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Everything posted by Enerjohn96

  1. Hello Nexus Community, This will be my first ever post so I'll try to be succinct. I downloaded the We Are The Division mod from NP3 on Discord so I could add ISAC into my semi-Division play through. It's a very good mod, but it's incomplete. ISAC has only voice lines that cover environment cues (entering a settlement, leveling up, picking up a magazine, etc.) My problem is that there are no combat lines programmed in at all. I've seen videos of other players who have ISAC and he is fully reactive in combat, alerting players of enemies, telling them when an area is cleared, alerting them when their health is critical, the whole nine yards! Can anyone tell me how I can do the same? Attached to this post is the mod file. Can anyone of the brilliant models out there tell me what I have to do to add combat dialogue for ISAC in this mod? I would greatly appreciate the assistance seeing as I'm not a modder.
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