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  1. http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=26342599877128781114 Sorry about the wait, life gets in the way sometime, if that link ever goes down, and anyone, ANYONE needs the file don't be afraid to message me, I can provide.
  2. I found a solution, I replaced Fallout 3 Tick Fix with Fallout stutter remover and I used a custom ini from the New Vegas stutter remover and it made things so much more playable, very smooth now, now I just need to get a decent SSD for my bethesda games. Anyone who wants the ini I'm using I can provide it.
  3. Yeah, The JIP selective fire doesn't affect performance at all, I've tried no-enb, vanilla game has the same bad performance problems. Nothing is necessarily making things better or worse no matter what mods I do or don't have.
  4. I'll try and disable it but the JIP thing is different from JIP companions, this is just selective fire. You can change the fire modes with a bound hotkey on automatic weapons. I'll try and disable it though.
  5. I've Re-Ordered some of my plugins so they're a bit cleaner, just didn't have time to mess with them, used LOOT before and then edited from there, I'll try and get my plugin count down more, other than the bad framerate the game is very stable when it comes to crashes, as for the S.T.E.P. Guide, I didn't follow exactly everything, for example I passed on some mods because I didn't want them/skipped over sections like the body mods section because I didn't want them, the thing is, I have this problem in a vanilla state too, even without the mods the performance has problems like this, or I wouldn't be asking for help. I know how well the game runs because I used similar mods on a much worse system back in the day (Core 2 Quad, Radeon 5850 1GB) and never had any framerate problems like this, both modded or vanilla, and I don't think I downloaded JIP. If I did, what plugin would that be? Regardless thanks again.
  6. Hello! I have a problem where my framerate goes from a good, solid 50-60fps all the way down to as low as single digit framerates whenever distant building/objects load in, and maybe it always looked this odd, but the distant LOD looks pretty cut back in my opinion (Buildings not being there and then just randomly popping up etc), I remember the draw distance looking a bit better on my older system and older playthroughs of Fallout 3 but maybe that's just me. I've followed this guide https://wiki.step-project.com/User:Kelmych/Fallout3 for my mods and I've gotten everything needed for performance and stability (Unnoficial FO3 Patch, Increased Heap allocation, 4GB patch, NVAC, Updated OGG Libraries, Multicore Fixes, Up to date DX9 and Microsoft Visual C++ of the proper years for FO3) and instead of the stutter remover I'm using Fallout 3 Tick fix https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/23542 because Fallout stutter remover doesn't work and just crashes the game on Windows 10. My system shouldn't be an issue because my specs are well beyond what's good enough for a Modded Fallout 3 playthrough even with an ENB and Textures (and even then I never had this problem when I had worse specs and similar mods). I have a Ryzen 5 1600, 16 Gigs of RAM, and an RX 580 8GB and my games are installed on a 7200 RPM Drive that was used when I had FO3 similarly modded on an older system with no problems. I've tried Disabling my ENB, Disabling my texture mods, nothing really seems to help it because it does it regardless of what hi-res textures are installed or whatever ENB I'm using (I'm using Atmos ENB which needs ENB v0278 to work, but it doesn't matter whether or not I have it installed or not). Here's my load order (I have some smaller plugins merged to keep my load order down, haven't made a merged patch yet because I'm looking to solve this performance problem): https://imgur.com/A7Sz8lQ Here's my INI Files:https://imgur.com/a/OK1b2vk And here's some video footage of said problem with an OSD, The only thing I'm noticing is the bad frametimes: https://youtu.be/tdpW9aL-b6M https://youtu.be/onIqO-QfYwU Any help would be greatly appreciated because I'm at a loss here, I see similar setups of people with similar mods and system specs and they don't have problems this bad when it comes to framerate, so I'm wondering if there's some small obscure thing I haven't done or what, thanks again.
  7. User IMAetAR's solution worked for me, I tried everything and was just about to give up and it worked fine for me, If you're having issues with the ENB, make sure you're not running FOSE, Fallout 3 EXE or Fallout Launcher in compatibility or administrator mode, this would also apply to Fallout New Vegas, Skyrim, and I'd imagine Oblivion also.
  8. Nothing is working, the problem is still happening, so I'm just gonna say f*#@ it to one of my favorite games ever and uninstall. It makes me absolutely livid that this is happening. Goodbye.
  9. I guess I can try merging some .esp files together, I'm running some retexture mods but not a lot, only some weapon retextures and NMC's texture pack, but if that doesn't work I guess my copy of Fallout 3 is just screwed.
  10. I think I figured out what the problem is. I think loading too many .esm files can cause game crash, because once I get past a certain number of .esm files, the game crashes in certain places, does fallout 3 have a ESM limit?
  11. Idk why, but this only occurs with certain mods that add new buildings etc... Kinda disappointing really because this has never normally happened to me :(
  12. Okay I figured out what the issue was! For some reason it was DC Interiors causing the crash, I have no idea why it was doing it, but disabling it worked and the game no longer crashes, I'll have to look into why it was crashing, because I've used DC Interiors multiple times, and it has never caused issues >:T
  13. I got it working by going through and randomly ticking off mods, I'm gonna try and find out what mod in particular is causing the issue.
  14. Alright well I've done absolutely everything required and I still end up with the same end result, crash when saving in certain places, now what?
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