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Posts posted by Shawker

  1. Thank you very much. I will look into Natural Locomotion. My only real problem is I can not move around and have to sit at my computer due to a back injury, which is one of the reasons I got the VR, I am thinking about making my area large enough for me to stand in place. I am glad my unit does not need motion sensors as the older ones did. Again thank you, I was starting to lose hope on an answer. Kudos given for taking the time. Hopefully this helps others as well.



  2. As stated I am really new to VR, and only have a few VR games. I played a heavy modded FO4, and my question is do the mods from the reg. game work in VR or do only VR mods work? Or is it a combination of trial and error?


    So, far I have one game that I like in VR and am hopeful FO4 is at least fun. Before I got VR I remember everyone saying it is amazing, and yes it is really neat but my 144mhz, so far has been a better investment as I get over 90fps with my GTX 1080 Ti, without the noob VR nausea. I enjoy the immersion and now that the prices of some units have come down better games will come, fingers crossed.



  3. Windows 7 or 10, or Linex?


    Steam make sure even if you do not use Steam workshop to click it to yes. I had this problem and that fixed mine.


    I have never used Hampster but use 7zip which is mostly what everyone uses as it is free and easy.

    Extract the files to your desktop and then cut and copy them into your folder.

    I have a shortcut on my desktop just for doing this.

    Also verify your game files, Steam is notorious for messing up re downloads.


    Hope this helps.

  4. Do you use Steam or another store for your game?


    If Steam make sure the tab for Steam workshop is on yes. This will force it to check for mods. Restart and see if they are there. Another thing if not is to re download all of them after making sure the tab is clicked. also verify your files. If this does not work try posting on Egosoft forum.


    Also if Windows 7 that is another problem and I cannot help on that.

  5. have you recently added the line sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\, TEXTURES\, MUSIC\, SOUND\, INTERFACE\, MESHES\, PROGRAMS\, MATERIALS\, LODSETTINGS\, VIS\, MISC\, SCRIPTS\, ShadersFx ?


    If so delete the last part shader(s)fx so it should look like this sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\, TEXTURES\, MUSIC\, SOUND\, INTERFACE\, MESHES\, PROGRAMS\, MATERIALS\, LODSETTINGS\, VIS\, MISC\, SCRIPTS\,Shader FX\


    I had to completely remove Shader FX part due to it causing my game to start in windowed mode, along with it kept re-detecting my video card and settings and refused to load any of my mods. hope this helps you.

  6. On the Beth site there is a link with numerous complaints of all of sudden ctd and corrupted saves. They all seem to be random although a pattern is emerging imho. Here is the link to that post http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1546438-fallout-4-crash-in-specific-area/page-1


    I believe it is either level based and time based either you are to high level doing a low level quest or the opposite. The second theory is based on how much time in game and level you are at causing the problem, meaning Beth thinks we are playing to fast or leveling to fast. If I remember correctly wasn't this a problem with Skyrim also?


    Anyways those are my theories probably wrong but who knows. I figure so we do not have a 1000 posts of CTDs they have one started with possible fixes.


    Good luck.



    >> Doesnt belong in this list

    Why not? I thought this thread is to list all the mod requests, so the modders can look for requests easily? Besides, this auto-view toggling will be so useful.

    no this thread is a list of mods everybody wants. example: body mods and UI mods. specific things like what you suggested is what the request forum is for and you should start a new thread for it. by the way i am not against the idea it is a good one but doesnt belong here.


    So that would mean most of this list is moot. I like the idea and had not thought about it until he/she posted it. I read the first page, and here is the quote


    "Instead of making many threads about mods by many people who think they are only who need it and thought about it, here is the full list of mods of what pc fo4 gamers want since even before fo4 comes out. Please note that you need a modding kit or TESf4edit to do, well, almost all of them."

  8. To continue to add more support for our modders. As someone else brought up the industry should look to sites like this to find talent even if it is only for specific ideas or tasks to be obtained. We know that the games steal ideas from the modders but then they hack them up by using only parts of one and those of another that always seem half baked at best.


    Lets just hope and pray they release the new G.E.C.K or equivalent soon so the modders can create their awesome magic and make this game our own immersive apocalypse.

  9. The ability to configure pacing and settings, like gore, number of followers, make followers killable or brightness seem to be really strange omissions to me. The ability to have alternate starts or optional primary needs wouldn't be difficult either but were not implemented.


    I have been looking at the mods and some of them look excellent but I am holding off until the next patch comes out in case it wreaks havoc just as I start to feel I need them. Or are my fears unfounded?



    That is a good point but as we all should have a back up before implementing mods, it does suck when a new patch comes out and destroys all the work and time put into a game. The problem is Beth has been known to hold patches until as they feel all the bugs that they feel are game breaking are fixed. The problem is most of the time the bugs they fix are not the problem ones. So in the end you just have to ask yourself do i want rainbow colored armor to play in or do i want the normal (vanilla, I hate the use of this name for original or normal games).

  10. I wish i could give the good ones money. However, I can not as I am not wealthy, so I do the next best thing and show my support. If I could hand out money I would do so for our soldiers, sailors and Marines. I like you gave money to this site a place where modders can show their work and allow others to use it and even donate.


    My reason for this post is and will continue to mean I support all the modders from the beginners to the experts, the goofy to the game changing, immersion to cheating. So yes if you can donate do so but if like me tell them thank you and not whine or complain or even calling a mod stupid or dumb cause it does not fit with what you believe to be cannon or lore.

  11. Before they release the kits so we can get some of the great mods we know are to come. I want to say thank you, most of you will spend more time editing, coding, creating new textures and audio files for us. Here is a place to give a shout out to your favorite modder.


    No bashing, or flaming modders. so show your support to the people who make the game more fun.




    THANK YOU!!!!


    Hey Grassman, is there a way to do early in game bugs, middle, and late game bugs, I ask this as I accidentally learned what not to do or to do (some ppl call it a spoiler for me i feel like i cheated as i knew what was needed if you understand my meaning) If not don't worry about it.


    What exactly is early, mid and late game when you can go where ever you want when ever you want? XD


    i guess early would be sanct. Lexi, Concord, and USAF as they are the first things most ppl do. Mid. i dont know not there yet lol. I guess it would be more like areas idk. Don't worry about it. Hopefully Beth gets off her arse and pubs a patch soon.

  13. there is another suit Spoiler below can't get the spoiler to work







    Spoiler by a down vertibird next to the robot graveyard, just needs a core and some parts. I walked it back with no core in it and set it up next to my armor.

  14. Serious shading issue with the pipboy. In dim area lighting it's impossible to see the item stats, health, carry weight, and AP listed in the corners.



    Have you tried clicking the right mouse button to zoom in. Also in the settings if lens flare is on turn it off same with motion blur. Hope this helps.

  15. To clarify a couple of things from my earlier post. Skyrim may have ripped off some things from every game before them. It was the first in Beths FPS/RPG, in having a true open world. I have still not completed that game as there is soooo much you can do and not mess up the story line.


    We are in the Apocalypse, where are the rad roaches, scorpions, etc... should be almost everywhere, and not tied to a specific point of interest. NV at least had a lot of creatures to fight and its a desert. Boston is in a temperate zone with mutant deer, elk, bears oh my. But alas nope, no nada.


    As I progress somethings are starting to look better but the glaring ones are getting worse. One is why is there so much clipping around buildings and rocks. I have a good rig and i am running everything on ultra, with motion blur and lens flare removed. I still get 75fps @60mhz.


    Plus I hate wearing raider armor, why can't I make my own from leather metal etc... I like the power armor it feels like power armor, but I don't like wearing t all the time. Rant mode off.

  16. dialog wheel disappears leaving you stuck in a dialog

    Hit tab to get out of conversation mode, I have this problem with dogmeat a lot.



    Got a thing, not sure if its a glitch or not, at the main title screen (post static, while focusing on the power armor) there's this weird crackling noise in the music and stuttering in the video.

    Are you talking about the grainy film and the scratchy music recording? If so that has been how all FOs opening shots have been.

  17. I have to put my 2 cents in as a meh. I don't hate it and I don't love it. Some people have compared this to Mass Effect and I have to disagree with that as I couldn't wait to get in and game. Instead of Playing Fallout 4, with no one to bother me i.e. wife, kids, phone, etc... I just do not feel like it and when I do its for an hour max and then I quit and play something else or go to bed.


    After reading quite a few reviews I think this is what is making people upset.


    Skyrim was a very new and unique Rpg. Even with its problems was still a fun game with lots and lots of options.

    Fallout 4 had they expectations of Skyrim based on the engine and how well the staff did on that game presumed it would be done on FO4.

    If they would not have taken away some stuff and then replaced it with half assed stuff it would not be so bad. The leveling is a joke, why would you need to be a level 10 beach bully to be able to build a structure, or have to be a raging nerd to be able to modify a weapon. or like this game does and says nope you have to be the size of a beach bully but smarter then a brain surgeon to make a pillow.

    I like the combat takes a little to get used to for an RPG but if you look at it from an FPS its how they play.

    I do not like the options in conversations 4 is just lazy imho.

    I do not really care for the companions for the way the are used. i should not have to go through 3 menus to tell Meat to find enemies or loot. I do like that Codsworth says my name, when he talks to me, and not Hi "insert name here" how are you doing.


    I think they tried to please all gamer types by encompassing elements from each but failing in the overall picture. Some of this could have been fixed in a true closed beta or even with a consumer group. But then again I am a nobody gamer, who prays that the modders will fix what is wrong and enhance what is good.


    I would have been pissed though if I would have spent the money on the CE Pip boy, knowing you can use your phone to do the same thing.

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