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Everything posted by rjhelms84

  1. DocGurgle -- Hey mate, thanks for the offer! I'd be happy to have you on the team. That's some very fine artwork. I like your style! I'll get some descriptions together for posters and concept art you could make, and send you a PM. Regarding texture work, if I gave you a bare mesh, would you be able to texture it? Do you know about UV maps, or would you require me to set them up first? (I don't mind either way, it's just good to know.) It would be handy to have another good texture artist, as I have a few modellers now that are very skilled in modelling, but not at textures. Anyway, look forward to working with you. Rob
  2. Send them me, bro. I'll get them UV-mapped for you, so you can use them in your Tron mod.
  3. We've got a large modding team for Beyond Boulder Dome, a New Vegas mod. We've got 25+ members in our team. When Skyrim comes out, we'll be starting a Skyrim project as well, so you are welcome to join our team as a modeller. In the mean-time you could model creatures for the Vegas mod, if you wanted. But if you just prefer Skyrim, that'll be fine too. Check out the links in my signature. Rob
  4. Could you show us any writing samples you have, and/or some of the interiors you've designed? Also, you say you can do concept art? Have any pictures? :)
  5. Hello! I'm currently looking to fill two positions on the BBD team, though the ideal person would be able to cover both roles (but if you can do one of them really well, then that'll be fine.) If you've not heard of the project, check out our BLOG, or the official FORUM THREAD, or the FACEBOOK PAGE. I need a creative artist to sketch or digitally design characters from the mod, based on the descriptions I give. So this is basically concept art for the characters. I also need someone to create the NPC's within the Geck, based on the concept art that is created (assuming we fill that role). Since the characters are so important, you will have to be very skilled at this. I want the faces to look better than Obsidian's and Bethesda's, which isn't crazy when you look at mods like Re-Elijahfied and Better Burned Man. So if you're interested, you'll need to show me an example of what you can do. If you're not sure if you're good enough, but you're interested, just apply anyway. It can't hurt, and who knows, maybe you're being humble! (I'm probably not as particular as I sound, but the faces do need to be very good.) Rob
  6. I found this on the Geck wiki: There are two simple ways to get NPCs to talk to each other: 1) An NPC with a Find package targeting another NPC will automatically start a conversation with the second NPC, beginning with the HELLO conversation topic. This is the same way that NPCs start random conversations with each other. 2) Use StartConversation to trigger the conversation. This can be useful if you want to start the conversation with a custom topic (i.e. something besides HELLO). In order to force the NPCs to have a particular conversation, you need to set up the dialogue infos that they will use so that they link together into a complete conversation. The basic principles are as follows: The simplest way to make a conversation is to create a new topic for each response on the Conversation tab of the Quest window, create an info under each topic, and use the "Link To" and "Link From" fields to link the infos together in the order that you want them to be spoken. This is fine for a very short conversation, but creating a new topic for each info can become cumbersome for longer conversations. --------------- So yeah, give that a try if you want. And if it still doesn't work, just send me the esp.
  7. Having them under topics wouldn't be the problem, as the first line is spoken, right? It's strange, as your script looks like it should work, lol. I sometimes have to fiddle quite a bit with scripts, before I get them right. You might have to send me your esp at some point, so I can fiddle with the script until it works.
  8. You could try using the "sayto" function rather than "say", as I think "say" only works on actors and not actorREFS: Begin SayToDone LisaTalk01 MHBoulderTwinLouiseREF.Sayto LisaREF LouiseTalk01 End Or if you wanted to use "say", try using the actor's ID rather than the REF, or just put all Louise's code-lines in her NPC script, so you can just use say without needing to imply a reference. (Also these three scripts could be in just one, unless you've split them up on purpose to make it easier for you.) Here's an example of what I would try: Lisa's NPC window script: scn MHBoulderLisaScript Short StartTalking Begin GameMode If StartTalking == 0 SayTo MHBoulderTwinLouiseREF LisaTalk01 EndIf End Begin SayToDone LouiseTalk01 SayTo MHBoulderTwinLouiseREF LisaTalk02 End Louise's NPC window script: scn MHBoulderLouiseScript Begin SayToDone LisaTalk01 Say LouiseTalk01 ;;Or use Sayto LisaREF LouiseTalk01 End Begin SayToDone LisaTalk02 SayTo Player LouiseTalk02 End
  9. I actually created a female open-coat version before I closed the coat. It's saved as a separate nif on my other computer, so I'll upload it for you in a couple hours time. :)
  10. Have you seen Drake Elvin's Amigo Cafe mod? It's an awesome and easy to use companion template system. It makes creating your own companion very easy, (assuming you haven't done it already.) If there's anything you need, but don't know how to do it, let me know.
  11. Sounds great, mate! Could you show me any samples of models you've previously made?
  12. We're having a domestic cat companion in Beyond Boulder Dome.
  13. Thanks for your ideas guys. So far I've decided to have American and Chinese tribal ghouls, with custom skin textures, as airmen and pilots who are engaged in a 200 year old stalemate, refusing to believe the war is over.
  14. Thanks! But there seem to still be some problems. :wallbash: I tried this and it does seem to work with some of the helmets, but the once that it works with is missing their texture and the once that remains sideways keep their texture. send me the esp and files if you like, and I'll take a look.
  15. You have to use FNVedit and make some changes to your esp there. Here's your answer on this page: click HERE.
  16. I've sent you a PM, MojaveMike. Hey druid, Could you show me any writing you've done before, so I can get an idea of your writing style? Would you be interested in dialogue writing?
  17. Hey guys, I'm working on an air-craft graveyard for one of the worldspaces in Beyond Boulder Dome, and I'm looking for some ideas of what to include. I did have one idea for having a giant crater, where you can see the side of an underground bunker, like lines of sediment, if you know what I mean. I'm looking for interesting, ruined scenery ideas, or links to concepts or pictures and stuff like that. Rob
  18. Just put up a version 2, which has a Swat Vest. Also includes a female, closed-coat version. http://www.newvegasnexus.com/imageshare/images/1278385-1317418298.jpg
  19. New poster by KazFoxsen. http://newvegasnexus.com/imageshare/images/1278385-1317304186.png
  20. THIS MOD removes the cazadors, but you need OWB and HH dlc's.
  21. Did you miss the Domestic Cat link? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v210/misterr84/catfinal.jpg
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