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About HappyDingo

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  1. 'Tis true, I found the gauss gun quite effective. I haven't tried the anti-material with AP yet. But still, I found the deathclaw's irritating ability to soar across the landscape with their superman jumps, and unfairly overpowered and irritating superrake ability to make it still very difficult.
  2. Deathclaws have gotten frustratingly hard. The difficulty of these critters doesn't remind me of fallout 2 though, they remind me of Oblivion. I remember late game Oblivion. where I was a very high level and you had the ogres and chieftain goblins which not only could hit mysteriously hard, but also required a large amount of sword hits to die, and an impossible number of arrows. I never liked the way they leveled those creatures, I like how they made that better from Oblivion to Fallout 3 (without drawing too many parallels). I have to admit I'm disappointed they've reinstated this, in my opinion, static and hopeless way of leveling encounters. Sure it's nice to have challenges even at very high levels, but I think it's alright to feel that you're boss for the last levels too. Morrowind manages this almost perfectly; you felt like a real hero in the places where you were scared before, yet still there were challenges in logical places; killing of the head vampire or some demi-god, should be hard. Walking through the same forest and being beaten up by the almost same goblins (now they call themselves brutes and have extra shoulder-pads) makes you feel like your the same, weak little *censored* you were ten levels ago. I agree the deatclaws should be hard, but there's something about making a challenge without making it frustrating. A few well placed hits from the games most hard hitting weapons should be more than enough. When you've emptied two mags (f***ing drawers) of 5mm from your minigun, and that awful creature is still playing tough with it's irritatingly simplistic and far too effective attack, I for one feel....deflated. Oh those *^?`)(&%¤ jumps it makes just infuriates me. I feel like I'm fighting a high speeding trailer from atop of a tiny tricycle. I wish they could have made them just a little bit harder; kind of in the middle somewhere between the fallout 3 ones and the munchkins they've become. And for those of you who cheer on every time these games get very difficult; are you sure you are playing on hard enough difficulty level? I imagine the hardest one would be quite the challenge, especially on hardcore mode. And if you're playing at the hardest level on hardcore mode and still think it's too easy, you need to degeek a little and give us other softer players a chance. Or try playing blindfolded or with one arm or something. tl;dr: it's ok to make deathclaws more difficult, but don't overdo it. They've become partypoopers
  3. LOL wow. We got everything in here, from those who are very critical and those that might as well be paid lobbyists for the capitalist free marked companies. This thread seems most likely dead....ish, but still. I must speak my piece. And what I say might have been mentioned several times, but it doesn't matter. Nor do I care. Fallout 3 is great. I ordered the collector's edition of both the game and the prima game guide. I don't regret it, even though the games greatness is much because of the official DLC and fan made mods. The fact that I've played through the game several times and have done most of what's doable every time proves it has staying power for some. But unfortunately it is easier to speak up about what is wrong than what is right, I let the hundreds of hours playing this game speak for itself. But this is what needs to be improved in my opinion: 1. The armor: it's been mentioned before, but it doesn't matter if you slink in megaton in wasteland settler clothes, or if you come in with full enclave hellfire armor gatling laser ablaze. The reaction is pretty much the same: none. Some may sourly comment on you firing your weapon, but as long as you don't hit anyone, it's all cool. How hard could it be to make generic npcs react differently to someone clad as a raider, a BOS knight, or as an enclave trooper? Yeah it'd take some programming, but the npcs lack of reaction to you is a shame on this fine game. Which leads me to the second, well commented problem 2. yeah, the dialog: It baffles me that some of you try to defend this with beak and claw. The dialog is not good. No it's not (very) awful, but IT IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Feel free to help me with examples, but: - Elder Lyons when getting the power armor training from him. He repeats a sentence twice and sound necessary retarded. - The Republic of Dave thing is a scripting disaster. You can go in, shoot him through the head (yeah I know the programmers can't think of all possibilities, but this is rather important), lie him face down on the dinner table, rip his head off and V-grab his head and bump it in both his wifes' and all his children's faces. Nobody say poo. In fact, they still say they can talk to you because (now dead and molested) Dave said it was ok. The only thing they notice is that he can't run for president anymore, and this show that they've though about the very likely possibility that Dave would get shot for his very provoking behavior. They just didn't follow through. - The reaction for shooting very important npcs like Mortiary, the Sheriff Lucas, the doctor in town, should all have some npc reaction. It needn't be much, but the existing just doesn't do. - Shooting Tenpenny. It's highly likely as it's actually a side-quest. Nobody notices, nobody cares. His captain of the guards doesn't care nor notice, nor does his enemies in the train station. Come on....was it really that hard to script and voice act a few minutes more? - Asides from shooting people you shouldn't shoot, what about the Pitt? You save them from slavery....nothing happens, nobody cares. It's like you weren't even there. Dialogs still the same. - You meet a lone wanderer, strangely survived from the grossly overpowered (in comparison to their environment) albino radscorpions suddenly plaguing the wasteland. What does he say? "go away" or something equally silly. There is so much that could have been said.....but no. This list could easily have filled many pages. But one of the saddest parts is that you have a community willing to help. But many doesn't because of the voice acting challenge. And luckily they don't, because voice acting from fans may become horridly bad. I'm thinking that the decision to make (as good as) all dialog be covered in voice acting, while it sounds good, wasn't a good one. It sure wasn't modder friendly. I think many out there would be willing to improve the dialogs if they were just given the means to. There are also more little shortcomings that I could comment on, but these two, dialog and reactions, are the biggest flaws of the game in my opinion. The DLCs and some usermods are very important to the game however. Tl;dr: It's a great game in my opinion, with two major flaws. The dialogs is a tenth of what they could be, and the reactions to the players appearance and actions are too thin.
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