. Hi all, Here is the EULA for the GECK. I'm not legal expert, so wondered what you guys thought: http://fallout.bethsoft.com/eng/downloads/updates-GECK-fnv-eula.php So my question is: Is it legal for a company to sponsor a modding project / modder? By sponsor, I mean, put money into the continued production of the mod, or future mods, and in exchange the modder will place adverts within the mod for that company. For example, placing posters around the new locations of the mod, referencing that company. What do you think? From reading the EULA myself, it seems only 'selling the mod' is prohibited, but it doesn't seem to mention receiving money from advertising within the mod, as users are still not charged to play, so the mod is still free. I just want to be clear on this, as I definitely don't want to break any laws, or upset anyone. -Rob
  19. no worries, mate.... no pressure at all... just offering a helping hand, so if you need help in any area along the way, just let me know. :thumbsup:
  20. I asked for the pics, just to get an idea of your talent, as I really like the ideas here, and would be interested to help you out / work with you. But I didn't realize you wanted to do all the work yourself! Sorry bout that! :facepalm:
  21. Not sure about nifskope, as I do everything in Blender for the most part. If you don't figure it out, drop me a PM and I can just do it for you in Blender.
  22. I really like your design document and your ideas. I think they are well-thought-out and intelligent, so I think the project is a promising one. I don't think it's too ambitious at all, and if you can show others you are capable of good-quality work, you will get a lot of support on this project, guaranteed. Could you tell us a bit more about your modding experience? I'm only asking that, as I know it will net you more support if people can learn a bit more about you, and discover the level of quality you are capable of. Could you show any 3d modelling work you've done in the past, or any artwork?
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